So I was daqan Cilis at my grand mas house with her son ( my dad) his sister her son ( my Cousin) his wife their daugter
We had a maid and as usual eedo treated her like dog shit and grand ma like eey eey dhale Dog shit ( I was treated like an angel somehow)
For example she wasnt allowed to watch hindi even when she was done with her
Sometimes I was alone at home with only her since I was shaqo lacanimo at its finest and nobody forced me to do a thing and she sometimes asked me to turn the TV on and I always did knowing eedo wouldnt approve that
She was also like my first friend there we did a lot of sheeqo and laughed
( I was 16 and she 15)
Just realized now that I was maybe a bit in love with her
We had a maid and as usual eedo treated her like dog shit and grand ma like eey eey dhale Dog shit ( I was treated like an angel somehow)
For example she wasnt allowed to watch hindi even when she was done with her
Sometimes I was alone at home with only her since I was shaqo lacanimo at its finest and nobody forced me to do a thing and she sometimes asked me to turn the TV on and I always did knowing eedo wouldnt approve that
She was also like my first friend there we did a lot of sheeqo and laughed
( I was 16 and she 15)
Just realized now that I was maybe a bit in love with her