Storytime: Somali Hooyo fights in Tower Hamlets

The Camels of Cal madow

Porcupine and proud
One day when I was 11 years old, I was taking the 25 bus to Stratford when I noticed two somali women having an argument and were cursing each other in Somali.

It escalated when suddenly, one took the jewel from her ring and scratched the other woman's face with the sharp spikes.

Then the other woman started punching and scratching her while the bengalis and Cadaan were trying to pull them off each other.

The Camels of Cal madow

Porcupine and proud
Another time, in primary, two somali boys in my year had an argument. My school had a high population of Somalis so the gossip spread like wildfire.

Eventually it reached, one of the boys mother who confronted the other boy and started shouting at him.

The other boys mother, defended her son and started shouting at the mother. Then the mothers started fighting in the school.

The ajanabis were so confused why they were fighting in front of the children and the teachers were all running to the women.

Then the second woman was pushed, tripped over this small stool thing and broke her leg. She was then taken by an ambulance.

And I witnessed the whole thing unfold.
Why do somalis bring out all our ceeb in front of others ffs. 2 grown women fighting in a playground:snoop:
Don’t exaggerate, somali mums are probably the most calmest, level headed, women in public. Never seen them fight in all my life. Stop projecting if you’re ashamed to be Somali.
Don’t exaggerate, somali mums are probably the most calmest, level headed, women in public. Never seen them fight in all my life. Stop projecting if you’re ashamed to be Somali.
I'm not ashamed but pointing out the way somalis sometimes behave in public is embarrassing. I've seen somali mothers fight and it isn't as uncommon as you think it is. Me pointing that out doesn't mean im not proud to be somali
I don't think level headed is one of our many attributes.
We are a nomadic warlike people with quick tempers, so it is to be expected. It was a good trait to have in the past when there were constant conflicts between people groups in the world.

It is now a mostly bothersome trait in the 21st century, now that most people globally are soft and peaceful.

