Streetcleaners are killed in the Savage South Somalia

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Mogadishu is a sinful city that refuses to atone and then wonders why it does not have peace.

Imagine, families living in looted houses that have the real owner buried in the backyard asking for peace?

Families who eat haram income that comes from illegal checkpoints or illegal bakara market money, asking for peace?

What do Somalis do when they want rain? They BEG for forgiveness.

The solution is very simple.
Mogadishu is a sinful city that refuses to atone and then wonders why it does not have peace.

Imagine, families living in looted houses that have the real owner buried in the backyard asking for peace?

Families who eat haram income that comes from illegal checkpoints or illegal bakara market money, asking for peace?

What NOW??


Surely this can't be true?

The capital should be moved from Xamar, why the hell is it still the capital after sooo long?

What NOW??


Surely this can't be true?

The capital should be moved from Xamar, why the hell is it still the capital after sooo long?


It's true.

During the civil war, Aideed's drugged footsoldiers looted and raped people and buried them in their own backyards.

They even raped cadcad women in MASJIDS, kidnapped them and forced them to bear children. Ask @Shanshiyo1234 for more on their nasty crimes.

These criminals are alive and well and they and their offspring are in Mogadishu living large in looted houses.

They are protected by their clans even their elders and islamic elite are mute on the civil war atrocities.

Yet, they want peace.



Samaalic Era

It's true.

During the civil war, Aideed's drugged footsoldiers looted and raped people and buried them in their own backyards.

They even raped cadcad women in MASJIDS, kidnapped them and forced them to bear children. Ask @Shanshiyo1234 for more on their nasty crimes.

These criminals are alive and well and they and their offspring are in Mogadishu living large in looted houses.

They are protected by their clans even their elders and islamic elite are mute on the civil war atrocities.

Yet, they want peace.



There were rogue elements of HG. Most of HG didnt approve

Samaalic Era

Which HG people spoke out about it?

Silence is complicity.

Afweyne's regime was evil but that does not excuse attacking random people.

If Mogadishu wants peace, they need to get rid of their rogue elements, this is step 1.

The Major clans in South all took part in Killings and Lootings. Why are you singling out HG?
The Major clans in South all took part in Killings and Lootings. Why are you singling out HG?

HG/Abgaal whoever was in USC but HG was the strongest faction in USC and HG men were the ones who moved onto Kismaayo, Barawe, Marka etc, raping, killing and looting.

Even today, HG are trying to wrestle Marka from Biyomaal, the natives.

I am not blaming ALL of Hawiye but I believe the good Hawiye people stand aside and do nothing whilst their rogue kin commit major crimes.

This makes me wonder if they secretly approve or even fund these operations as a united clan.
Puntitequeen, ******s shouldnt talk.
No one from the Somalis ever committed disgraceful crime like them.
Who invited Xabashis?

Ghedi and the other Hawiye leaders along with USC warlords approved, or did you forget?

USC attacked USC and then helped create ICU AND welcomed the Ethiopians. You hate each other more than you hate my people and it worked out beautifully.

The TFG government essentially helped usher in Federalism, you are so very welcome.

I was alive in 2006, try someone else.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Ghedi and the other Hawiye leaders along with USC warlords approved, or did you forget?

USC attacked USC and then helped create ICU AND welcomed the Ethiopians. You hate each other more than you hate my people and it worked out beautifully.

The TFG government essentially helped usher in Federalism, you are so very welcome.

I was alive in 2006, try someone else.

Ab*** dameers dont represent hawiye.

Garowians loves them because they know they are easy to trick.

This huge L from the awful crime of inviting xabashis falls on the shoulders of Garowians.
Ab*** dameers dont represent hawiye.

Garowians loves them because they know they are easy to trick.

This huge L from the awful crime of inviting xabashis falls on the shoulders of Garowians.

Pretty sure HG politicians were also involved.

Ethiopians didn't do half the crimes USC did, stop acting so pious. What's the difference between an Ethiopian killing you and a fellow Somali?

USC opened the savage floodgates and everyone else entered behind them, enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Samaalic Era

Pretty sure HG politicians were also involved.

Ethiopians didn't do half the crimes USC did, stop acting so pious. What's the difference between an Ethiopian killing you and a fellow Somali?

USC opened the savage floodgates and everyone else entered behind them, enjoy the fruits of your labour.

You just hate HG. Its HG who pushed al shabab from Central Somalia and made it safe. Also Marka is HG and Biyomaal. Its a shared city


Weeping for the Nation of 68
You just hate HG. Its HG who pushed al shabab from Central Somalia and made it safe

No, they dislike HG because HG is da.rod's nightmare.

Without HG,Darood would be elected every year. Or they would become another MSB. They know this very well.

Even farmaajo knows if he tries to hold on the power like his daddy MSB, new civilwar will explode.
No, they dislike HG because HG is da.rod's nightmare.

Without HG,Darood would be elected every year. Or they would become another MSB. They know this very well.

Even farmaajo knows if he tries to hold on the power like his daddy MSB, new civilwar will explode.

HG is HG's nightmare.

Haram money passed on from generation to generation. Enjoy that curse.

Puntites don't want Mogadishu, you must have us confused for the other group that cannot let go.
Farmaajo's Booli Qaran people = not us.
any connection to the gov and you're an apostate, they kill shop owners for selling products to troops, insane people, im confused why some suggest negotiations with them, even the taliban is more reasonable.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Until certain Qabiil ask for forgiveness, Muqdisho will remain unruly.

It's sinful when people don't recognize their wrong doings.
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