Qurjejoog* sulkan - wired or online diaspora.
The word 'sulkin' originates from when weaving 'derin, raar, kabad, reeryo' etc., from 'caw, xaskul, maydhax', or any other textile, 'sulkin' is the process of interconnecting of interoperables, for instance, its equivalence is, in the hardware- software sense, the interfacing of I/O system components. Or so I thought.

Not to be mistaken with 'falkin', the act of weaving.

Food for thought.

*In its written form, I prefer 'qurbejoog' with an 'e' instead of an 'a' so as to stay closer to the root of its tree 'qurbe' instead of 'qurba', which sounds a bit like 'qurbah', a word with a different meaning.
In the Qaamuuska afsoomaaliga by Linguist Mansuur it mentions that qurbe at first but there is variant qurbo.



Qurbe is masculine.

it is the most common.

Qurbaha ayuu joogaa.

qurbaha waxaa jooga dad wax bartay oo ka baqaya ku soo laabashada dalka oo xaaladiisu xuntahay.


Qurbo is feminine

Qurbada waa lagu go’ay.

only very few people use it. I have heard it before.

It is might be possible the word qurbajoog is coined with feminine version of the word word