Suspicious vessel washed up ashore at Ilfoocshe (Ilfohshe) beach near Jariban town

I’m gonna make a telegram server with all the centralized information regarding this investigation which has spanned decades and is full of nuances. Truly shocking, the purpose would be to collect as much information as possible and sending it to greenpeace which has been heavily involved throughout this entire investigation. Any diaspora Somali can join, it is our duty to help shed this to light. I don’t want any buuq or Bs I want people with aqli who will contact ngo’s, dig through the internet far and wide. I’ve already got a pretty big collection and I will post the link to the telegram on my next post
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I’m gonna make a telegram server with all the centralized information regarding this investigation which has spanned decades and is full of nuances. Truly shocking, the purpose would be to collect as much information as possible and sending it to greenpeace which has been heavily involved throughout this entire investigation. Any diaspora Somali can join, it is our duty to help shed this to light. I don’t want any buuq or Bs I want people with aqli who will contact ngo’s, dig through the internet far and wide. I’ve already got a pretty big collection and I will post the link to the telegram on my next post
What do you think this vessel could be?
How can they ascertain it is dangerous when they are african jahiliyas?
Phone records of between fadumo Aidiid and idor nur Hussein on 10/25/1998.

"They have poisoned the whole territory. My father had protested against Mustafa Tolba, who was then the UN representative in Nairobi. You know he unveiled the story?
On the other hand the Miguirtini are OK with the burying of the toxic waste, that's the problem. They don't care about the country and people dying. The toxic waste produced by Italian and European (sic) industries get loaded onto boats in the port of Trieste. They get distributed in the countries. It's toxic waste and uranium. It destroys everything."

They knew whatever they were shipping to Somalia was dangerous and their greed and evilness proceeded them they didn’t even do it in one place they made sure it was spread out throughout. Ali mahdi lived 20 years as a rich man after dying from Covid and as a result of that people in this country will be born with birth defects, radiation poisoning, tumors, cancer, unexplainable illnesses for decades to come. May him and his circle of acquaintances burn in hell for all of eternity.


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