Sweden imports 800,000 tonnes of trash to keep recycling plants running

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Green Technology is gonna be a big thing in the future. Companies are going to invest billions of dollars on waste management, renewable clean energy, and preventing future spills.

Too bad AbdiJohnson and the politicians he supports deny climate change and would rather suck up to the oil companies rather than look towards the future.
Green Technology is gonna be a big thing in the future. Companies are going to invest billions of dollars on waste management, renewable clean energy, and preventing future spills.

Too bad AbdiJohnson and the politicians he supports deny climate change and would rather suck up to the oil companies rather than look towards the future.

I believe in climate change and green energy and so does Trump and his Secretary of State, CEO of Exxon Mobile.

Swedish Somali Engineers and Danish Somali Engineers run lapse around other Somali Engineers in the despora.

I met a Somalsweed who completely embodies the Scandinavian Design Culture.

So many Chinese people would kill to have Swedish passports so they can get funding from Chinese companies to use the "Made in Sweden" or "Designed in Sweden" origins to upsale products at a higher value in Asia.

Somali swedes with a half grain of inspiration can do so much damage if they partnered with Swedish cofounders.
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