T1a elders welcomed in Midhisho, Sanaag

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Het beste uitzicht
Sometimes i envy these old suldaans, caaqils, Madax dhaqameeds etc, all they do is travel from village to village, town to town eating fresh slaughtered hilib, chilling under trees and marrying young xaliimos :jcoleno: and getting paid for it
Who the flip uses elders in governance in 2017? In fact what is the point of having a goverment if the population have elders?:ftw9nwa: No wonder somalia is the most failed country on the planet.
Why are most of your posts you talking shit about your own country? :draketf:

Because my country happens to be the most failed country in the world and with probably the lowest gdp and one of the largest population refugee percentage, while prostituting it's self by bringing in foregin entites, selling it's own sea, resources such as oil and it's ports while people strave and die of hunger and diseases - thats why.
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Qram Qram Jaw
Madax-dhaqameedka Garxejis Oo Midhisho Lagu Casuumey

As a FKD veteran how can you make a rookie mistake like this, next time there is fkd picture thread of who looks more bantu, expect the first two guys in the video to feature.


how do i use this
Because my country happens to be the most failed country in the world and with probably the lowest gdp and one of the largest population refugee percentage, while prostituting it's self by bringing in foregin entites, selling it's own sea, resources such as oil and it's ports while people strave and die of hunger and diseases - thats why.
and how will that help


As a FKD veteran how can you make a rookie mistake like this, next time there is fkd picture thread of who looks more bantu, expect the first two guys in the video to feature.

Those guys are just very dark not Bantu looking.

This is what a Bantu looks like.

Abdisamad Galan
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