Tahriib : Slavery In Libya. TW : Torture

Watch the full TikTok this is so depressing :farmajoyaab:we need to educate fobs about what could happen if they try to tahriib like actually put it on TV so they know .

Also buy out everyone who’s there but not to The west send them back where they came so ppl dont think they can get away with it :camby:

how do you think we can combat this ?


prima hablood 𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚
Libya has been fucked every since Gaddafi was Killed by rebels and that country hasn’t been the same.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Somalis are no better than oromos at this point
There is no difference between traveling and crossing into Yemen and Libya
How do these folks call themselves Muslims . I can’t imagine these dudes praying right after doing all this wallahi what a shame . They’ll have to answer to Allah and no one else