tale of man who helped hide a woman's sin

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not so sad after all
This is a true story I don't remember the details of the story so I'll try to keep it short (keep in mind that I may have some things in the story wrong)

There once was a man who had seen the Prophet (alaihi salatu wa salam) in his dream, telling him about a man who was a man of jannah. The man being curious about what this man had done to be praised line that, found him and asked him it was that he had done. The man shrugged, but he was asked a few more times until he finally told his story:

He was to married a woman. but shortly after he had married her, he realized that she was pregnant with someone else's kid before she married him. He knew that she regretted what she had done, and he didn't want to leave her either. So he instead helped to hide her pregnancy from everyone until she had given birth.

Once she had given birth, he took the baby early in the morning before fajr, wrapped him up in a blanket and cradle, and (I think I'm not quite sure of this part) left him at the doorstep of the masjid. he went in to pray his sunnah and came out to find people coming to the masjid, surrounding the cradle. He went up to the baby when every one was surrounding it and announced to the people that he and his wife would take this baby in as their son. And that was basically that.

I hope you all enjoyed the story and learned something from it :) Moral of the story: help cover people's shame, rather than try to embarrass or shame them:sureman:


"Whoever covers for a Muslim, Allah will cover for him"

that is what Islam teaches us anyway
What a rather silly allegory

This reminds me of a chain message I used to receive via email back in 2009, about a Sheikh claiming he had seen the prophet while leading a prayer at the Haram. He saw the prophet and was told about how bad the state of the "Ummah" was and what not, and that qiyamah was near. In the end it had a note saying you'd get hasanat if you forwarded it :)

Got it about a dozen of times before I started blocking people


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Thats a rather nice gesture lol when he left it at the doorstep I thought he was gonna leave the baby there
Thats a rather nice gesture lol when he left it at the doorstep I thought he was gonna leave the baby there

Thats what i thought too, what a nice way to hide a womans sin

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