Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices

Internet Nomad


Imagine the peace and quiet in Afghanistan right now.

Internet Nomad

Jokes aside this is absolutely stupid the way they are going they are gonna start burying their daughters like pre-islamic arabs.
the crazier thing is that they are by far the most moderate of all the islamist insurgencies in the last decades, a state run by an alqeada affiliate like al shabaab or isis would make Afghanistan look like a women's right paradise
What I dont get is where are these Muslims coming from, is there a parallel with Al-shabab and the Taliban in history?
the crazier thing is that they are by far the most moderate of all the islamist insurgencies in the last decades, a state run by an alqeada affiliate like al shabaab or isis would make Afghanistan look like a women's right paradise
For real, if the Taliban is bad, people will lose it the moment Al-Shabaab gets in. Concubines, you name it—Somalis will face the humiliation of the century within months if Al-Shabaab were to take over.

Emir of Harar

Make Harar Great Again
Lol if they didn't need women for childbirth, they would have completely banned them from the country.
I agree with the Islamic principles they're implementing and the sharia but this is too far except the singing. They're going more extreme everytime.
Just look up Bacha Bazi Pastuns are sick people sadly the Tajiks, Hazara etc are powerless against them because their more liberal then them I wonder if they will keep making crazier laws
the crazier thing is that they are by far the most moderate of all the islamist insurgencies in the last decades, a state run by an alqeada affiliate like al shabaab or isis would make Afghanistan look like a women's right paradise
Why is every Islamist insurgency so hateful towards women and how can Muslim men expect Muslim women to support any so called Islamic group when we’re the first group to be mistreated?

Wallahi this is definitely impacting the imaan and the morale of women. No women even the most practicing is ever going to be happy living under those terms.
For real, if the Taliban is bad, people will lose it the moment Al-Shabaab gets in. Concubines, you name it—Somalis will face the humiliation of the century within months if Al-Shabaab were to take over.
The Taliban is headed towards that direction. They’re slowly getting worse and worse.
no theyre not stop spreading propaganda and xaar smearing the noble muslim rulers.
You’re a joke. They literally used a fatwa saying that teaching women to write is not good.

You either believe this to be true or you’re a liar.

I never knew you hated women this much.
You’re a joke. They literally used a fatwa saying that teaching women to write is not good.

You either believe this to be true or you’re a liar.

I never knew you hated women this much.
They’re a too extreme. Some just grasp at any W against the west. Muslim world has been getting bullied for a long time. So people will get behind any winner.