Above is a book from late 1930's Spain- "Between Masons and Marxists". (The spider, representing Freemasonry, is attacking the heart of Spain.)
The book was written by a soldier who fought for Franco. Franco fought against the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. Franco genocided Communists and Freemasons in Spain. He was very strongly backed by Mussolini. It was actually one of the biggest military successes of fascist Italy. Mussolini sent I believe 800,000 soldiers to fight alongside Franco if I remember correctly. There was some lesser support from Hitler but Franco was much closer with Mussolini.
That is to give some background as to historical context. Btw the author said he was a former Freemason.
Above is an extract from the book. Six points representing tendencies of Freemasonry.
Above is my translation of the extract. Posting in case anyone is interested in this kind of thing.