That's it im done with Somali Men!!

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@Dibleyy .
You should do a couple of things . first be honest with yourself. You expect to find a beautiful man when the case maybe you arent that good looking. No problem but be realistic. Second it seems that you are culture and diinless.
You should start wearing the hijab. If he seen your hijab he probably wouldn't have said anything. I probably would have been thinking the same thing but as soon as i seen you were Somali. Salaan Sare.
Thirdly dont make 100 somali men an excuse. Your fathers and abtis , brothers are Somali Maxamed. So come clean and say im not compatible for somali and need ajanabi. Simple.

Fyi. Somali men love naag hooga miisaan leh.
Yall! Im taking Spring Uni classes so I left school one day and I was waiting for my bus (yes at this big age I still cant drive) and im shoked as I walked past this really cute Somali guy (rare as it is) he was just my type talking with his friend. So I have my headphones in glancing from time to time seeing if I should just shoot my shot.

Soon him and his friend start talking in french thinking I dont understand and are talking about me saying "maybe she's Somali" (I dont wear a hijab) and he goes "she's too fat for my type and she looks awkward and she's not lightskin"

After I heard that I tell them back in french that "not even desperate women would want your ugly ass"

and they looked SHOCKED! After I proceed to walk away

Why is it every encounter I have with Somali men is so bad? The one's in Canada are and so full of themselves, rar UK is just trash, and im not about to be a sugar mama for some guy back home

Solution? Im going to get in a fake marriage and divorce 2 years after and then live the rest of my life with 3 cats

Thanks @Aaegal for the idea

Already know you'll be the first one to respond @Tukraq just so you know its all your fault saying niggas wont reject you

Lose weight and don't lie to yourself about the way you look.

Mate, i'm seeing more and more Somali guys talk about preferring light skin girls.

I find it funny considering the ones who yap on about light skin girls are usually pretty dark. They need to be taught self love.

Since, i'm light they seem to be pretty open with me about their dislike of dark skin women.

Face/body type >>>> skin tone.


Okay, we understand you hate Somali men. Can you now stop making threads about us? You sound obsessed.
Yall! Im taking Spring Uni classes so I left school one day and I was waiting for my bus (yes at this big age I still cant drive) and im shoked as I walked past this really cute Somali guy (rare as it is) he was just my type talking with his friend. So I have my headphones in glancing from time to time seeing if I should just shoot my shot.

Soon him and his friend start talking in french thinking I dont understand and are talking about me saying "maybe she's Somali" (I dont wear a hijab) and he goes "she's too fat for my type and she looks awkward and she's not lightskin"

After I heard that I tell them back in french that "not even desperate women would want your ugly ass"

and they looked SHOCKED! After I proceed to walk away

Why is it every encounter I have with Somali men is so bad? The one's in Canada are and so full of themselves, rar UK is just trash, and im not about to be a sugar mama for some guy back home

Solution? Im going to get in a fake marriage and divorce 2 years after and then live the rest of my life with 3 cats

Thanks @Aaegal for the idea

Already know you'll be the first one to respond @Tukraq just so you know its all your fault saying niggas wont reject you
Lower your standards before you get old and lose your looks
Alotta faraaxs are trash, and a lot arent.

But this is just your normal trashy person. Folks talk trash when they think the other person can't understand them, or behind their back. And this goes for both genders. Just look at all the trash people say here with the anonymity of the internet.


The one and only 4head
J'espère que tu te dis la même chose :siilaanyolaugh:

Je me vois pas plus beau/moche que les autres hein. Donc ça me correspond pas :)
Quand je me fais recale, je ne fais jamais de topic/thread à quel point c'est la faute à la meuf si elle n'a pas voulue me donner son derrière. Donc non, ça me concerne pas :D
Elle voulait le 7/10 mais ne savait pas qu'elle était une 3/10.
Sois réaliste et arrête de courir après quelque chose que tu peux pas avoir


Sorry @4head I still have guys chasing me at 3/10 you on the other hand spend nights looking through mgtow posts and wondering if your ever going to get laid . . . Sad
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