The athiest mafia is the most powerful in Sspot

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They like 30 deep

Some keep it secret some are out in the open

But lets just say they are very powerful, If you cant beat them Join them :lebronwait:


They're like 7 of them. They ain't deep.:camby:They ain't shit tbh they hide from their families. If I catch them irl I would play ball with them and beat the shit out of them afterwards.:lolbron:
I remember I was the only active and known Somali atheist/agnostic on the forum just last year.

Now we are the visible majority. Before we were the invisible majority but I made my brothers and sisters no longer afraid of the wicked. The wicked are afraid of us
I remember I was the only active and known Somali atheist/agnostic on the forum just last year.

Now we are the visible majority. Before we were the invisible majority but I made my brothers and sisters no longer afraid of the wicked. The wicked are afraid of us



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether or not God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable

..... so technically all 7 billion people on earth are agnostics. Nobody knows jack shit. Everybody just claims to know shit but they're just as clueless as the rest of us.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
They're like 7 of them. They ain't deep.:camby:They ain't shit tbh they hide from their families. If I catch them irl I would play ball with them and beat the shit out of them afterwards.:lolbron:

My dad already knows.

And you're just being petty cos we're growing faster by the hour. :rudywhatever:

I'd still play FIFA with you though and beat your ass.
I guess the thobe and the fake wadaad act hasn't been working for ya, eh?:chrisfreshhah:

*sings in mijjertenian* :feelinmyself:

Damn I was thinking the same thing. From wanting to settle down and find a good girl to chasing recognition from some random athiests online :camby:

Thank f*ck you couldn't find and corrupt a somali girl.
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