The biggest Mosque in Hargeisa now realizes and is fed up with an epidemic that they've ignored for

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
far too long.

in no other place in Somalia has more mental people per capita then the capital of the breakaway entity.

Last time I visited while sitting at this cafe shop across from Hargeisa Municipal building I noticed that in every 4 min there would be a madman walking past us. Some would stand in the middle of the street and just urinate in freedom. Others would be carrying assortment of things ( a cup, a cadey ( tooth brush stick) and would be holding an interesting conversation with himself.

So naturally I turned to my local cousin and said " there are so many mentally ill folks " and he replied "yeah! You know something, when my I ran into a friend today and he seems normal today I don't assume that he'll be normal tomorrow. If I ran into him tomorrow and I notice ninkii oo biyaha iyo saliida isku daraya I just acknowledge nigga has beencompromised by his mind and so I keep on moving. That's the state of the suffering here when it comes to mental illness" :damn::chrisfreshhah::dead1:

In this video the imam is saying that he needs security officers to be present the mosque because this mosque is located in downtown, a central station for the mentally disturbed. Apparently what happens is, in the middle of the salatul tarweeh some madman in the congregation would start screaming or would loudly read his own version of the Quran. :faysalwtf::siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyolaugh:
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