The Central Powers Winning WW1 was in Greater Somalia’s interest!

This is what would happen If Central powers wins WWI. If the United States decided to stick to selling arms to the British and French and stayed out. Germany breaksthrough in the Spring Offensive in 1918 and the war is over.
Some of you may not know this but the Germany Empire helped smuggle guns and arms during most of the dervish movement and were one of their biggest supporters.
Anyways, The Ottomans and Germany reward Mohammad Abduallah Hassan for continuing his dervish movement and wasting British & Italian resources in putting down the revolt and gift the Ogaden and the NFD of British Kenya to a new Somali state. Although, Djibouti is ceded to the German Empire for strategic reasons.
Somalia could've start it's development far earlier, eventually becoming a regional power by the end of the century. Somalia would've discovered it's natural resources earlier, leading to a great economy. We could have even taken over Harar, Socotra, and Maldives. Truly a blessed timeline!


Internet Nomad

Somalia would have been way more geopolitically & internationally important than now. We would be in a far better position even if there were sabotage. Besides,
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True the Somali ego would be 10x what it is today i wouldn't be shocked if they didn't adopt fascism in this timeline.

Internet Nomad

Not just Somali ego. Cushitic ego as a whole would skyrocket like there’s no tomorrow.
Plus the ottoman empire wouldn't face defeat and not dismantle. So the war on terror wouldn't be a thing. Making the muslim world super powerful.Just image a single passport you can travel from Kabul to Tehran to Beirut.
This is what would happen If Central powers wins WWI. If the United States decided to stick to selling arms to the British and French and stayed out. Germany breaksthrough in the Spring Offensive in 1918 and the war is over.
Some of you may not know this but the Germany Empire helped smuggle guns and arms during most of the dervish movement and were one of their biggest supporters.
Anyways, The Ottomans and Germany reward Mohammad Abduallah Hassan for continuing his dervish movement and wasting British & Italian resources in putting down the revolt and gift the Ogaden and the NFD of British Kenya to a new Somali state. Although, Djibouti is ceded to the German Empire for strategic reasons.
Somalia could've start it's development far earlier, eventually becoming a regional power by the end of the century. Somalia would've discovered it's natural resources earlier, leading to a great economy. We could have even taken over Harar, Socotra, and Maldives. Truly a blessed timeline!
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Isn't this just the alternate reality of the Kaiserreich mod for Hearts of Kron 4 😂
I'm 99% sure you took this map from the game, it is identical to it. In the game there is also a greater Somalia led by Sayids descendants


A landheere always pays his debts
believe it not, qabil was not really an issue until recently. Most issues were solved via elders. Post 1990 is when qabil started dominating
It is amazing how every issue within Somalia is reduced to Qablaayad. Samaale and the first Somali identity is less say 1,000 years old approx. Surely, if qabil was the root of our issues we would quite literally be exterminated? It is almost as if an elephant in the room appeared in the late 19th to mid-20th century that acted as a divider & conqueror. Even within that, up until the last 50 years, we were united to defeat the outside enemy (SYL, the greatest political movement was a amalgamation of every qabil). Since the 70’s, and a specific warlord during a specific geopolitical context (cold war), happened to use qabil as a way to cause constraint, which its aftermath has been seen not even during his reign but after his reign. 30/10000=0.03% of our history has been chaos stemming directly from qabil. 1969-1991 - it was a dictator who was opportunistically trying to stay afloat and using any means, he was genuinely indifferent as long as he had loyalty (MOD has been proven to be a lie, record shows nearly all clans represented in his govt.). It was only after 1991 where this naturally internally exploded.


the world would look radically different

maybe there wouldn’t even be nation states but empires in the 21st century
believe it not, qabil was not really an issue until recently. Most issues were solved via elders. Post 1990 is when qabil started dominating

post 1978 really, Siyaad playing off clans against each other to stay in power is what restarted clannism
post 1978 really, Siyaad playing off clans against each other to stay in power is what restarted clannism
In 1978-89 he used Issaqs to attack Mudug by poising wells and indiscriminately kill, rape and torture 5000+ MJ's but then "halted" the attacks after he saw what they were doing. There was relative development of infrastructure from 1981-84, then the creation of the MOD alliance and finally his car accident. Most people say he became a changed man after his accident and it was an indirect effect that intensified clannism. In the late 80's many of his relatives started taking the steering wheel and making decisions for him. I think he should've just stepped down after his car accident
In 1978-89 he used Issaqs to attack Mudug by poising wells and indiscriminately kill, rape and torture 5000+ MJ's but then "halted" the attacks after he saw what they were doing. There was relative development of infrastructure from 1981-84, then the creation of the MOD alliance and finally his car accident. Most people say he became a changed man after his accident and it was an indirect effect that intensified clannism. In the late 80's many of his relatives started taking the steering wheel and making decisions for him. I think he should've just stepped down after his car accident
most of the isaaqs and MJs were allied, SSDF and SNM shared a radio station that was manned by Mj’s, which is why when Siyaad made a deal with Mengistu they capurated them but SNM were warned and able to escape.

he had the greatest fear of those two clans because they dominated the republican period and we’re more urbanized historically. Siyaad was a geeljire orphan and resented the reer magals
most of the isaaqs and MJs were allied, SSDF and SNM shared a radio station that was manned by Mj’s, which is why when Siyaad made a deal with Mengistu they capurated them but SNM were warned and able to escape.

he had the greatest fear of those two clans because they dominated the republican period and we’re more urbanized historically. Siyaad was a geeljire orphan and resented the reer magals
This was way after, and they weren't allied just had the same support network. Stop with the historical revisionism