The Colour Of Prophet Muhammed(SAW)


I put Books to the Test of Life

In Classical Arabic there are several distinct ‘shades of blackness’ as noted by al-Tha‘labīb in his Fiqh al-lugha [82-82] Abyad/bayad is a particular shade or ‘type’ of blackness. According to the important Syrian hadith scholar and historian of Islam, Shāms al-Dīn al-Dhahabī in his Siyar a’lām al-nubalā’ [II:168]:

“When Arabs say, ‘so-and-so is white (abyad),’ they mean a golden brown complexion with a black appearance.”
Al-Dhahbi wrote:

إِنَّ العَرَبَ إِذَا قَالَتْ: فُلاَنٌ أَبْيَضُ، فَإِنَّهُمْ يُرِيْدُوْنَ الحِنْطِيَّ اللَّوْنِ بِحِلْيَةٍ سَوْدَاءَ، فَإِنْ كَانَ فِي لَوْنِ أَهْلِ الهِنْدِ، قَالُوا: أَسْمَرُ، وَآدَمُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي سَوَادِ التِّكْرُوْرِ، قَالُوا: أَسْوَدُ وَكَذَا كُلُّ مَنْ غَلَبَ عَلَيْهِ السَّوَادُ، قَالُوا: أَسْوَدُ أَوْ شَدِيْدُ الأُدْمَةِ When Arabs say; So and so is ‘abyad’, they mean a wheatish complexion with slight darkness (hintiy al-lawn bi-hilyatin sawda).

It’s well known the original Arabs where fairly dark skinned today’s Arabs are a mixture of Berbers, Asians Europeans. The mongols conquered Syria, Iraq and mass raped women.
I think you are correct. Arabs in general categorize whiteness differently
For example, they were called white, or more properly speaking, blond (red), and they could be despised and considered (non-Arabs) or foreigners. Also, the Arabs were proud of their dark skin, and it was considered a sign of authenticity and was called (green).
Here he says:
الفضل بن العباس بن عتبه :
‏وأنا الأخضر من يعرفني
‏أخضر الجلدة في بيت العربِ
ويقول الدرامي :
‏أنا مسكين لمن يعرفني
‏لوني السمرة ألوان العرب
الجاحظ :
‏"و العرب تفتخر بسواد اللون و ذكر بعض القبائل التي
كانت تفتخر بها ومنهم قبائل تسمى بنو جفنة "


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I think you are correct. Arabs in general categorize whiteness differently
For example, they were called white, or more properly speaking, blond (red), and they could be despised and considered (non-Arabs) or foreigners. Also, the Arabs were proud of their dark skin, and it was considered a sign of authenticity and was called (green).
Here he says:
الفضل بن العباس بن عتبه :
‏وأنا الأخضر من يعرفني
‏أخضر الجلدة في بيت العربِ
ويقول الدرامي :
‏أنا مسكين لمن يعرفني
‏لوني السمرة ألوان العرب
الجاحظ :
‏"و العرب تفتخر بسواد اللون و ذكر بعض القبائل التي
كانت تفتخر بها ومنهم قبائل تسمى بنو جفنة "
In general, Arabs have these three colors: medium - olive - brown


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Garaad Awal

War is coming.
Arabs looked like the modern Arabian Bedouin tribes & insular populations. The Prophet and the Hijaz could of been similar to modern Northern & Central Yemen when it comes to to heightened Anatolian Neolithic Farmer ancestry and higher frequencies of pale skin tones.

It’s quite clear the Prophet SAW was a pale skinned Middle Easterner from the Arabian Peninsula and not a Sub-Saharan African.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Arabs looked like the modern Arabian Bedouin tribes & insular populations. The Prophet and the Hijaz could of been similar to modern Northern & Central Yemen when it comes to to heightened Anatolian Neolithic Farmer ancestry and higher frequencies of pale skin tones.

It’s quite clear the Prophet SAW was a pale skinned Middle Easterner from the Arabian Peninsula and not a Sub-Saharan African.

How on earth does having that complexion mean being sub Saharan? so are Yemenis and Somalis and Ethiopians sub Saharan?

Whiteness of the romans and Persians was considered ugly and sign of leprosy to the original Arabs and also colour of their oppressors and enemies surrounding them.

please stop talking on things without knowledge, this is not what you think or what I think but Facts based upon Islamic narrations and preserved texts. If I came to the conclusion the prophet and oriignal Arabs where Chinese I would be accepting it.

Please tell me how Pale skinned or white people could ever survive and live in hottest and most hazardous place on earth 1400 years ago? brick homes did not exist nor even doors they where exposed to heat 99% of their day and their houses made from straws and mud and doors of blanket.

The roman empire and Persians did not even want to conquer or take the Arabian peninsula even when they could since they where superior but they did not due to the heat and desert which their complexion and natural habitat would have made them suffer from skin diseases.
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Cushite Arab
Already made multiple posts about this

"And if arabs say a guy is white(abyad)or a girl is white they mean a noble character not the colour of the skin. And if they say a guy is red(ahmar) or a girl is red(hamra') they mean they are white skinned"

"When arabs say so and so is white they mean a character free from stain and degrading things they do not mean the whiteness of the skin but rather they mean it as praise of honour and the absence of that which is degrading of character. And if they say so an so has a white face they mean a skintone free from blemishes and unattractive discolouration "

When they say Bilaal is black they mean his skin colour not bantu. He inherited from his mother his slave status and thus her ethnicity.

"And the children of shem settled in magdal, center of the earth, and this is from sidama to the ocean and yemen to syria, God gave them prophethood and the books and beauty and darkskin(udmah) and clear skin(bayad)

(Muhammad alnafs alzakiya(literally meaning pure soul because of his pure qurayshi genealogy)felt that he had more of a claim to the throne than abu ja'far almansur, second caliph of the 'abbasids, who was son of a berber women. How do you expect this man to look like, maybe like muhammad bin salman?)

Tarikh alrusul
"Muhammad was dark extremely dark, pitch black large and tall body. His nickname was the charcoal because of his blackness, even so much so that Abu Ja'far use to call him the burnt-face one"

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
How on earth does having that complexion mean being sub Saharan? so are Yemenis and Somalis and Ethiopians sub Saharan?

Whiteness of the romans and Persians was considered ugly and sign of leprosy to the original Arabs and also colour of their oppressors and enemies surrounding them.

please stop talking on things without knowledge, this is not what you think or what I think but Facts based upon Islamic narrations and preserved texts. If I came to the conclusion the prophet and oriignal Arabs where Chinese I would be accepting it.

Please tell me how Pale skinned or white people could ever survive and live in hottest and most hazardous place on earth 1400 years ago? brick homes did not exist nor even doors they where exposed to heat 99% of their day and their houses made from straws and mud and doors of blanket.

The roman empire and Persians did not even want to conquer or take the Arabian peninsula even when they could since they where superior but they did not due to the heat and desert which their complexion and natural habitat would have made them suffer from skin diseases.
We have DNA of Ummayad Era Arabs, they were entirely West Eurasian and we’re basically identical to the modern Peninsular Arabs. Save your hotep nonsense for the guilible and historically illiterate as it is very apparent there has been no large population movements into the Arabian Peninsula after the Islamic conquests except by the African Slave trade.

Modern Arabians unlike their ancestors carry more Black African DNA than their ancient ancestors. Prophet Muhammad was a West
Eurasian pale skinned man not some random Sub-Saharan madow.


I put Books to the Test of Life
We have DNA of Ummayad Era Arabs, they were entirely West Eurasian and we’re basically identical to the modern Peninsular Arabs. Save your hotep nonsense for the guilible and historically illiterate as it is very apparent there has been no large population movements into the Arabian Peninsula after the Islamic conquests except by the African Slave trade.

Modern Arabians unlike their ancestors carry more Black African DNA than their ancient ancestors. Prophet Muhammad was a West
Eurasian pale skinned man not some random Sub-Saharan madow.
keep yapping you Jahil, what do i expect from denier of Islamic narrations and people of Ilm, let me Guess Musa ibn Imran even when he was described as Kinky haired and Shadidul udma(jet black) you will deny it like a kafir would.

Verified by Sheikh Albaani may Allah have mercy upon him in his book AlSilsilah As Saheehah Chapter 3 page 14

” I saw loads of black sheep being entered upon by loads of white sheep . They said ( the companions of the Prophet) What does this mean ? The Prophet said The non Arabs will share your religion and SHARE your LINIEAGES . They said, ” The non Arabs oh messenger of Allah ? He said, “If faith was hanging on the highest stars the men from the non Arabs would reach it …”

1018 – صحيح )السلسلة الصحيحة – الألباني) ج ٣ ص ١٤

[ رأيت غنما كثيرة سوداء دخلت فيها غنم كثيرة بيض قالوا : فما أولته يا رسول الله ؟ قال : العجم يشركونكم في دينكم وأنسابكم . قالوا : العجم يا رسول الله ؟ قال : لو كان الإيمان معلقا بالثريا لناله رجال من العجم وأسعدهم به الناس ] . ( صحيح ) وأما الشطر الثاني من الحديث فهو في الصحيحين وغيرهما

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
keep yapping you Jahil, what do i expect from denier of Islamic narrations and people of Ilm, let me Guess Musa ibn Imran even when he was described as Kinky haired and Shadidul udma(jet black) you will deny it like a kafir would.
Most scholars also disagree with your hotep nonsense. Population Genetics, history & archeology also disagrees with your narrative of some kind of major admixture happening to be the ancient Arabs making modern Bedouins & Saudis light skin. You literally have nothing but quotes from random books who were probably not even translated properly.

Keep the Propet out of your hotep Dhagax propaganda


I put Books to the Test of Life
Most scholars also disagree with your hotep nonsense. Population Genetics, history & archeology also disagrees with your narrative of some kind of major admixture happening to be the ancient Arabs making modern Bedouins & Saudis light skin. You literally have nothing but quotes from random books who were probably not even translated properly.

Keep the Propet out of your hotep Dhagax propaganda
so apparently this munfiq and jahil is insulting the deen and denying sahih hadiths I don't even know whether I should takfir you at this point. since you put Kafir Guess-work above the Sayings of Our prophet aswell as narrations from companions and people of Ilm, why on earth are you even a Muslim?

So Answer me this Do you deny the prophets saying and description of Prophet Musa? By the way he is a pure Semite just Like us Cushitic's.

So the Prophet is a Hotep? if you deny the Saying of the prophet about Musa wallahi your a kafir without knowing it. Will you also deny Islam since Adam was made from Black Mud and also the Arabs called Dark-brown complexion Adam?

@Cush check this Guy out lol.
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I put Books to the Test of Life
Those are descendants of Bantu slaves, Yemeni has been affected by Bantus heavily with places like Hadhramawt carrying on average 25% Bantu ancestry.Stop being delusional
Keep worshipping your white masters you Munfiq, keep insulting the Prophets of Allah and mocking Blackness which We Semitic Cushite's also have.

Filth like you amongst somalis I wish where enslaved and sold to Europeans rather then Bantus.

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
so apparently this munfiq and jahil is insulting the deen and denying sahih hadiths I don't even know whether I should takfir you at this point. since you put Kafir Guess-work above the Sayings of Our prophet aswell as narrations from companions and people of Ilm, why on earth are you even a Muslim?

So Answer me this Do you deny the prophets saying and description of Prophet Musa? By the way he is a pure Semite just Like us Cushitic's.

So the Prophet is a Hotep? if you deny the Saying of the prophet about Musa wallahi your a kafir without knowing it. Will you also deny Islam since Adam was made from Black Mud and also the Arabs called Dark-brown complexion Adam?
Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu ’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam) was of average height, no too tall, neither short, he was reddish white, not plain white (like lime), neither tanned…’

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 3547 and Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2330)

Hadith ageees with me, DNA/Population Genetics agrees with me, archeology agrees with me (no proof of some Roman/Persian mass-migration into the Arabian Peninsula).

Pro-Dhagax propaganda about the Prophet is disgusting and shows how Western madow Muslims like yourself are easily manipulated by gaalo ideology like Pan-Africanism and conspiracy theory beliefs of Dhagax history being hidden.