How many imams are out there who are willing to flagrantly violate literally every Islamic principle on privacy, slander, and accusation in order to attack other imams?
Well, there are a few. Some of them even have their own research institutes.
But one imam has made a name for himself in recent years in scholarly circles for being particularly aggressive. His name is Abdullah Nana, who we have dubbed the MeToo Mufti.
Mufti Abdullah Nana was born and raised in the US. He has worked as an imam and a religious advisor for various mosques and Muslim organizations.
His community members and students know about his religious work, but few may know about the aggressive #metoo activities of Nana to attack and threaten other imams and scholars.
What makes Nana notable is his broad-stroke attack on Islamic scholars and Islamic institutions, accusing them of being rife with “systematic” abuse and rape. The MeToo Mufti repeats nearly word for word the talking points of the #metoo movement itself, and has worked diligently towards that cause despite also claiming to be a “traditional scholar.”
1. Why Nana?
Most of our readers probably have never heard of Abdullah Nana. So why do we want you to know about his #metoo activities?
It is necessary to shine a spotlight on Mufti Nana as a prime example of this not-so-new phenomenon of Imam Hunting.
We have discussed Imam Hunting in other articles and plan to continue to report on this cancerous attempt by feminist activists and their imam agents to damage the Muslim community and undermine respected religious scholars and Islamic institutes whose only “crime” is not bending the knee to anti-Islamic feminist diktats.
Nana and those like him are more damaging than feminist activists because feminist activists are not taken seriously by the Muslim community.
But imams and purported scholars wear the mantle of religious authority and, thus, have more credibility. They can abuse this credibility with the wider community by pushing and normalizing several feminist principles that are unequivocally contrary to Islam.
When a turban hijabi “shaykha” shrieks the MeToo slogan of “believe all women,” no one cares.
But if a respectable looking shaykh declares “believe all women,” people pay attention.
And if he actually practices upon the slogan, it is even more damaging.
It spreads a distorted understanding of Islamic values to unsuspecting Muslims and makes them more receptive to a toxic feminist ideology.
In this curious case of the MeToo Mufti, Nana has spent over four years actively collecting stories of female accusers, readily branding them as “victims,” and repeatedly announcing his findings and conclusions on email and WhatsApp groups of scholars as well as on social media. Such behavior poses obvious threats to the Muslim community, and cannot be left unchecked.
Nana and his ilk are essentially opening the door for feminist wolves to feast on the community. They do this in both direct and indirect ways, as we see below.
And, of course, these fitna mongers always insist that they are not feminists or “simps” and that their crusade is completely Islamic in nature. All they care about is “helping victims,” they claim.
Now, no one has a problem with helping true victims. The problem is that Islam — not feminism — should set the standard for how we help people and how we determine justice.
But Nana and other Imam Hunters bypass clear red lines of Islamic ethics in their claimed attempt to “help victims.” This means that they are actually committing dhulm and creating fitna for the wider Muslim community in shockingly damaging ways.