The Curious Case of the MeToo Mufti: Abdullah Nana


How many imams are out there who are willing to flagrantly violate literally every Islamic principle on privacy, slander, and accusation in order to attack other imams?

Well, there are a few. Some of them even have their own research institutes.

But one imam has made a name for himself in recent years in scholarly circles for being particularly aggressive. His name is Abdullah Nana, who we have dubbed the MeToo Mufti.


Mufti Abdullah Nana was born and raised in the US. He has worked as an imam and a religious advisor for various mosques and Muslim organizations.

His community members and students know about his religious work, but few may know about the aggressive #metoo activities of Nana to attack and threaten other imams and scholars.

What makes Nana notable is his broad-stroke attack on Islamic scholars and Islamic institutions, accusing them of being rife with “systematic” abuse and rape. The MeToo Mufti repeats nearly word for word the talking points of the #metoo movement itself, and has worked diligently towards that cause despite also claiming to be a “traditional scholar.”

1. Why Nana?​

Most of our readers probably have never heard of Abdullah Nana. So why do we want you to know about his #metoo activities?

It is necessary to shine a spotlight on Mufti Nana as a prime example of this not-so-new phenomenon of Imam Hunting.

We have discussed Imam Hunting in other articles and plan to continue to report on this cancerous attempt by feminist activists and their imam agents to damage the Muslim community and undermine respected religious scholars and Islamic institutes whose only “crime” is not bending the knee to anti-Islamic feminist diktats.

Nana and those like him are more damaging than feminist activists because feminist activists are not taken seriously by the Muslim community.

But imams and purported scholars wear the mantle of religious authority and, thus, have more credibility. They can abuse this credibility with the wider community by pushing and normalizing several feminist principles that are unequivocally contrary to Islam.

When a turban hijabi “shaykha” shrieks the MeToo slogan of “believe all women,” no one cares.

But if a respectable looking shaykh declares “believe all women,” people pay attention.

And if he actually practices upon the slogan, it is even more damaging.

It spreads a distorted understanding of Islamic values to unsuspecting Muslims and makes them more receptive to a toxic feminist ideology.

In this curious case of the MeToo Mufti, Nana has spent over four years actively collecting stories of female accusers, readily branding them as “victims,” and repeatedly announcing his findings and conclusions on email and WhatsApp groups of scholars as well as on social media. Such behavior poses obvious threats to the Muslim community, and cannot be left unchecked.

Nana and his ilk are essentially opening the door for feminist wolves to feast on the community. They do this in both direct and indirect ways, as we see below.

And, of course, these fitna mongers always insist that they are not feminists or “simps” and that their crusade is completely Islamic in nature. All they care about is “helping victims,” they claim.

Now, no one has a problem with helping true victims. The problem is that Islam — not feminism — should set the standard for how we help people and how we determine justice.

But Nana and other Imam Hunters bypass clear red lines of Islamic ethics in their claimed attempt to “help victims.” This means that they are actually committing dhulm and creating fitna for the wider Muslim community in shockingly damaging ways.

2. Nana’s #MeToo Manifesto​

In April and May 2021, Abdullah Nana wrote two extensive Facebook posts explaining his mission. He has made many such posts over the last several years (see appendix below), but these last two posts deserve to be read in full because Nana makes clear his broad targeting of Islamic institutions and schools and his mission to normalize the community’s collective attacking of those institutes, imams, and other so-called “people in positions of power,” which activists like Nana label as “perpetrators” of “abuse.”

Let’s look at some notable parts of each of the two posts.

Nana starts his April #metoo post with a verse:

“Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged. And ever is Allah Hearing and Knowing.” (Quran 4:148) This verse of the quran firmly establishes that people who have wronged and oppressed have a voice and can publicly speak out again the evil and oppression that was done to them without fear of backbiting.

Right off the bat, the MeToo Mufti reveals his ignorance. The ayah itself is a repudiation of Nana’s entire #metoo mission. Allah makes clear that the exception for publicly mentioning evil is the one who has been wronged. Does Nana claim to be the one who has been wronged? Is Nana the victim here or speaking as an official representative of known individuals who claim to be victims? Or is he rather a third-party speaking on his own behalf for his own reasons and goals, publicly spreading the claims of anonymous and often unknown accusers?

The distinction between victim and third-party is important because the ayah does not give license for anyone and everyone to start spreading other people’s claims of abuse. If this were allowed, society would collapse because anyone could claim anything and have those claims repeated and spread far and wide, thereby destroying the reputations and lives of possibly innocent people. This is why the Sharia only gives the person who thinks he has been wronged the license to make the accusation of injustice. That accusation of injustice then goes to the proper judicial authorities to investigate and determine the truth.

It would be injustice, however, and completely contrary to the Sharia for people to start repeating the claims of an accuser as if they were true. And if the accusation is of a sexual nature, this becomes even more dangerous as it can fall into the category of qadhf, which is the crime of a third-party accusing others of unlawful sex (zina) without four upright male eye-witnesses. As we read in the Quran Surah 24:4, this crime is punished with the hadd of 80 lashes. Anyone who spreads accusations against even one person of zina has committed qadhf and deserves the hadd. This is one of the major sins and is considered one of the seven destructive sins (السبع الموبقات) as mentioned by the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Avoid the seven great destructive sins.” The people enquire, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! What are they? “He said, “To join others in worship along with Allah, to practice sorcery, to kill the life which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause, (according to Islamic law), to eat up Riba (usury), to eat up an orphan’s wealth, to give back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at the time of fighting, and to accuse, chaste women, who never even think of anything touching chastity and are good believers.” (Bukhari)

Every Muslim must know the gravity of qadhf. And we must understand the reason why the term fasiq (open transgressor) was used for these fussaq, because they are openly committing one of the major sins. For example, if we know there is a magician, we would call him a fasiq. If we know there is someone who is stealing or if someone is openly living a life of zina (fornication), then Muslims categorize him as one of the fussaq. May Allah protect us and rectify our state, as individuals and collectively. Ameen.

Remember that consensual zina is itself an enormity, a huge crime against Allah that deserves the hadd punishment of 100 lashes, and for married perpetrators, capital punishment. The fact that it is consensual doesn’t lessen its heinousness. Zina and promiscuity of all types are things that Muslims should strive to eradicate from their lives and from the community of believers.

Despite how terrible the crime of zina is, if one, two, or even three eye-witnesses actually witness this act, they may not speak of it. And if they do, and don’t produce four witnesses to support their claim, they will be condemned as liars in the sight of Allah.

Just ponder on that.

However, what we are now witnessing in the Muslim community, is an epidemic of online activists, shaykhaz, and certain Unfit Imams who are soft on zina and silent (or even respectful!) towards those who openly practice fornication and LGBT and celebrate it.

These same fussaq activists are ever-ready to open their mouths against honorable Muslims, publicly impugning them and spreading stories and claims of hidden sexual sins. They also broadcast an endless list of other “inappropriate behaviors” that fall under their catchall term of “abuse.” Abuses like allegedly sending, receiving or exchanging unwanted messages with females. And, significantly, there is a new type of “abuse” these activists are targeting and condemning: nikah, i.e., Islamic marriage itself.

Indeed, there are two main targets of the activists and their simp imam agents:

(1) Righteous imams and community leaders known for their goodness, and their institutions
(2) Valid and blessed Islamic polygynous marriages

The 3rd-party fitna-mongering activists carefully craft the qadhf and other accusations they hurl. And they purposefully choose who they want to brand as perpetrators. The report-writing fitna-mongers at FACE — whose reports against imams the MeToo mufti has shared time and again — have a term for their sinister storytelling craft: “creative non-fiction writing.”

With their sinful tongues, these activists and their few helpers in the circle of Unfit Imams attempt to turn righteous, chaste, married believers into monsters and animals. Or, “worse than animals,” in the words of Azhar Subedar, who gets a little treatment below.

These are the Fahisha-Mongers. These are Fahisha-Propagators. What is fahisha propagation? It is not simply those who invite to fahisha, but rather those who employ methods of making it seem like the community of believers is full of immorality and social ills.

Please read that carefully, again.

Fahisha-Propagators are those who employ methods of making it seem like the community of believers is full of immorality and full of social ills.

But the actions of these fussaq amongst us will be a proof against them in dunya and akhirah, as will their wicked desire for the spread of evil stories about the believers. Unless they stop completely, turn to Allah in repentance, ask forgiveness from those they have wronged, and never return to the like of it ever again.

Surely, those who like that lewdness spreads among the believers, for them there is painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. Allah knows, and you do not know. (Quran 24:19)
Did the MeToo Mufti study any of this? Or have his studies been abrogated by the vile teachings of feminists and #metoo activists?

Can Nana explain to us, where in Islam is it allowed for a person to collect sex accusations against imams and Islamic institutes and then pick up the loudspeaker and broadcast those one-sided accusations far and wide?

Nana writes:

“Unfortunately, there are many institutes, Tariqas, Madresahs, Alims, Celebrity Imams, Shaikhs/Pirs, etc. today that have a history of abusing, exploiting, taking advantage of, preying upon, harming, and using women followers, students, female converts & wives. This is not Islam and this is not the Prophetic teaching. These individuals and institutes have a clear moral flaw and religious deficiency which must be corrected.“

Nana claims there are “many institutes,” etc. What does he mean by “many”? Is that three, five, ten, twenty, or maybe two-hundred? America alone has millions of Muslims and thousands of masjids and Islamic organizations. He lists more than six categories of perpetrators. How does Nana know about so many people and incidents? Could it be because he has been looking for and collecting and compiling these stories for years? Nana apparently has seen so many examples of abuse that he doesn’t even call them “incidents;” he calls it a “history.”


Just try to calculate all the perpetrators and crimes being alleged in this one tweet! (On several occasions Nana has reposted his Facebook trash in the form of long Twitter threads.)

What Nana is doing with this mega-qadhf of his, whether he admits it or not, is casting a large net of suspicion (su’ al-dhann) against the Muslim community and, especially, its religious leadership. When he makes these unqualified, broad-stroke statements about “many” institutions, madrasahs, etc., with a “history” of abuse, what does the average Muslim think? What does the average non-Muslim think? What is Nana trying to do by casting such huge aspersions against the Muslim community at large?

In May, Nana wrote another Facebook post:

However, systematic physical, sexual, verbal, and spiritual abuse of young Muslim boys and girls at an Islamic institute is a much more serious matter, especially when the principal, managements, and teachers knew about it for years and did nothing. In fact, some teachers themselves were abusers and many students can testify to this.
Students were severely beat to the extent the police were called, pedophiles and predators openly molested other students, secret marriages were conducted with young girls without their parent’s consent, and much more. [emphasis added]

Here Nana creates a horrifying image of sexual violence against children happening at an Islamic school, where children are openly molested by pedophiles. It is not clear if he is talking about one school or many. The impression given to readers is that Islamic schools and madrasas are hotbeds for the serial rape of little children and for serial secret marriage of young little girls. And if you haven’t heard of such abuse happening at the school your Muslim child attends, it is most likely because the school has been hiding it!

This is, of course, vicious slander against the community, and the only ones who would believe such claims of widespread serial rape and abuse in our masjids and madrasahs are the enemies of Islam and those who have been indoctrinated by the cancer of liberal feminism.

Many adults, teachers, and staff knew about this abuse and turned a blind eye, thereby indirectly allowing this abuse to continue. Predators and pedophiles continued to teach at this institute for years and had continual access to fresh bodies, both boys and girls. This abuse continued for years and the cover up also continued for years. [emphasis added]

Nana now indicates that he is referring to one particular institute when he says “this institute.” At this unnamed institute, according to the MeToo Mufti, there is not one pedophile but multiple who have spent years molesting the “fresh bodies” of children. If this is just one institute, why does he refer to “many institutes” throughout the post? Does Nana claim to know about serial child rape from multiple pedophiles happening at multiple Islamic institutes?

Imagine the punishment and severity of an adult who has scarred a young child for life through their continual abuse, rape, emotional abuse, and continuous beatings.
All Islamic institutes are answerable to the Muslim community and rely on the Muslim community for donations and support. We have a choice whether to support these institutes and send our children there. We should collectively take action against institutes that have a history of systematic abuse and covering up of that abuse.

How insane is it that he is accusing Islamic institutes of allowing adults to do continual rape of children? These are entire Islamic schools, according to Nana, where the administration, the staff, the students, and even parents, know about serial rape of children and allow it to happen. That’s how indescribably evil all the people involved with these “many” Islamic schools are. And Nana is explicitly calling for collective action against these institutes.

This shows that his attack on one particular institute is actually part of a larger project to attack many.

He continues:

“We need to support those who have been abused and oppressed by such institutions and do our best to help them heal and recover from what they have been through. Although we can’t change the past or what happened, we can take steps to ensure that this never happens again and collectively take action against such institutes.” [emphasis added]

Here, in the same post, Nana makes a second call to his followers to take “collective action” against “such institutes.” Again, the general wording implies that Nana is talking about a widespread phenomenon. His #metoo mission extends to all institutions because he, apparently, is convinced that a large percentage of them involve imams and teachers serially and openly raping and abusing children for years!

Nana even has the gall to compare Islamic schools and madrasahs to the Catholic Church.

The example of the Catholic church and their cover up of the crimes of their priests is right in front of us. The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم warned us that we will follow right in the footsteps of the Jews and Christians and commit the same mistakes and transgressions that they made. We need to learn from the mistakes of the Catholic church and do the right thing.

Does Nana believe that ulama and imams are analogous to Catholic priests? Isn’t this by itself an attack on the station and standing of ulama, who we know are the inheritors of the prophets? Yes, scholars are not sinless and some of them make mistakes or even commit crimes. BUT it is completely false to attack the scholars as a class and claim that they are like the kuffar priests who collectively hide their major crimes, which they are more prone to commit in the first place due to their kufr and misguidance.

Nonetheless, Nana is fond of this comparison with the Catholic Church.

No, Nana. Our ulama are not like Catholic priests. Our madrasas are not like Catholic schools.

It is the feminists and liberals who are eager to attack Islamic institutions and ulama with this claim that they are exactly like Catholic priests and the child molesters in other religions. Of course, these feminists and liberals, like MeToo Mufti Nana, have no actual statistical evidence or studies to back up their claims. They only make broad emotional appeals using vague language they hope will delude their followers.

Contrary to their monstrous claims, however, there is actual empirical evidence to show that Muslims commit adultery and fornication far less than non-Muslims. If Muslims are committing these crimes less, then certainly the ulama of the Muslims are committing it even less. We are not like the kuffar.

It is ironic that Nana expresses concern about following in the footsteps of Jews and Christians when that is precisely what his #metoo activism is doing. The Jews, for example, have a long history of accusing the anbiya of sexual crimes such as rape and incest. The liberal feminism of #BelieveAllWomen and #metoo are also the products of Judeo-Christian culture and civilization. And sweeping accusations of sexual deviance hurled at religious figures have been used as weapons to destroy the religious institutions of the Jews and Christians and drive most of them to atheism and agnosticism in present day. Nana seems to have no problem blindly following them in their footsteps.

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3. Sowing Doubt and Suspicion​

It is instructive to look at some of the Facebook comments to Nana’s post (backup here):


Nana quickly affirming the serial rape accusations of a random guy on the internet by asking him to PM him the “perpetrators” from Azaadville. How do you know this guy is telling the truth, Nana, that you call them “perpetrators”?

A commenter mentions one of the major madrasas of South Africa, accusing it of harboring rapists. What is telling is Nana asking for the names of the “perpetrators,” plural. He has already accepted the claim that multiple people affiliated with this madrasa — which Nana himself graduated from — are rapists. That is what using the word “perpetrator” implies; it implies the accusation is true and that these crimes were perpetrated.

How does Nana know that? Why does he just assume that that is the case? Is it just because a random commenter shares vague hearsay? Does that count as “evidence” for Nana?

And does he have that low of an opinion of madrasahs? Does he have that low of an opinion about his own madrasah?

And why is Nana so eager to get names? Is he going to add those names to his file and then go around slandering them and Azaadville, while claiming that he has “so much evidence” of abuse?

Another commenter, Yousuf Reza Al-Amriki, who has recently made himself known for his repeated vile attacks on leading scholars, both living and those passed away, makes another accusation targeting a third Islamic institute in the US.


It is open season for vague second-hand accounts and sheer hearsay in Nana’s comment section, disparaging any and all madrasahs. And Nana is only too eager to affirm every accusation as true. “Ya Allah. That is horrible and wrong.” He might as well have thrown in an “I believe you,” too.


Nana’s last comment here indicates he is actively working with the people attacking respected madrasahs.

“I have evidence.” What…? Here, Nana shows his fore-knowledge of plans for other individuals to come forward with accusations in “a few weeks.” Who is Nana working with? Is this a project of his?

Then an interesting comment comes from Alia Salem.


Pro-LGBT Imam Hunter Alia Salem feels free and welcome to shill for her org FACE on Nana’s Facebook page.

Did Alia say “abuse”? Who is she to confirm what abuse is and who abusers are?

Alia Salem is a rabid feminist who co-founded Facing Abuse in Community Environments (FACE). What is FACE all about and what is Nana’s connection to them?

4. What Is FACE?​

An entire report could be written about Facing Abuse in Community Environments (FACE). It was co-founded by Alia Salem and Aman Ali, dedicating to spreading the feminist #metoo tyranny.

FACE is the sister organization of HEART: Women and Girls. For those not aware, HEART is a proudly pro-LGBT organization that pushes Muslims to commit zina, homosexual acts, gender transition, etc.

Similar pro-LGBT, pro-zina trash is promoted by FACE’s founders.

For example, FACE co-founder is Aman Ali. Aman is a self-described “comedian” who makes blasphemous jokes about Islam and gives Muslim youth tips on how to take women on dinner dates.


FACE co-founder shares his preferences about taking women on dates. This is a person who wants to hold imams accountable.


Zionist shill Rabia Chaudry thanks pro-LGBT “comedian” Aman Ali for founding FACE.

Aman Ali is also extremely pro-LGBT. On numerous occasions on his Facebook page, he has demanded that Muslims support “LGBT rights” and that the Muslim community accommodate and make space for “LGBT Muslims.”

In one particularly emotional post, Ali makes his fervent support of LGBT crystal clear. He says:

I used to be afraid to support gay rights. […] Thankfully that was over 10 years ago, and I’m much older, wiser and balder (sigh). And throughout my travels I’ve had conversations with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people around the world who identify as LGBTQ. And I use the word “people who identify as” because they’re people first and foremost – something we often forget about when we get into childish arguments.
I stand in steadfast support with the LGBTQ community – whether you are Muslim, non-Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, whatever your spirituality is. Life is too short to have anger and hate towards people simply because of who you are.

This zindiq who boasts about meeting and socializing with thousands of homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders around the world wants to hold imams and ulama “accountable.” Is this some sick joke?

Also significantly, Aman Ali spells out his philosophy for holding Muslim religious leaders accountable. He expressed this philosophy when news came out that Tariq Ramadan was accused by multiple women of rape.


Aman Ali sharing his #metoo philosophy on holding religious leaders “accountable.” Accusation = guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key. This is the feminist ideology behind FACE and MeToo Mufti Nana.

According to Ali, whoever makes an accusation is automatically a victim and those accusations should automatically be taken as true. As he puts it: “What. Else. Do. You. Need.”

How about an investigation? Or evidence? Maybe upright witnesses? Maybe a fair trial? Are any of those things needed, Aman, before condemning a man as a serial rapist? Are these FACE’s standards? Are these Abdullah Nana’s standards?

It is important to note that, eventually, all the rape allegations against Ramadan were false, the charges against him were dropped, and his accusers turned out to be French Islamophobes conspiring to destroy his reputation. This report contains all the details of this shocking but sadly common case of conspiracy to take down a Muslim figure through false accusations. Yet, Aman Ali has yet to retract his slander of Ramadan as a serial rapist.

Peas in a pod. Omar Suleiman and Aman at ISPU. Aman was the MC.


FACE secretary Ramon Mejia is a big fan of young LGBT women and “non-binary” whatever.

4.1 Alia Salem​

Besides comedian Aman Ali, the other original co-founder of FACE is Alia Salem. Salem is also very open about her views on social media. But unlike Aman, Salem divulges her beliefs and motives to non-Muslim news reporters as well.

Salem has numerous times expressed and demonstrated her strong commitment to collaborating with LGBT fahisha activists and organizations. When she is not “holding imams accountable,” FACE co-founder Alia Salem is “working on common ground” with LGBT groups and expressing support for “gay liberation” movements in the Muslim world.


When she is not “holding imams accountable,” FACE co-founder Alia Salem is “working on common ground” with LGBT groups and expressing support for “gay liberation” movements in the Muslim world.

In 2016, local news covered her meeting with Texas LGBT groups to “work on common ground.” In her interview, Salem urges Muslim leaders and the community as a whole to not shy away from supporting LGBT rights and to “take a stand and stand with them.”

In another interview, Salem throws the Muslim community under the bus for “lack of understanding” of the LGBT community. She says:

“It’s really important for those of us from a variety of traditions who may have a lack of exposure, a lack of understanding to the communities we are distanced from, including the LGBT community,” said Salem. “It’s important that we sit down together and start to learn from one another.” Salem says she’s connected with the Resource Center in Dallas [LGBT group] to work together more often.”

According to Salem, Muslims need to sit down and work with modern-day Qawm Lut and also “learn from” them. What exactly do Muslims need to learn from Qawm Lut, Alia? Please, Alia, tell us, what valuable lessons about man-on-man rectal penetration and sex-change operations do Muslims need to learn?

Most shockingly, in that same interview, Salem expresses her belief that LGBT movements “fighting for gay rights” in Muslim majority countries can learn from her approach and the approach of her “leaders” in how to “work with” and “learn from” the LGBT community.

“She also said she believes that movements in Muslim majority countries overseas fighting for gay rights likely see how American Muslim leaders are responding.”

Salem made these shocking comments in 2016, while attending and speaking at an LGBT candlelight vigil in honor of a gay night club shooting. She was there speaking alongside Omar Suleiman, as token Muslims showing solidarity with LGBT. This was the same LGBT candlelight vigil where Suleiman said:

“We are determined to cry together, to pray together, to stand together – straight, gay, Floridian and Texan.”

Omar Suleiman gives a moving speech at the LGBT candlelight vigil in memory of gay night club shooting victims. Alia Salem holds a sign in the back.


Omar Suleiman and Alia Salem deliver and listen to emotional speeches given at the LGBT candlelight vigil.
Omar Suleiman and Alia Salem seem to have a close working relationship… Perhaps something to look into…


FACE’s Alia Salem expressing her support of LGBT fahisha and “sex workers” with a flurry of dance emojis.

In another article titled What It Means to Be Young, Muslim, and Gay in the Wake of Orlando, Alia shared her insight on gay Muslim youth:

According to Alia Salem, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the phenomenon of “otherization” has an impact on all young Muslims, gay and straight, growing up in an increasingly turbulent world. […]
“Signs are showing that there is a sense of not belonging to our society,” Salem said. “There’s a pendulum swing where either youth may turn towards the Muslim community for shelter to block out the negativity, and that isolation from society is not good long term. Then on the other hand, you also have Muslim youth who pull away from the community and try to shed their Muslim identity to find belonging.”

Beyond her celebration of modern-day Qawm Lut, Alia Salem has made the idea of #metoo feminist activism an explicit component of her work at FACE, even going so far as flying to New York to collaborate with the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and other feminist religious groups. Alia calls the freak amalgamation of #metoo and Muslim deviants: #MosqueMeToo.




Alia Salem retweeting CVE-promoter Shahed Amanullah about #mosquemetoo.


Yes, let’s start an uncomfortable conversation about the sheer amount of fahisha and fitna FACE and friends have been promoting.As a community, we should ask: How much of the UN’s secular feminist understanding of women’s rights dictates FACE’s methodologies and overall outlook?


Putting aside all the LGBT, zina, and sex work promotion from FACE’s founders, how can the Muslim community trust a group that works with an international organization, the UN, that has done so much harm to Muslims around the world and regularly condemns Muslim countries for following the Sharia as “violating human rights”?

Thankfully, the community is not eager to bring the UN or FACE into their local masajid.

But, it appears, the MeToo Mufti begs to differ…

5. Nana’s Relationship with the Imam Hunting Network​

FACE is part of a small network of deviant activist groups who have given themselves license to police the Muslim community, despite the fact that their own organizations advocate the most disgusting violations of Islam.

The main orgs and figures in this network are:

  • Hurma – Directed by Ingrid Mattson
  • FACE – Directed by Alia Salem
  • HEART – Directed by Nadiah Mohajir
  • In Shaykh’s Clothing – Directed by Danyah Shakfeh and Danish Qasim
  • Bayan Graduate School – Directed by Jihad Turk
  • The Family and Youth Institute – Directed by Sameera Ahmed
  • Peaceful Families Project – Led by Imam Mohamed Magid and Salma Abugideiri
  • Pillars Fund
We have detailed some of the most salient connections between these orgs in this report: Ingrid Mattson, HEART, and the Pro-LGBT “Muslim” Network Distorting Islam

All these orgs regularly cross-promote each other, as they attempt to infiltrate masajid to spread their liberal feminist poison.


After their first imam attack, FACE shared an In Shaykh’s Clothing article on “Creating Codes of Conduct.”


Danya Shakfeh, director of In Shaykh’s Clothing, is so appreciative of FACE’s share. Why doesn’t Danya try focusing on the Islamic “codes of conduct” FACE is constantly breaking? Why doesn’t she and her org talk about how terrible and wrong it is for open supporters of fahisha to be pretending to protect and uphold the ethical standards of the Muslim community?

In another post we see Alia so excited to host In Shaykh’s Danish Qasim and even calls In Shaykh’s a “partner organization.”


In another post, In Shaykh’s Clothing shares a feminist’s post promoting FACE.


And in another post, FACE’s Huma Yasin expresses so much appreciation for what In Shaykh’s Clothing “does.”


Huma “I believe you” Yasin, the “creative non-fiction” writer formerly working at FACE appreciates so much of what Danya and Danish do. Danya: “Thank you for your continued support”

Now, what is MeToo Mufti Nana’s connection to this network?

Well, for starters, many of these orgs endorse Nana by sharing his posts on social media. And they benefit from him because he gives them religious cover to operate under.


Ingrid Mattson’s Hurma shares the MeToo Mufti’s manifesto.


Pro-LGBT fanatic Ramon Mejia, secretary at FACE, shares Nana’s post abusing the legacies of ulama of the ummah like al-Haskafi and Ibn Muflih and misusing their quotes in service of the imam hunters’ coordinated social media slander attack.

Gay Pride. Ramadan. Ramon Mejia, as mentioned above, is the secretary at FACE. His name is on all the qadhf-filled reports FACE publishes. And Nana dutifully shares those reports.


FACE’s director Alia Salem shares Nana:


6. Nana Shares Imam Hunters​

Nana returns the Imam Hunters’ favors by repeatedly promoting and amplifying their trashy posts and reports on his own social media.

Back in 2017, the MeToo Mufti felt compelled to share this trash article by Omar Suleiman published by MuslimMatters. Omar Suleiman published this shortly before the infamous attack by him and Omar Mozaffar against Nouman Ali Khan.


Omar Suleiman is so thrilled the MeToo Mufti is spreading his not-so-subtle attack against NAK.

Suleiman wrote this article in the lead up to the establishment of FACE. The article title is a master class by Omar Suleiman in spreading su’ al-dhann against your preacher, every single one of them. He uses the word “when,” not “if.” Was Omar expecting all our preachers to be outed as corrupt? Or were he and the Muslim #metoo cult planning something against a particular very famous preacher with followers all over the world?


Feminist Tamara Gray praises her #metoo buddies as “brave.”

In August 2021, Nana again shares Suleiman’s trash.


Faux-traditionalists like Nana always like to abuse the famous quote (or some version thereof):

ان هذا الأمر دين فانظروا عمن تاخذون دينكم
“Indeed, this (following people) is the matter of deen, so consider carefully as to who you take your deen from.”

They misuse this quote to justify their public witch-hunts against righteous imams. But then, when asked about why they are silent about all the despicable actions of open wrongdoers and why they partner with them and promote them, Nana and co. have a convenient excuse:

انظر إلى ما قيل ولا الي من قال
“Look at what’s been said, not at who’s saying it.”

Which is it, Nana? You can’t have it both ways.

But Omar Suleiman is not the only fitna monger who Nana shares:


For those who are too young to remember, The Salafi Feminist was a fitna monger on Facebook who would often share garbage feminist takes on Islam. Thankfully, her account was closed. In the post above, she talks about “secret” marriages, etc. Nana, who insists he is not a feminist simp, shares the post. Interesting, Nana’s post is liked by Omer Mozaffar, i.e., NAK’s attacker. Are Mozaffar and Nana good friends?

Another interesting fact: The Salafi Feminist is the wife of Siraaj Muhammad, as they have publicly disclosed many times. Siraaj is one of the directors at MuslimMatters. Is it just a coincidence, then, that MuslimMatters was leading the way in attacking NAK in 2017 for “secret” marriage, spreading all kinds of salacious rumor and namima about the man, etc.?

When MuslimMatters is not doing an in-depth series on the female orgasm, they seem to love to dredge up rumors and one-sided stories of #metoo abuse. But they never seem to report on other relevant items, like when Omar Mozaffar holds an LGBT iftar or when Omar Suleiman participates in pagan rituals or when Yasir Qadhi calls for reforming the Sharia.

These topics are apparently not worthy of publishing on MuslimMatters. Only Imam Hunter trash from the likes of Tamara Gray, Ingrid Mattson, et al., or Akram Nadwi and Omar Suleiman, et al., are relevant in the eyes of Omar Usman, Siraaj Muhammad and their feminist bosses. Those are the only things we can rely on from MuslimMatters. Those and really awkward, unsettling discussions about the female orgasm.


Timely indeed, released while other imam hunters were busy executing one of their social media slander attacks against a California leader.


The MeToo psychoses runs deep. Treat imams like trash, have compassion for people who kill themselves and for people who commit murder-suicide.


The deviant imam hunting org FACE networking with Rania Awaad and Mattson’s Hurma. Pillars Fund bankrolls this trash.


6.1 Nana Shares FACE Reports Again and Again​

Nana’s favorite deviant group is FACE, as evidenced by the sheer amount of material he shares from them.

Here is one example:


Sharing post of Aman Ali, co-founder of FACE and pro-LGBT “comedian”

Does Nana not know about Aman’s endless amount of garbage? Why is Nana promoting such trash from this co-founder of FACE?

Here is an example of a report published by FACE.


Mufti Nana quickly shares it as well, except unlike FACE, he doesn’t hide the imam’s name.


Nana was among the very first and the only people to post this October 2018 report from FACE full of qadhf against a respected imam.

A year after sharing FACE’s report against the Texas imam, FACE put out a post celebrating what they called a “landmark victory” against the imam in what was actually a sham civil case, with heavy outside activist funding fueling a team of non-Muslim lawyers against the imam. (From where that funding was coming, is a question the community must ask and find out.)

One pattern with Imam Hunting is that the cases usually remain in civil court, not criminal court. This is because most of the “crimes” of “abuse” the Imam Hunters allege, like “secret” marriage, are not real crimes, not even according to secular law. So since they cannot get police involvement, they file frivolous law suits, trying to find any technicality to win civil cases against imams they are targeting. This tactic of using technicalities to prosecute imams was also used by the US government in the “War on Terror” to deport or imprison many anti-Zionist Muslim imams. FACE seems to have learned from these evil methods.

Here are a couple of the posts FACE put out to celebrate the sham civil judgement they plotted against the imam.



What did Mufti Nana do with this post? He promptly and dutifully shared it on both Twitter and Facebook.


Whenever the Imam Hunters launch one of their pathetic attacks against the community, you’ll find they all simultaneously share each other’s work.

On the occasion of Nana sharing FACE’s “Landmark Victory,” for example, MuslimMatters retweeted him. They were only 1 of 4 who retweeted.


An example of the incestuous sharing in the Imam Hunting Network.

Six months later Nana wrote his first and only piece for MuslimMatters, Lessons on the Death of Kobe Bryant. (More on Nana’s deep, deep admiration for Kobe below.)

Ingrid Mattson of HEART and Hurma also shared the link.


Then in 2019, FACE releases another report.


Again, Nana is there to spread FACE’s handiwork.

In the comments, a prominent Muslim scholar, Sh Mohammed Faqih questions Nana directly.


Nana makes his methodology crystal clear: “I take FACE’s word on their investigation and consider it sufficient.”

Would you take FACE’s word? Would you trust their “investigation”? Do Aman, Alia, Ramon, et al., look like upright Muslims the community should trust, judging by their public record? Why, then, is Mufti Nana so trusting of them? Does he see what we see? Or maybe Nana needs to go back and re-learn some basics about Islam? Let us know if you need lessons, Mufti Sahib.

By the way, what is FACE’s investigation process?

FACE’s former attorney associate, Huma Yasin, explains it best:


“I believe her.” Does that sound like the motto of an objective investigative process? Or does it sound like feminist #metoo drivel?

But, apparently, that’s more than enough proof of FACE’s reliability for Mufti Nana. The MeToo Mufti is so confident in FACE that all they have to do is declare someone is guilty as sin and that is enough for Nana.

Trust is such a rare thing to see nowadays, but Nana has it in abundance when it comes LGBT activists and feminist fussaq.

Another commenter puts more pressure on Nana.


This is Nana’s definition of “confirmation.” He talked to his LGBT contacts at FACE and they confirmed that their accusations are true. It would be funny if it weren’t so…moronic.

In another instance, Nana shares accusations against Ta’leef.


In January 2020, Religion News Service, a liberal feminist blog that often features the work of zanadiqa in America, did a post showcasing and praising all the usual imam hunting suspects: FACE, HEART, Hurma, et al.

Interesting “coincidence” that probably means nothing: Religion News Service also publishes a lot of Omar Suleiman’s nonsense, for example, an article explaining his views on the Christian Oil rituals and Water rituals he has a history of participating in.


Nana also shared the same article to his Facebook page.


Nana promoting the Imam Hunters network.

Interestingly, a knowledgeable commenter questioned Nana for this post.


So, according to the logic of the MeToo Mufti, we should be very concerned about the alleged private “unethical” actions of imams, and we should engage in tajassus (spying), namima (tale-bearing), and qadhf (unsubstantiated accusations) to “expose” those alleged actions. But when it comes to open fussaq attackers of the community, like FACE, HEART, and Hurma — fussaq who display their acts of fahisha and kufr publicly and unabashedly — we should promote their work and share it widely.

Can you please explain yourself, Mufti Sahib?

But this comment thread didn’t last long enough for others to chime in on Nana’s bizarre rationalizations.


Nana’s typical tactic when he gets cornered: Adab card.


When the adab card doesn’t work, Nana jumps to tattling, like a school-yard child. (Below we cover what Nana really thinks about teachers and elders.)

Many scholars have questioned Nana in shamelessly sharing FACE reports.


“Secret” marriage leads to wrong, therefore it is a “sin” according to our esteemed Mufti. What kind of logic is this? Is this the same logic used by feminists to declare polygyny itself to be impermissible because it “leads to abuse”?

Does Nana use the same logic for other things that can lead to sin? For example, what are the sins that promoting LGBT activists and feminists can lead to?
Imam Faisal Ahmed doesn’t buy Nana’s silly response.


Now we might think that Nana’s involvement with the Imam Hunting Network and FACE is limited to just sharing qadhf and slander on social media. Unfortunately, however, the MeToo Mufti’s involvement is much, much more than that, as we see below.

7. The John Smith Affair​

To understand the depth of Nana’s #metoo obsession, we have to go back in time.

In the spring of 2018, a group of scholars were organizing an annual imam retreat in North America. Nothing was out of the ordinary until one of the organizers received a disturbing phone call.

The caller was a female who refused to give her name. She made threatening statements and demanded that the organizers uninvite a certain well-respected shaykh from speaking at the upcoming retreat.

The organizer was disturbed by the anonymous call. He had no idea who it was and why she had this animosity. He also worried that this call was from an islamophobe who was trying to threaten the Muslim community.

Shortly later, this same anonymous caller created a Whatsapp group under the username “John Smith” and added over 200 imams and scholars to it. This “John Smith” filled the group with attacks and accusations about the same shaykh and also threatened to go to the press in order to expose him.

The first message sent to the group begins:

It has been announced that Shaikh [name removed] will be attending the [retreat] as a senior scholar and speaker. Shaikh [name removed] has a previous history of secret and unethical marriages for which he has already been publicly exposed once. Likewise, there are also recent cases of unethical marriages and predatory behaviour which will soon be made public. In light of the current #metoo movement & high profile cases of celebrity Imams being exposed for unethical behavior with women, there are serious concerns regarding Shaikh [name removed] attending and speaking at this event.

Immediately, the ulama added to the group become angered and most of them promptly exited the group created by “John Smith.”




The scholars who didn’t leave point out that the “evidence” and “references” John Smith has provided to the group simply are not reliable and that there is no merit to the accusations.


The scholars immediately point out that the “evidence” being presented by John Smith are not reliable.


But John Smith insists the references are “reliable.” Why? Because he (she?) has “spoken to the victims.” In other words, the accusations are reliable because I have spoken to the people who have made the accusations and they insist that their accusations are true.

Hmm… Where have we seen this moronic reasoning before?


Another scholar points out the obvious: These are all accusations. Should we just believe accusations blindly?

But John Smith responds: They are not accusations! I have talked with the victims!


Does John Smith not know what the word “accusation” means? Or does John Smith simply believe that if a woman accuses a man of wrongdoing, that accusation should automatically be assumed to be true and 100% accurate?

In the befuddled mind of “John Smith,” there is no difference between an accusation and the truth, especially if you have “talked to the victims,” i.e., the accusers. This is, of course, nothing other than #metoo feminist garbage.


Another scholar slams John Smith asking, essentially, where is the due process. Here John Smith reveals more of his idiocy. He says, there is no violation of “legal law” and no need for a conviction, so no need for anything other than “talking to the victims.” Smith doesn’t seem to understand that it makes no difference if we are dealing with “legal law” or Islamic law/ethics. Accusations are never just assumed to be true, no matter what legal system one is working within.

Then Smith reveals more of his feminist philosophy:

“Causing any pain to another person is forbidden in our religion.”

Is this true?

Imagine if a wife wants her husband to lavish her with money and gifts and he refuses, this might cause the wife acute emotional pain and suffering, especially if she is an overly-entitled person. But does that mean the husband has violated her rights or done something forbidden in Islam?

The question always is: Have any rights been violated according to the rights defined by Islam? That is what is important. A person might feel like her rights have been violated, but that doesn’t mean that her rights actually have been violated. Every claimant who goes to court believes his rights have been violated. But that is why there is a judge and court process to determine if the claims are true or not.

But in the #metoo logic of John Smith, all that matters is that the “victims” feel sad and violated. Case closed!

At one point, Smith makes this startling admission:



Oh, so now, after accosting over 200 scholars with an anonymous Whatsapp group, making all kinds of egregious accusations to tarnish the name of a respected imam, and subsequently getting hammered by those same scholars for your buffoonery, you are only now considering hearing the other side of the story? How open minded of you, John Smith!


Now some of the scholars push back on this idea of “secret” marriage.


John Smith quickly links to a MuslimMatters article by Dr. Akram Nadwi, the well-known feminist reformist in the UK, but a mufti points out the article is “completely wrong.”

FYI: Here is a relevant picture of Akram Nadwi with his feminist students.


Hmm… I wonder why all the feminists and simps cite Akram Nadwi? It is a mystery indeed.

Some background on Dr. Akram can be read here.

Back to John Smith:


Here, John Smith admits to being a “victims advocate.” How can a victims’ advocate also claim to be judge, jury, and executioner? You cannot advocate for a person and then also claim to have “investigated” and judged who is guilty. This is the logic of FACE and other Imam Hunters.

Now, John Smith is getting frustrated. None of these 200+ scholars take him (her?) seriously. Smith starts making threats!



Smith threatens to release the names and places of employment of these 200+ imams and scholars to the press! He ominously states: “I know exactly who you are.”

Who does this guy think he is?!

But seriously, who is this John Smith, who so thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of all these scholars and imams and threatened them for not bowing down to #metoo logic?

Maybe this is a clue:


Be careful who you take your religion from, eh?

Well, whoever John Smith is, he/she somehow was able to get his/her hands on 200+ imam phone numbers. Who would have access to all that?

Maybe a well-connected… mufti?

Could John Smith be our very own MeToo Mufti Nana?

No, it can’t be. Because we see Nana making a conspicuous exit from the group.


So, if it’s not Nana, who could John Smith be?
Well, the mystery was solved pretty quickly with an email sent by a scholar to a large ulama email group:

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 5:45 PM
From: [name removed]
To: [usaulama] <>:
Subject: Re: [usaulama] Appeal to John Smith, aka Mufti Abdullah Nana
Assalamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I had been thinking for the past two days what I should do with the unfortunate secret I’ve been holding on to and I think the time is right to publicly demand an apology from Mufti Abdullah Nana/his family for infiltrating majority of the Ulama in North America by posing as John Smith, causing havoc, fitnah, and dissent amongst ourselves, and intentionally catching us all off guard. […]
I am publicly demanding an apology because this was an act which publicly and negatively affected most Ulama in North America, in my eyes it was nameemah at it’s highest degree and many times worse than gheebah because most times gheebah negatively effects one individual whereas this effected many individuals. Please issue an apology to everyone involved on behalf of yourself and your family, whether you want to do it publicly or privately is upto you.

Whoa! So this scholar is claiming that it was not only Mufti Nana posing as John Smith. It was Nana’s “family,” i.e., wife, too!

Are these accusations true, Mufti Nana? Were you and your wife posing as John Smith to spread namima and slander and then, when no one bought it, you made threats???

Those are some heavy accusations. What do you have to say for yourself?

Nana responded angrily:

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:29 AM
From: Mufti Abdullah Nana
To: [usaulama] <>:
Subject: Re: [usaulama] Appeal to John Smith, aka Mufti Abdullah Nana
Assalam Alaykum
I too would like to demand a public apology from all the Ulama who have spoken ill of, backbited, slandered, threatened, intimidated, deceived, lied to my wife and I during this entire incident. There is plenty of evidence and screenshots of some of the things that were said […]
My wife and I have not broken any law, and we are willing to go to court for that. Please read up on the legal definition of extortion and learn American law. I have consulted with a lawyer and know my rights.
Any accusation requires evidence. Maulana [name removed]’s claim that my wife and I have committed the highest form of carrying tales(nameemah) and gheebah(backbiting) is completely wrong and without basis. […]
I do plan to write detailed follow-up email clarifying other aspects of this current situation and I am extremely upset at our behavior However, in the meantime, I would like apologies from all the Ulama who were involved in the behaviors listed above, including Maulana [name removed].
Abdullah Nana

Nana is not going to take it! How DARE anyone accuse Nana of namima and slander! Nana DEMANDS an apology from everyone for accusing him and his wife of such things! SHAME on you, ulama! SHAME.

Notice how Nana says that, in this whole John Smith affair, he has plenty of “evidence and screenshots” that he and his wife were mistreated (abused?) by the ulama. This is very telling because this shows you what Nana means by “evidence.” He just means screenshots of people saying things to him. If a woman says she was abused, that’s evidence for Nana. If people don’t concede to his bullying, that’s evidence for Nana.

Keep this in mind whenever Nana claims he has “evidence.” Apparently, it means he has absolutely nothing (other than hearsay and accusations).

But, getting back to the emails, Nana is not going to deflect so easily. The same scholar follows up with the receipts.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 10:48 AM
From: [name removed]
To: [usaulama] <>:
Subject: Re: [usaulama] Appeal to John Smith, aka Mufti Abdullah Nana
Before directly responding to Mufti Abdullah I want to clarify a couple of things because I received some phone calls and private texts last night.
1. Maulana [name removed] didn’t put me upto writing and sending the initial email..
2. The [name removed] didn’t put me upto it either.
3. I never reached out to Brother [removed]
Now for the issue at hand. Mufti Abdullah, I am absolutely baffled by your reply, you are completely deflecting the situation and trying to move the discussion away from what it really is. To set the record straight let me make some point:
1. I never accused you of gheebah, please read my initial post.
2. I never mentioned Maulana [name removed], this has absolutely nothing to do with him rather it is about what your wife and you did to all the Ulama that you involved including myself.
3. Why is nameemah so bad? Because it causes fighting, dissent, animosity, hatred, and suspicion between Muslims. That is exactly what I was referring to, (again, nothing with Maulana [name removed]) that is what your wife and you did and as a result at least 25 Ulama left the USA khuddam group. There is a mole in that group who is sending you screenshots of what’s going on in that group and Ulama are worried, concerned, have mistrust amongst each other etc..
You also claimed that what occurred was not nameemah because “everything is true” – I am sure you know that truth is not a defense to namima. Nameema applies even if everything said is true..
4.You are accusing some of us of using inappropriate language towards your wife and you but you are the cause of that, if we knew we were talking to an alim and his wife we wouldn’t use that language, Also keep in mind we had no idea it was your wife. We were responding to an anonomous attacker at the time. That was deception on your behalf.
Munn ghashanaa fa laisa Minna.
Also remember, ironically you were the one who sent the following message last year:
[Quote of a previous email from Nana]
Assalam Alaykum
Respected Ulama. I wish to share with you some concerns I have regarding our USA Ulama WhatsApp group and Yahoo email group. I have been a member of the email group and WhatsApp for many years. I believe that we all look towards these two groups as a private forum for Ulama to discuss ‘ulama issues’ which includes jokes, contemporary issues, job openings, and much more. I have generally had a positive experience over the years and benefitted.
There is an ethical code and there are rules for a private forum for the Ulama. As primarily a group of American-born scholars, we all strive to aspire to a standard of professionalism and ethics, much of which is also is in line with our Islamic values.
One important rule is respecting the privacy and confidentiality rules of a forum such as ours. We are all aware of the principle of المجالس بالأمانة. We have had violations of these rules in the past years, and our moderators have reminded us of these rules and even threatened to remove anyone found guilty of violating these rules if needed. I am sure that all of us are aware of the importance and need to respect the privacy and confidentiality of each other.
With that being said, I have been sharing extremely sensitive information regarding important developments in our Imam circles, specifically regarding the public exposure of Imams involved in predatory behaviour, sexting females, targeting vulnerable converts for secret second marriages for a few days, targeting impressionable students, etc. My objective was to give the members of our fraternity a head’s up before the public exposure and the story broke so that we could potentially take some action and preemptive steps to address the situation and avoid the masses grouping all scholars being categorized as womanizers and abusers. I trusted my fellow scholars and friends to protect my privacy and respect my right to confidentiality.
Soon after, there was an initial breach of confidentiality in which my entire email was forwarded to other individuals outside of this group with their own agendas. I did not know who this individual was initially and voiced my concerns on this group. I assumed that the rest of us would understand how wrong such an action was and take a lesson from this. Since then, there have been numerous other individuals who have been forwarding my messages and posting to others outside of this group. I swear by Allah that I am extremely upset and disappointed by the behavior of my fellow scholars. I don’t know exactly who these individuals are, but I know from reliable sources outside of this group who have personally seen my forwarded messages that these breaches of confidentiality have taken place on this group on multiple occasions. The moderators have advised me that they can only take action if they are provided with names. لا يسمن ذلك و لا يغني . Perhaps these individuals have something to hide or they are a part of this list of predatory Imams!
It is not becoming of Imams to behave in this way and engage in dirty politics and unethical behavior. This has caused me great pain and hurt my family and I deeply. This has placed me in a compromising position with non scholars who now know of my private thoughts and ideas related to this issue. Who knows how many no scholars with ulterior motives have seen my messages.. I swear by Allah, I expected better from our scholars. I have lost trust in our ‘private’ scholar forums and email groups an don’t want to be a part of them any longer. I hereby will be removing myself as a member of these online email and WhatsApp groups.. With how things have been going and with my luck, this message will be probably forwarded to others as well. SMH
This scholar doubles down and points out Nana’s overt attempt at deception. He also teaches Nana why namima is bad, since the learned Mufti seems to have trouble grasping basic Islamic concepts.

But most interesting is the quoted email from Nana that lays out his history of collecting stories from “victims.” He plays it off as his attempt to “protect” imams from public scandal. Typical Imam Hunter line: I’m just trying to help.

So what does Nana have to say for himself now?

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 10:49 PM
From: [name removed]
To: [usaulama] <>:
Subject: Re: [usaulama] Appeal to John Smith, aka Mufti Abdullah Nana
Assalam Alaykum
My family and I would like to issue an apology to the American Ulama for any harm caused by anonymously sending the message on WhatsApp. We are willing to bear witness in front of Allah that we had the sincere intention of bringing this matter to the attention of the Ulama, warning them, and bringing about positive change. We felt doing it anonymously would be best due to the sensitive nature of the matter and we did sincerely hope to have a civil conversation with the Ulama. They say hindsight is 20/20. If we knew then what we know now, we would have definitely done things differently. I hope all the Ulama can find it in their heart to forgive me and my family.
Nana admits it was him and his wife. He gives an “apology” but only for anonymously sending Whatsapp messages.

Uh… anonymous messages weren’t the problem, Nana.

Why don’t you apologize for your deception?

Why don’t you apologize for your namima and slander against an imam?

Why don’t you apologize for the threats to get imams fired and shamed in public media?

Why don’t you apologize for calling imams and scholars complicit in abuse just because they didn’t concede to your bullying?

Why don’t you apologize for your initial deflection and insane demand for an apology when you were called out as John Smith in the first email?

Clearly, Nana felt no contrition in this non-apology. In fact, he continued to be defiant.

The nerve of this guy!

Now let’s let this whole incident marinate for a minute. Can you imagine the absolute audacity of someone to try to pull off a stunt like this? Can you imagine someone who claims to be a respected scholar making a fool of himself like this and causing so much harm and confusion with his sheer malice?

This is Abdullah Nana.

You would think that after being so thoroughly humiliated by this incident, Nana would shrink away from his imam hunting activities and put his #metoo days behind him. But that’s not Nana. No! The MeToo Mufti presses full steam ahead.

On March 9th, 2018, only two days after his non-apology, Nana brazenly tweets this:


Unbelievable! The MeToo Mufti will not give it a rest.


Nana continues spewing his garbage after all this humiliation. And who shares it? A Chicago fellow by the name of Hamzah Wald Maqbul.

Did Hamzah Wald Maqbul not know about this whole Nana debacle? Didn’t he witness it in the John Smith group? Wasn’t he aware of this shameful behavior of Nana? What other imam starts sharing Nana’s trash just two days after being outed as a conniving troublemaker? Maqbul didn’t just share a random tweet. He shared Nana’s tweet on the same subject Nana is being blasted for!

Perhaps Hamzah Wald Maqbul’s knowledge of Islam is at the same level as his friend Nana’s.



Hamzah Wald Maqbul have a nice chummy time with fellow Chicagoan Omer Mozaffar. Does Maqbul not know about Mozaffar’s LGBT iftar? How about his NAK qadhf? Or how about his mentoring of HEART’s LGBT activists and imam hunting? No, I’m sure these random tweets mean absolutely nothing.





Nana joking with Omar Mozaffar after he should know very well about him and his infamous LGBT iftar and imam hunting activities.



Nana, Maqbul, and Sh Tameem Ahmadi (also in California with Nana) are an interesting trio.

We will see more of Tameem’s contributions shortly, but for now, we should note his involvement with In Shaykh’s Clothing. Here are just three examples: here, here, and here.

Sh Tameem puts his stamp of approval on In Shaykh’s Clothing. Does he approve of their partnership with the LGBT activists at FACE and the larger Imam Hunting Network?

Besides Hamzah Wald Maqbul and Tameem Ahmadi, another Nana associate deserves a special call out.

8. A Notable Nana Associate: Azhar Subedar​

Another imam who has joined forces with Nana to push Imam Hunting is Azhar Subedar.

Subedar has the dubious distinction of having worked in the administration of George W. Bush, the president with the blood of millions of Muslims on his hands. While Bush was busy bombing and maiming countless Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, Subedar was serving in his administration as a member of the White House Faith Based and Community Initiatives.

Maybe it was Subedar’s experience working for George W. Bush that inspired him to join forces with Nana to, as he puts it, “save Islam.”


Subedar makes a passionate plea for the Muslim community to support fitna mongers at FACE.

In his post, Subedar angrily denounces unnamed imams who “abuse” their families and the community.

Note how he addresses the post to “everyone around the world,” and also he opens with “dear friends and fellow Muslims” — implying that he is addressing his non-Muslim interfaith friends and unjustly disparaging Muslims like this in front of them.

What is this abuse, Subedar? All he mentions is “secret marriage.” What does Subedar define as “secret marriage”? It is not clear, but he pledges his “commitment to save Islam.”

How does Subedar plan to “save Islam”?

Is it by promoting the fitna mongering of LGBT activists at FACE? Is it by becoming a MeToo Mufti?


Subedar threatens a “hurricane” coming. How does he know about this hurricane? Who is he working with giving this information, other than Nana?

An entire report could be dedicated to the activities of Subedar with his long history of working for the US government, collaborating with Zionists, distorting Islamic teachings, etc. But here are some highlights.


Jesus will not return as a Muslim, according to Imam Azhar Subedar.

In the above Facebook post, which is still up as of this writing, Subedar asserts that when Jesus `alayhissalam returns, he will not be Muslim.

And if wasn’t enough to deny that one of the greatest messengers of Allah will not be a Muslim, Subedar goes a step further. When a woman comments on his post with details about the Jewish doctrines about the Messiah and how the Messiah is not Jesus, Subedar says, “Correct.”


Imam Azhar affirms bizarre ramblings about the Messiah in Jewish doctrine.

Maybe Subedar can start his quest to “save Islam” by not blatantly distorting it with blasphemous posts like these.


Subedar is so happy to speak at the feminist Muslim event.

Subedar’s nonsense is not limited to Facebook posts, however.

He recently made headlines by giving a prayer at Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Subedar’s prayer is at minute 34. Here are some quotes from the nauseating display:

“The elected officials of this nation recognize its greatness and have pledged to uphold and promote it as the greatest nation, as they are selected to continue all the good in Your Name.”

Subedar seems to think that criminals and alleged pedophiles like Biden are “selected to continue all the good” in Allah’s Name.

“Oh Merciful One, we as a people recognize the sacrifices that make us who we are and bless us with what we have. So to all of those who continuously strive in their dedicated services for us all, we thank You for them, oh Lord, and ask that You shower upon them goodness from Your treasures.”

Who is Subedar referring to here? Who in the US government “continuously strives in their dedicated services”? War criminals? The US military? The CIA? Who is Subedar praying for Allah to shower with His treasures?

Apparently serving in the administration of the butcher George W. Bush gave Subedar a penchant for presidential brown nosing.

He proudly displays his smiling selfies with such scum.


So proud.


Subedar also has a history working with Zionist organizations.


Subedar has a lot of love and respect, apparently, for anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian Zionist organizations like the American Jewish Congress.

The American Jewish Congress is an extreme Zionist organization that has played a major role in spreading anti-Muslim attacks for years. Since 2016, they have tried to make inroads into the Muslim community. Zionist shills like Rabia Chaudhry have attempted to build this relationship between Muslims and the American Jewish Congress since 2016, but many Muslims have denounced these efforts, citing the AJC’s Zionism and Islamophobia.

But apparently those things won’t stop Imam Azhar Subedar meeting and collaborating with them and then topping it off with a smiling photo op.
What about Subedar and LGBT?

In 2016, Subedar made interesting comments regarding LGBT. In a blog post, he passionately declares:

Let me ask you a simple question, what do the LGBTQ, Muslims, Latino and African communities all have in common? Hint: It is not that they all are a minority, it’s not that they are looked upon differently, it certainly isn’t that they all are facing an upward climb towards recognition in societies of the 21st century. THEY all are humans. Humanity. People. All just looking for a little space to breathe and live. But, the sad truth is that they are too occupied in proving they are humans to those who demonize them, explaining who they are to those who taunt them, running in fear from those who threaten them, that they can’t live a life of their own.

He furthers notes:

And the day we start functioning humans into categories and sects” are you Latino, Hispanic, Asian? Caucasian, African? Are you Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist? If you are Muslim, are you Sunni, Shia, Ahmadiyya, Isma If you’re Christian, Baptist or Lutheran or Presbyterian or Catholic? If you’re a Jew, are you a liberal Jew or a conservative Jew? STOP IT. Are you straight, are you gay, are you transsexual, are you bisexual, are you lesbian? Let every human being be a human being! And let’s all stand for humanity as human beings! We are one, undivided, and no one will divide us!

In the midst of his emotional plea for gays, transexuals, bisexuals, and lesbians, Subedar seems to reveal that he thinks Ahmadis (i.e., Qadiyanis) are a Muslim sect.

Subedar concludes his nauseating post on LGBT with the following:

The message is simple, but it’s up to each individual person to decide what to do next… If we want to move forward as one, the recipe is simple:
1. Accept everyone for who they are
2. Join hands with Trust
3. Live in a Harmony

No wonder Imam Azhar has no problem pushing orgs like FACE. He apparently shares their pro-LGBT agenda. He wants Muslims to join hands with LGBT so that we can “move forward as one” and “live in harmony.”

We have to wonder: Has Subedar read the Quran? Is he aware of a prophet named Lut?

Maybe him and Abdullah Nana can get together to review some key ayat.


At his masjid, with Omar Suleiman and two Ustadhas at the top, Subedar (middle row, right) organizes a conference about the “Racism Within” and other topics.

9. Nana’s Latest Target for #MeToo Harassment​

Abdullah “John Smith” Nana has most recently set his sights on another imam.

Just this month, August 2021, Nana and his associates spread a bizarre and threatening unsigned message on behalf of anonymous “ulama and community leaders” across WhatsApp groups.

Let’s start with this letter. Reading it reveals the shocking disregard for any semblance of Islamic ethics.

First, the intro:

This is a letter on behalf of a group of concerned Ulama and community leaders.
Respected Maulana […..]
We are writing this letter in light of the Prophetic guidelines of advising our Muslim brother for the sake of Allah. We are are a fraternity of ulama and community leaders, and the actions of each one of us greatly impact us all. We do not have an agenda or vendetta to harm Islam or Ulama and are writing this to you out of our concern on the negative impact of your actions on islam and ulama.

Note here that this letter does not claim to be on behalf of any particular “victim.” rather it is on behalf of a group of concerned Ulama and community leaders.

Which concerned ulama exactly? Nana and who else? And what “community leaders”?

Notice the statement: “We do not have an agenda.” Is that how normal people open a letter — methinks thou dost protest too much. Remincient of what the brothers of Yusuf alaihis salam said in ayahs 11 and 12 of Surat Yusuf:

They said, “O our father, why do you not entrust us with Joseph while indeed, we are to him sincere counselors? Send him with us tomorrow that he may eat well and play. And indeed, we will be his guardians.”

The letter continues:

We have spoken to direct witnesses who verified your secret marriage with your student, […] and we also have evidence confirming that this marriage did take place. You have continued to deny that such a nikah took place.

Note the mention of evidence… what kind? And most astoundingly, what is the “crime” that these fahisha-propagators are freaking out about? Marriage??

Once again, we see this issue so-called secret marriages. What do these harassers define as “secret” marriage? Is it a marriage with two witnesses? Is that secret? And why is it haram, according to them? Or is it not really haram according to them but actually the issue is that the marriage needs to be publicized more? Ok, to how many people must it be publicized for these people to be satisfied and not call it a “secret” marriage?

This is completely ridiculous.

At this point in time, we would like to give you one final opportunity to take responsibility and correct the situation before it is too late. It would be in your best interests to handle the manner internally among the ulama and not have this matter publicized on social media or American newspapers.

One final opportunity to correct the situation …before it’s too late! What situation? What’s the problem? That he hasn’t submitted to them?

We sincerely ask you to reconsider your position and cooperate with us for the sake of Allah alone. We will be sharing this letter to the USA Ulama Khuddam [WhatsApp] group as well in which many Ulama have expressed concern about your actions and want to work with you to resolve this situation internally in the best of ways.

The USA Khuddam WhatsApp group? It seems the author(s) of this little note thinks such harrassment would be welcomed and protected there. We’ll have to take a look and see. But first, who are these “many ulama” who have expressed concern? How many people constitute “many” for a #metoo mufti these days? 2 of 3? More? Less? And where exactly did they express their concern? In a conference call with Alia Salem? In some WhatsApp groups? As for the many dozens of ulama in the USA Khuddam WhatsApp group, we are certain that the majority don’t support the threats made by the likes of Nana and his team.

Now they set conditions.

We have seven important conditions that we would like you to accept.
1. We would like you to admit to the girl’s parents, your family, and to the USA Ulama that you took […..] as a secret second wife, take responsibility for your actions, and apologize for your behavior. You need to acknowledge that secret marriages with female students is unethical and against the spirit of Islamic law.

We have to wonder: Did veteran fitna-monger Omer Mozaffar write these conditions for them, or were they channeling him while writing?


Also, why are they calling a woman, a “girl”?

Why do they demand their target to “acknowledge that secret marriages with female students is unethical and against the spirit of Islamic law”? Again, why is a “secret” marriage unethical?

Consider the case of Sayydina AbdurRahman ibn ‘Awf radiyallahu ‘anhu. He got married and the Prophet ﷺ didn’t learn about it until afterwards, even though he was completely involved in all aspects of the lives of his Companions. Or is this group’s problem that the person who married is not informing them specifically or answering their bullying questions? Do people have the right to ignore prying questions about their private life from outsiders? Do they think it is their right to ask and demand any person answer them? Who gave them this right?

Who do these people think they are?

2. We would like you to excuse yourself from teaching females at all from this point onwards and not be involved in any way in running a girls’ Darul uloom.

Would that include trans females, Mufti Nana? Check with your shaykha, Alia Salem, and get back to us.

3. We request you to resign from your position as the principal of […] and appoint someone else to run it.
4. Sign a written agreement to this effect in the presence of witnesses.

Take note: These signed written “agreements” that the Imam Hunters are desperate to get from their targets are great for double crossing their targets eventually. They will use the “agreement,” as they call it, as “proof” and “evidence” to supply the police and courts in hopes of initiating sham civil and criminal trials.

5. Marriage is a great trust from Allah. You agree to publicly acknowledge your marriage to […] and fulfill her Islamic rights as a second wife including equal time and financial maintenance. If you are not able to do this, you will allow her the option of divorce.

CONFESS to us that you are married to a certain person!!!

6. Consult with senior ulama not affiliated with […] or […] to resolve this issue in an amicable manner and seek advice from them to avoid such situations in the future. There are ulama here to help you change this pattern of behavior.

Why are they calling this one alleged crime a “pattern of behavior”? Are these accusers just pumping up the numbers to make their target look worse to naive onlookers?

7. Pledge to Allah that you will not use your position, influence, or knowledge to exploit and take advantage of women through nikah misyar or secret marriages ever again in the future.

How do they define “taking advantage of women”?

If a man becomes wealthy and he decides to marry a woman who is not as well off as he is, would that be him using his position and influence to take advantage of her?

How far does this logic go?

For feminists, anytime a higher status man is involved with a lower status women, that is abuse. Some go even so far as to say that that is rape. This is why some feminists have committed themselves to lesbianism because they believe ALL relationships with men are necessarily coercive and, thus, abusive.

Is this the definition that FACE has? Or Nana?

According to these feminist standards, NO imam could ever marry a woman from his community. This would count as “spiritual abuse” according to the Imam Hunters.

This is a neat little trick Imam Hunters can use to target virtually any imam in society. This is also how any disgruntled ex-wife can make sure to hammer an imam ex-husband. Just claim that he “groomed” her or used his authority as imam to “spiritually abuse” her. And Nana and FACE will be right there ready to help these ex-wives commit all kinds of dhulm through slander, smear campaigns, etc.
By the way, on the topic of “student” marriage, what does Mufti Nana think about this ayah of the Quran?

If you fear that you will not do justice to the orphans, then, marry the women you like, in twos, in threes and in fours. But, if you fear that you will not maintain equity, then (keep to) one woman, or bondwomen you own. It will be closer to abstaining from injustice. (Quran 4:3)

And this one:

They ask you about women. Say, “Allah answers you about them, and so does what is recited to you from the Book regarding orphaned women whom you do not give what is prescribed for them and [yet] you desire to marry them, and regarding the weak from the children, and that you should maintain justice for the orphans. (Quran 4:127)

These ayat refer to orphaned girls who are taken care of by a man. Is it permissible for that man to marry the orphan girl he is the charge of? Yes. But isn’t this the epitome of a powerful man “taking advantage” of less powerful female, an orphan? And, in fact, Allah mentions the possibility of being unjust to the orphan girls in the same ayat. But the marriage is still permissible despite that.

What does Nana have to say about that? Is the MeToo Mufti going to give a fatwa that marrying orphans is “unethical” or “sinful” because they can lead to “abuse”?

Please Nana, show some consistency. Explain how marriages with orphans are explicitly permitted in the Quran but somehow, a teacher or imam marrying a student is some grave ethical violation.

Much more can be said on this, but we will save it for a later article in sha’ Allah.

Continuing with the letter:

We have prepared a joint statement on your secret second marriage ready for release on social media and to be forwarded to major media outlets. We are giving you 24 hours from now to respond to this letter and take action to correct your behavior. If you do not respond in a satisfactory manner and abide by the seven conditions, then we will have no choice but to release the statement. We do wish to avoid a situation similar to […..] and we would also like to avoid bringing negative publicity upon scholars and Darul ulooms in our country.

Note: Is this how to write when you want to solve something internally and want to avoid public scandal, as these harassers try to claim above?

Clearly, the 24 hour deadline passed. So where is that prepared joint statement that was threatened? What were you planning, Nana and friends? What “major media outlet” was going to publish an article on the alleged “secret” marriage of an imam? CNN? BBC? New York Times? Or maybe Religion News Service. Or maybe another MuslimMatters statement signed by some “respected community leaders” like deviant Ingrid Mattson of Hurma, feminist Tamara Gray of Rabata, Yaqeen and ISPU’s Altaf Husain, or Salma and Imam Magid of the Peaceful Families Project?

Or are you going to release a statement under your own name for once, Abdullah Nana? Let us know so we can be sure to comment on it.

Likewise, it is illegal for a teacher in the state of […] to have sexual relations with a student even if she is 18. Please for the sake of Allah, do the right thing.
Under […] law, it is illegal for a teacher to have any sexual contact with a student even if the student is an adult and consents to it. […] sexual assault statute, […], prohibits sexual contact between someone in a supervisory role and an individual subject to their authority, such as a student, a psychotherapy patient or an inmate. Consent of the “victim” is not a defense.

Wait a minute. “Likewise it is illegal…”? Wasn’t the whole point of this letter to beg him to sign a letter admitting to a “secret” marriage with a student, i.e., a valid nikah which would not be recognized by the state? Doesn’t the letter say that if he “cooperates” and signs it and agrees to their Mozaffarian #metoo conditions, things will be “resolved amicably”?

But then at the end they close by saying it is illegal to have relations with a student, even if consensual and over 18. So are they going to “resolve amicably”… by going to the police with a signed confession (that will eventually be “leaked,” no doubt)? Is that the plan?

10. Nana and Team’s Harassment on the USA Khuddam Group​

Before this letter from anonymous but concerned “ulama and community leaders” went out, Nana was harassing the same scholar with a similar list of questions that he wrote and shared, with his name, in a WhatsApp group called USA Khuddam.

Below, we share screenshots of messages in this group.

Imagine if you and a hundred others are in a WhatsApp group and 5 or 6 people in the group are plotting to rob someone’s house. Such plotting, especially if done openly in front of a hundred others in a WhatsApp group, is by no means a private matter. There is a responsibility to raise the alarm and warn of the impending harm.

Now what about if this small group is conspiring to close down Islamic institutes and destroy the lives of imams through spurious allegations of “secret” marriage, etc.? There is no “amana” for such dirty business.

This is exactly what has happened in USA Khuddam group and elsewhere. Multiple scholars in this group decided that it was necessary to leak these messages in order to stop manifest harm.

Let’s look at what these Khuddam cult of harassers have to say.

First Nana opens with his usual Catholic Church nonsense:


Quickly, Subedar jumps in to give his scholarly take on “secret” marriage.


Subedar wants to lecture people on ethics now. Did you learn all about ethics when you were selling out in George W. Bush’s administration, Azhar?


“I know the girl and the details.” That’s not a praiseworthy thing, Nana, don’t you know? And why are you calling a grown woman a girl? And why are you talking about someone’s wife — according to your own assumptions — like that?


Subedar: Resident expert on what is twisted and perverted.


Who does Nana think he is, interrogating people about their private lives? Disgusting.


Further evidence. coming forward soon. Nana, evidence doesn’t “come forward.” People like you spread stories. Nana demands: “Come clean” for your alleged Islamic marriage.


Feigned concern. We need to acknowledge we have a very big problem…it’s getting unimaginable. Yes, Nana, your makr is truly unimaginable


Look at how Nana attempts to pull the wool over people’s eyes. “We got lucky. It could have been on a national level.” Does he think the ulama are stupid? Who is the person who keeps threatening others with going to the Associated Press and getting people fired from their jobs?


Before it goes…you mean before you send it to your partners and supply them with precious “evidence.”

Now we see the #metoo philosophy of these people in action:


Great questions to pave the way for this discussion, Ehsan. Thanks for asking! Mr. Ethics, Subedar, chimes in.

