The final nail in the coffin (only 2 Hartis left in Erigavo after karbash)

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"Warsangeli Advance Party in Erigavo
We (Ahmed Ali ‘Adami’, Mohamed Saeed ‘Gees’, Mohamoud Abdi
Hamud ‘Nine’ and Mohamud Ahmed Ali ‘Bayr’) went to Erigavo to
assess the situation as the first Warsangeli committee for the Erigavo
Conference. There were no other Harti in the town, except for two
girls from our clan, who were also assisting with preparation for the
conference, and were looking after us. We requested that the girls
prepare a qaad-room [a room to meet and chew qaad] for us, and they
offered us their own room, which they rented from the locals. When we
arrived at the room I [Gees] felt very emotional, as the house belonged
to my grandfather and the Habar Yoonis were occupying and renting
it unlawfully. :lol: As we were sitting in the room, the door was forcefully opened by four militia with weapons. Suddenly one of them asked us “who is Mohamud Abdi Hamud ’Nine’?”. We were shocked into silence as we didn’t know what they wanted him for! One of us then asked “do you know him?”.
They replied “we’re his brother in-laws. We heard he is in town, and we
have come from Jiidali to protect him”. Everyone was relieved to hear
that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
(Gees, )"


Don't let me see you claiming Erigavo again kids or get ready to flee again and leave only two people behind to prepare khat for for us .




Op you still haven't proven you karbashing anybody:ftw9nwa:
We ain't stressing about erigavo ones the Somalia vs Somaliland war starts we'll put you into your og home the mountains:ftw9nwa:
So far the scorebord in real battle
I thought you nikkas were suppose to be tough:francis:


He who wins the capital of Sanaag is the champion in this case Eastern H-Y. Harti got phunked so hard to the point only
two Harti girls were left in Erigavo :lol: :lol: and they started crying how their grandparents houses are occupied. They still haven't
recovered from that karbash to this day they behave well in Sanaag. Somalia , Khatuumo etc whatever brand you try to
use your kind will always be karbashed.




@BenevolentGaraad During the 1990s they weren't any there as most of them fled except two people, however in 2016
there is some as they were allowed to come back after peace returned to Sanaag.


He who wins the capital of Sanaag is the champion in this case Eastern H-Y. Harti got phunked so hard to the point only
two Harti girls were left in Erigavo :lol: :lol: and they started crying how their grandparents houses are occupied. They still haven't
recovered from that karbash to this day they behave well in Sanaag. Somalia , Khatuumo etc whatever brand you try to
use your kind will always be karbashed.






Now that is what you call purifying, a entire clan karbashed so
hard only two girls of their own were left there to prepare khat
and food for us.


How does it feel to be cleansed from Sanaag and run to the deserts of Sool karbashed by a sub sub sub sub clan of Musa Ismaaciil? Go make me some food like the old days while I chill in Erigavo like a king.



How does it feel to be cleansed from Sanaag and run to the deserts of Sool karbashed by a sub sub sub sub clan of
Musa Ismaaciil. Go make me some food like the old days.

I hope this so called sub sub sub clan isn't you cause your own village was our military base:cryinglaughsmiley:


You can run but you can't hide, coward. :chrisfreshhah: If shit
hits the fan again your people will desert the entire Sanaag
once again. Not only are you a langaab but also a coward.



You can run but you can't hide, coward. :chrisfreshhah:

Am still waiting for the karbash you gave us :gnzbryw:
Face facts the only group who was getting karbashed in the battle field was you everything you post is basically they retreated so I karbashed them while mine is about you getting karbashed in the battle field:ftw9nwa:


Retreated, fled etc you can give it fancy names all you want but the fact is you got karbashed so hard to the point you lost Ceerigaabo for good since 1989, no papa Siad Bare to save you unfortunately :lol: this time . The objective of a war is to win territory and to also inflict causalities, you lost both of it.

In the small mind of Bandit hundreds of Dhulos being put 6ft
under in few hours by the eastern H-Y SNM is not karbash. :lol:

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Never-mind Erigavo which is a Gadhweyn city. Today Dhulos are controlled inside Xudun town by the same people
that kicked them out of Sanaag.

Dhulo elders:
"Meesha Isaaq ayaa haysta,"



Retreated, fled etc you can give it fancy names all you want but the fact is you got karbashed so hard to the point you lost Ceerigaabo for good since 1989, no papa Siad Bare to save you unfortunately :lol: this time . The objective of a war is to win territory and to also inflict causalities, you lost both of it.

In the small mind of Bandit hundreds of Dhulos being put 6ft
under in few hours by the eastern H-Y SNM is not karbash. :lol:

Nice try you lier you never once defeated nalay forget about ugaryahan erigavo was captured after siyaad barre left xamar that's when the nalay ahmed who killed alot hy fled because of what they use to do:childplease:
That little post you keep showing was 88 before the sna was moved north:childplease:
As for us retreating from erigavo it had little to do with you a group who lost every battle to us to date but more of the outcome of siyaad barre government losing power:childplease:
We were outnumbered and outgunned considering the army weapons you folks looted ironically you still lost us again:childplease:
With or without siyaad barre you folks usually always take an L to us:comeon:
As for erigavo today enjoy it while you have it when the next Somalia vs Somaliland starts we'll be back to claim:ahh:


Never-mind Erigavo which is a Gadhweyn city. Today Dhulos are controlled inside Xudun town by the same people
that kicked them out of Sanaag.

Dhulo elders:
"Meesha Isaaq ayaa haysta,"

Stop with the misquoting b.s. my clansmen defeated your Jamal Sinead foot 9 different times last time didn't we even force Somaliland to cancel voting in boholsiilaanyolaugh


The fightings in Sanaag did not start only after the collapse of Siad Bare little kid, it was ongoing since the 80s and the SNM
recaptured Erigavo in 1989 from the government lackies. With or without Siad Bare you people got karbashed even though
they were well armed. Which Somalia is that? Culosow? Forget Hawiye government helping you, you're on your own unfortunately
and it will that stay way for generations to come. Get used to living under Isaaq hegemony, there is no going back.


"Elsewhere patient diplomacy has done much to improve relations between different communities. Sanaag region, where Isaaks and the Darod clashed in the 1980s, was a potential flashpoint. In addition to the bitter legacies of the war, Darod clans were pushed out of Erigavo by the Habr Yunis (Isaak)"


Stop with the misquoting b.s. my clansmen defeated your Jamal Sinead foot 9 different times last time didn't we even force Somaliland to cancel voting in boholsiilaanyolaugh

The only thing Gaajo Unit aka Dhulos can defeat is the bariis that you lot fight over which Somaliland donates.

Stop lying. Voting was never cancelled in Bohol there is a reason MPs were chosen from there, it was cancelled
in Eastern Xudun though.
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