the Gadafur clan of the Saho

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I incorrectly claimed that they are part of the afar clan in another thread .they are part of the Saho clan but some of their historians say that they are originally of gadabursi stock .


Suldaanka Gobyare
:ohhh: Very interesting. The Gadafur, the name struck me the last time you mentioned it. Although hearing about Afar sub-clans claiming descent from Gadabursi was not the first time, although Saho, that's a first.

The last one is counted among the Saho holy families who act as religious leaders and mediators of the Minifere tribes and who are highly privileged and respected. It is said that the Gadafur are of Somali origin from the tribe of Gadabursi

The Saho of Eritrea: Ethnic Identity and National Consciousness
By Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad
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