The haraam police please come in, this is too damn much!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
So now it's dambi to smell your food? I overheard a lady telling her son it's dambi to smell the food on your plate and he should kiss the food.

What the actual f*ck. So is this a new rule that I wasn't aware of?

What's next, people are going to make farting dambi?

I remember someone telling me to say Astaqfurallah when burping. Wallahi I'm serious.
Wallahi billahi. The child was told to kiss food and say istaqfurallah.

So you're saying I should kiss the food and ask it for forgiveness because I smelled the food?

are they sunni? pretty sure you say alhamdulillah when you burp after eating most live with south asians cuz them fucks add culture to their brand of islam.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Blowing into the food or drink is the problem but some assume smelling means this. It was forbidden I read because it's unhygienic.


not so sad after all
I heard that too, not haram, haram, but more like bad manners, also I say astaghfullah after burping lol, natural habit I picked up from others, i guess we just say it to mean excuse me, not cause its haram lol
I dont know about kissing it thats just going to far
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