The irony in this shit is strong! BLM "activist" takes his own life at the entrance of OH statehouse

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Exactly literally weey ka faanayaan the title Somali and denigrate anything even remotely associated with their heritage. It's a predictable response to the trauma of civil war, but (some of you might disagree with this or feel offended) instead of setting up Somali schools where we teach our children about our history and language like the Jews, Chinese, or Koreans, our parents spend hundreds of dollars sending kids to dugsis where kids don't learn shit in all honesty.

Imagine if that time and money was spent instilling pride in young impressionable Somali kids facing a cultural clash and constant pressure to abandon their heritage and adopt the lifestyles/culture of whatever neighborhood they live in.


Well this goes back to the civil war and a lack of cultural capital from which can draw from. There is no somali media books, litterature,movies. No Somali production in an overall sense of anything.

Even the dugsis could work as a way to enforce Somali culture. But the instead of promoting our Somali cultural Islam, we promote arab cultural islam.

we have zero true authentic Somali Islamic institutions , scholars and books. That produce our own content , with our own interpretations that speak to our reality.

All we have is the free scholarships doled out by the alcoholic Al Sauds which has turned our scholars from benign Shafici Sufi scholars to extremist Salafis.

I have said it before & I will say it again. We either fund & promote our own culture or get corrupted by foreign interperations & ideologies, its as simple as that. But for that to happen we need to fix & control our homebase (Somalia) first.

All other ethnicities draw cultural capital from their homeland, with our homeland being in shambles and no production of anything of that regard to speak of, it's seem very unlikely.
First you tried to shame me by calling me a coon and Uncle you're trying to shame me by claiming I'm some sort of Atheist despite the fact that I'm not an Atheist.

Get yourself checked out saaxib. You're just lost.

I am sure vile nationalist =/= atheist. I said vile nationalists and kacan atheists. The thing about you is you have internalized the nazi rhetoric of the white supremacists unlike most other Somali nationalists and seem to agree with them on many issues. Most would agree with me that you are the one who is lost bro.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I've always wanted to ask Americans, irrelative to race, how it was possible for Law Enforcement Officers in their country to kill 1000+ people in a single year?? What's going on down there? Here in Canada, its pretty hard to compile a whole list of the amount of people killed by our police, however closest number I could find was about 25 in the year of 2015, and Japan having 0 that year to compare.

So far a list I've been following detailing the 1205 people killed by Law Enforcements in the US, with all of them tracked down by name, age, and an attached link to the news article covering their death

Anyone want to explain this to a clueless fellow here?

US...pop: 310 mill

Canada...pop: 35 mill

US...guns are proliferated ...certain portion of the population in a self-styled segregation where they refuse to understand to break the cycle of fily dysfunctionality. Therefore they have not so they tried to rob and pillage and police and get killed.

Then there are cadaan with mental situation with guns and they are killed when they don't take their meds
I am sure vile nationalist =/= atheist. I said vile nationalists and kacan atheists. The thing about you is you have internalized the nazi rhetoric of the white supremacists unlike most other Somali nationalists and seem to agree with them on many issues. Most would agree with me that you are the one who is lost bro.

I actually can't stand White Nationalists. But your problem is that you view the world in a binary you assume that anyone who disagrees with BLM rhetoric MUST be one of those White Supremacists.

Take some time to actually understand the substance of my position before you hurl accusations against me. The BLM Activists are nothing but victimhood peddlers who are constantly blaming Whites for their own problems instead of learning how to be self-sufficient and independent just like all other minority groups in the USA. These are a people who number 45 million people yet they don't even have the balls to take control of their own community and fix their own problems rather than expecting Whites to be the solution for all of their ills. Maybe you should read more of Malcolm X's writings because he agrees with what I say exactly, word-for-word.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz

Malcolm X
I actually can't stand White Nationalists. But your problem is that you view the world in a binary you assume that anyone who disagrees with BLM rhetoric MUST be one of those White Supremacists.

Take some time to actually understand the substance of my position before you hurl accusations against me. The BLM Activists are nothing but victimhood peddlers who are constantly blaming Whites for their own problems instead of learning how to be self-sufficient and independent just like all other minority groups in the USA. These are a people who number 45 million people yet they don't even have the balls to take control of their own community and fix their own problems rather than expecting Whites to be the solution for all of their ills. Maybe you should read more of Malcolm X's writings because he agrees with what I say exactly, word-for-word.

Can you clarify one issue for me??? Why do you sympathize with these white supremacists when they make rants about them becoming minorities in their 'own' countries in spite of the fact their people have been pillaging the world and causing genocides for many centuries and as a result deserve whatever the hell they get??!?

Your militant philosophy of taking control will not work. The black community is not free of issues that they need to adequately address and I don't think anyone would disagree with you on that. My problem with you is your complete absolving of the establishment for the unfortunate reality the black community is facing today. Do you really believe the drugs and the single mother households and dependency on government aid all appeared out of a black hole???!?? The rampant feminism that destroyed the nuclear black family which also facilitated the rise of latent homosexuality and zina which has caused the massive spread of all of these STDs??? The war on drugs which disproportionately targets the black community and deals being struck by the local governments with privatized prisons to give the most harshest penalty to small time drug offenders that are mostly black hence resulting in a modern form of slavery??? It is not victimization to admit this all happened and the blame lies entirely on the establishment that was ominously responsible for all of these ills. Individuals may rise out of these circumstances but expecting the entire community to is incredibly shortsighted on your part. It will require a profound change to occur from the powers that be. People wonder why other minorities including Africans immigrants are better off than the AA community. The answer is very simple in that they did not have an establishment that has done everything behind closed doors to ensure their collective failure and destruction.
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
We stand with the police, if certain groups stop committing crimes then they wouldn't be killed. I am sick of their victim mentality

Same with Muslims in the West like yourself and @Kaafiye who constantly whine about "Islamaphobia". Instead of sorting out your communities and tell your young men to stop committing terrorism you cry about "Islamaphobia". Victim mentality 101.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
African Americans and Muslims are actually doing the same thing. Both cry about being mistreated even though both commit crimes/terrorism more than anyone else. Both have loads of SJWs on social media. Both constantly cry racism/Islamaphobia. Both have victim mentality.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Can you clarify one issue for me??? Why do you sympathize with these white supremacists when they make rants about them becoming minorities in their 'own' countries in spite of the fact their people have been pillaging the world and causing genocides for many centuries and as a result deserve whatever the hell they get??!?

Your militant philosophy of taking control will not work. The black community is not free of issues that they need to adequately address and I don't think anyone would disagree with you on that. My problem with you is your complete absolving of the establishment for the unfortunate reality the black community is facing today. Do you really believe the drugs and the single mother households and dependency on government aid all appeared out of a black hole???!?? The rampant feminism that destroyed the nuclear black family which also facilitated the rise of latent homosexuality and zina which has caused the massive spread of all of these STDs??? The war on drugs which disproportionately targets the black community and deals being struck by the local governments with privatized prisons to give the most harshest penalty to small time drug offenders that are mostly black hence resulting in a modern form of slavery??? It is not victimization to admit this all happened and the blame lies entirely on the establishment that was ominously responsible for all of these ills. Individuals may rise out of these circumstances but expecting the entire community to is incredibly shortsighted on your part. It will require a profound change to occur from the powers that be. People wonder why other minorities including Africans immigrants are better off than the AA community. The answer is very simple in that they did not have an establishment that has done everything behind closed doors to ensure their collective failure and destruction.

Despite the hurdles and obstacles people face they still have agency. And even if the hidden hand is a play, people have also been acquiescent in ensuring their own destruction, there has to be culpability and less externalizing of blame if they wish to better their situation. And that's something conscious AAs try to stress. Many of them think the BLM is ineffective. They are not integrationists but adhere to a more do-for-self mindset and not a victim hood narrative. The reason AAs experience systemic abuses at the hands of the establishment is they do not have much collective power and do not own much wealth in America. That and they do not circulate wealth in their communities, staunched individualism is stressed instead.
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Can you clarify one issue for me??? Why do you sympathize with these white supremacists when they make rants about them becoming minorities in their 'own' countries in spite of the fact their people have been pillaging the world and causing genocides for many centuries and as a result deserve whatever the hell they get??!?

Your militant philosophy of taking control will not work. The black community is not free of issues that they need to adequately address and I don't think anyone would disagree with you on that. My problem with you is your complete absolving of the establishment for the unfortunate reality the black community is facing today. Do you really believe the drugs and the single mother households and dependency on government aid all appeared out of a black hole???!?? The rampant feminism that destroyed the nuclear black family which also facilitated the rise of latent homosexuality and zina which has caused the massive spread of all of these STDs??? The war on drugs which disproportionately targets the black community and deals being struck by the local governments with privatized prisons to give the most harshest penalty to small time drug offenders that are mostly black hence resulting in a modern form of slavery??? It is not victimization to admit this all happened and the blame lies entirely on the establishment that was ominously responsible for all of these ills. Individuals may rise out of these circumstances but expecting the entire community to is incredibly shortsighted on your part. It will require a profound change to occur from the powers that be. People wonder why other minorities including Africans immigrants are better off than the AA community. The answer is very simple in that they did not have an establishment that has done everything behind closed doors to ensure their collective failure and destruction.

People should not be held accountable for the crimes of their forefathers. This should be something all people should agree on. If this was so, then would you agree that Japan deserves to be flooded with foreign migrants as "revenge" for the extensive crimes committed by the Japanese Empire in the 1930's? And why should Sweden or Norway have to be lumped in with other European Imperial Powers and have to go through the indignity of becoming a minority in their own country? And if this mass-migration was nothing more than revenge for past historical wrongs, then why should the Natives of that land consent to this? You're pretty much asking them to suffer the permanent consequences of actions that occurred generations ago. Do you even hear yourself when you speak?

The single mother epidemic in the AA community began AFTER 1970. Before the 1970's, their single mother rate was like 20% of the population. Now it's closer to 75%......and if you're going to blame racism for this problem, then please tell me why this single motherhood epidemic is worse now---50 years after the Civil Rights Movement---than it was back in the 1960's. This is a cultural problem bro, it's obvious to anyone who looks at the general trends.

And regarding the crack epidemic and drug war, it was actually BLACK CONGRESSMEN who introduced legislation in 1986 that criminalizes the sale and possession of crack in a bid to keep the drug away from their communities. You can argue that this law was harmful, but it's indisputable that these drug laws involving crack (and the sentencing disparities) were actually introduced and promoted by Black Politicians and Community Groups. Don't believe me? Look it up. I used to think the exact same way as you until I actually researched the Drug War and read the names of the Congressmen who introduced this legislation in the first place.

The AA's should take a page from the book of Nigerian immigrants and see what they did to achieve success. The Nigerians are the most highly educated group in the entire USA, with low crime rates and single motherhood rates, and they're doing very well for themselves in the U.S, along with Senegalese, Ghanaian and other African migrants. If the AA's want to achieve success ....they need to stop looking at the "establishment" and instead focus on becoming part of this so-called establishment (such as applying to become police officers, judges, district attorney's, using their political power to elect State Representatives who advocate for their interests, using their political power to elect Mayors and appoint Police Chiefs, setting up and expanding large-scale Black corporations, etc.)
Despite the hurdles and obstacles people face they still have agency. And even if the hidden hand is a play, people have also been acquiescent in ensuring their own destruction, there has to be culpability and less externalizing of blame if they wish to better their situation. And that's something conscious AAs try to stress. Many of them think the BLM is ineffective. They are not integrationists but adhere to a more do-for-self mindset and not a victim hood narrative. The reason AAs experience systemic abuses at the hands of the establishment is they do not have much collective power and do not own much wealth in America. That and they do not circulate wealth in their communities, staunched individualism is stressed instead.

They should have fought for equality, not integration.

Look at the BLM rhetoric, it's so seeped in victimhood and a desire to be accepted by White people. I find it so degrading and weak. Instead of empowering themselves they actually end up making themselves appear helpless and miskeen.
I don't think its fair to attribute his suicide with just how the BLM campaign was going. The dude obviously had issues prior to joining. He was a very active community member as well so that further adds to why it doesn't add up. He wrote his last words on facebook that went something along the line of "I'm sorry but my demons have won today".

Politics aside I think this young man lived a very compassionate life and its a shame people over here are taking advantage of his death to spurt rhetoric. Let the dead rest.
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