The Isbaaro PM

Apparently you have to pay to see the new PM Mr Roble

I have said before, we need to task each clan with what they are good at.

:manny: @Galmudug-State your people are not politicians. There is a reason you haven't come close to leadership in 60 years before this appointment. Mr Roble is among your most educated, what can we expect from the street HG?

Ex Madaxweyne Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble ayaa sheegay in Irida Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ay taallo Isbaaro lacag lagu qaado.

Cosoble Qoraal uu soo dhigay Bartiisa Facebook ayuu sheegay in qof walba ee doonaya in uu la kulmo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha in laba kamid ah kuwa u qaabilsan protocolka ay dadka weeydiinayaan si loogu balamiyo lacag dhan $ 300 oo Dollar, arrintaasna uu isaga la kulmay.



Make Hobyo Great Again
Habar Gidir are pitiful at politics.
  • Prime Ministers
    • Abdullahi Issa Mohamud: February 29, 1956 – July 12, 1960 (Italian Somaliland)​
      • As Prime Minister during the colonial era, he was powerless and had to answer directly to cadaans. Most people, aside from his clan, are unaware of his existence because he has no lasting influence or legacy in Somalia.​
    • Mohamed Hussein Roble: September 23, 2020 – February 15, 2021​
      • The first HG PM since Abdullahi Ciise is only allowed to be PM for 6 months. Despite that, many HG have become N&N overnight. The thirst is real. :mjlol:
      • Look at what this sad HG did on Wikipedia. He added a category of "First holder" to the information table at the top of Rooble's page just so he could have all of his clan's achievements over the last six decades on one page. :pachah1:
      • Skksejgf4j.jpg
  • Presidents
    • Abdiqasim Salad: August 27, 2000 – October 14, 2004
      • Another 'president' that most people are unaware of. He headed what is known as the 'TNG' - not to be confused with the actually important TFG.
      • Because his clansmen were still wreaking havoc in the capital, he was selected in Djibouti during the infamous Arta Conference that formalized 4.5. His squatter clansman did not allow him to enter Villa Somalia so his government had to be based outside the country.
      • Part of the reason for his inconsequential 'presidency' and opposition from his clansmen is likely because of some awkward agreements from the Arta Conference that he was forced to implement.
      • Dkdkdjrjr.jpg

      • news-reporter-rapist-search.jpg
This isn't even mentioning how Caydiid squandered the leverage he held with his dominance of Mogadishu to lead a post-kacaan unity government.

Some clans were born to lead, others were born to follow.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
PM Shorty's time is short(pun intended)

HG hordes around the world organizing to get piece of the (bililqo) pie but when they finally reach villa Some shorty b like