The Life of Midgaan

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Boy: "hello is this ____ dad?"

Girls father: "yes, whom am I speaking to?"

Boy: " Hi ermm.. my name is ____ I have been seeing your daughter for awhile and I thought I'll be a man and ask you straight up; her hand in marraige"

Girls father: "hmm... she mentioned you quiet a few times, she told me that you're good man and that you're very good to her - could you tell me more about yourself, somali ma tahay?"

Boy: "absolutely, I am somali muslim midgaan - hello...? hello..? hello..?"

*Phone cuts off*

:mjsuitcry: this is the life of midgaan. Idk why we Somali treat them this way.
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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Somalis are conformists and historically madhibaan/gabooye were an outlier group who had a different lifestyle and costums than the majority rest. Therefore excluded.

Madhiban worshipped trees,snakes and ate all kinds of prohibited food, hunter gatherers instead of pastorals. Therefore stigmatized.

This has less specifically to do with qollo or myth as i have heard being perpetuated.

Some Somalis in the diaspora too self-righteous to understand this.
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Somalis are conformists and historically madhibaan/gabooye were an outlier group who had a different lifestyle and costums than the majority rest. Therefore excluded.

Madhiban worshipped trees and ate all kinds of prohibited food, hunter gatheres instead of pastorals. Therefore stigmatized.

This has less to do with qollo.

Some Somalis in the diaspora to self-righteous to understand this.

Madhibaan are noble people. More noble than Hawiye, Darod, Isaaq, Dir and D&M.

I've seen Madhibaan and their craft. They make amazing tools and furniture.

The main clan can't do this. They are above you @Masaasbaa


Meticulously calculated...........
Madhibaan are noble people. More noble than Hawiye, Darod, Isaaq, Dir and D&M.

I've seen Madhibaan and their craft. They make amazing tools and furniture.

The main clan can't do this. They are above you @Masaasbaa
Excuse me, but when did i ever state that i was above them:what1:. for all you know i could be a Madhibaan myself :what1:
ninyahow miyaad jahwareersantahay:what1:

Somalis are communal, so conformists by nature. Some act like they are excluded and stigmatized just because.

For example Yibir are shunned because they are bunch of magicians and soothsayers. Not because of clan myths or being blaksmiths. The clan myth is usually just forced in there by ppl to portray somalis as some senseless shallow clannistic people. It's suits Anti-Somalis and Somali haters to use Gabooye as an argument to attack us with.

Reasons are pretty understandable from a historical/cultural perspective.(may or may not be justified but understandable.)
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Midgaan are salt of Somalia and we must make affirmative action for them in education and job. I respect the MJ for being the only tribe that does not discriminate midgaan in marriage.
Midgaan are salt of Somalia and we must make affirmative action for them in education and job. I respect the MJ for being the only tribe that does not discriminate midgaan in marriage.

There is a history to that as well. Something along the lines of Former king Ali Yusuf Kenadiid authorizing a marriage between a Marehan and a Madhibaan. The girl was Marehan and the man was madhibaan if i recall correctly. He defied the marehan community and allowed the marriage under being Somali and Muslim. Huge outrage by it by her community , but i like to think he led as an example and transcended beyond common thinking at the time.

Honestly i think people exaggerate , ive personally witness many clans married to Madhibaan in some urban sedentary areas. The only ones who discriminate them heavily are people in Waaqoyi.

In Gaalkacyo and where ppl like tuumaal and my people live along side eachother they even go to the same Mosque as us and its pretty mixed. But in Waaqoyi madhibaan live seperately ,eat seperate ,work seperately.

I dont think its hate because they are not a nuiscance or in conflict with others waa dad iska nool. So the word ''hate'' being thrown around is a bit misleading and loaded. They are just different than us in lifestyle and costums brings about complication. The stigma as well has something to do with it.

From cultural/historical perspective in the Somali tradition a man likes to marry from a family who have good characters, good familiarity and who are also not hunters because when a drought comes and a Somali nomad loses his livestock or it is completely looted and he has no kins to help him, he use to send his wife to her family so that she can get "dhiibaad" which is a gift from the wifes family.This use to consist of one or two burden camels and some clothes. If a man marries a woman from a hunter family, there can be no way that he will get any help from them when he loses his livestock.

Frankly there is little to no value or help marrying someone who isnt pastoral but rather a hunter from a survivalist perspective as well. Somalis do not marry people out of attraction but out of pragmatism.

I think the whole complex about ''Midgaan'' will just die out with the next coming generation and more urbanization and sedentarianess will leviate it.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We will no longer allow the enemies of somalinimo to divide the Somali people.

Madhibaan, Marehan, Majerteen, etc. will no longer exist, these relics have held the Somali people slaves to outmoded tradition, tradition that has kept us from our rightful place as the natural masters of the Horn.

Let those that fear the unity of the Somalis tremble, woe to our enemies that day!
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