The mighty omani "empire"

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wow... so powerful :chrisfreshhah:


to show proof that they ruled us :mjlol:

They did not rule all of that, it was mainly for slave trading and they joint ruled banadir along with geledi sultanante until the italians took over.

some people need to be shot in the head,look at this imbecil

omani never ruled somalia,never someone just paınted orange all over somalıa when they just had tradıng post in berbera and mugadishu,benadiri were trading with them thats it infact at the height of the geledi sultanate sultan ahmed karbashed them so badly they started paying tribute to somalis
the reason why there are somali bantus in somalia is because of them we sold those people to benadiris who sold the to the arabs

Young Popeye

Call me pops
Oman defeated the Portuguese in kenya, they did what Adal was suppose to do. The map is fake, they werent that powerful
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