The most self-hating article I've ever read.

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Look at this self-hating, inferiority - complex ridden piece of literary garbage.

This "man" should be thoroughly ashamed of himself for holding such thoughts. He describes his humanity as being defined by how others (ie. Europeans) view him. He questions his own humanity because the big bad Europeans have a low opinion of him.

Wallahi this man needs to be stripped of his Somaliness. He's lost his Somali G-Pass for life. Fucking slave.

"Indeed, the question, are we (as a Somali populace) part of this humanity? Comes with the question, am I (as a Somali person) a human being?"

I can't believe that this xayawaan actually wrote these words.


No, sir. You are not a human being.


His thought's are fluctuating too much,but the under tone of the article is right
His thought's are fluctuating too much,but the under tone of the article is right

Posting a random quote which you never adress or expand on doesnt give any undertone or validity of that article.

I could use Ibn Khalduns quote and dismiss his own statement in the same way.

Ergo: [Blindly] following ancient opinions, proverbs and philosophies does not mean that the dead are alive, but that the living are dead

- Geeljire

Ibn Khalduns Quote dissmissed!! We are not following it:mjlaugh:
Kaafiye Walaal i have seen and read that article before , it is just all over the place no sense or any meaning,arguments other than him questioning the humanity of the somali people and using fallacious ad-hominem attacks on the somali character.

We have humanity lots off it!! No different than any human on earth!

This is pretty much what ive been speaking on for long time , a more or less a process of self dehumanization that is going on among somali youth. They have dehumanized themselvs like the world has dehumanized somalis.

He defines himself based on the traits and habits of foreigners and accepted their reality and view of us.

Imagine if every culture of the world did the same thing him an other somalis are doing now , they would be just as resentful towards their own people and self loathing as him. Cuz he wont look at the factors , complexities and even compare experiences when it comes to issues pertaining your own. he has just accepted a blatant Fairy dust Reality.

he has just simply equated himself and our circumstances to foreign people, who are quite different and deal with their own problems and their circumstances in their own means and see themselves from their own eyes as opposed to himself.

Hence why he has no understanding of whats going on and actively just dehumanize and demonize Somalis

i would imagine tomorrow if foreigners(Europeans) called him a donkey that is what he would call himself without a question.:donkey:
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Posting a random quote which you never adress or expand on doesnt give any undertone or validity of that article.

I could use Ibn Khalduns quote and dismiss his own statement in the same way.

Ergo: [Blindly] following ancient opinions, proverbs and philosophies does not mean that the dead are alive, but that the living are dead

- Geeljire

Ibn Khalduns Quote dissmissed!! We are not following it:mjlaugh:

Yes your right in a way i need to expand on what i meant, after i read the article a few times i still have to say this guy is all over the place i only agree with a few thing's and i disagree with other stuff he wrote in that article, the article has many undertones to be exact but the strongest undertone is up lifting the colonizer and belittling his people, which i strongly disagree with as a guy who's great grand grand father and many relatives fought tooth and nail to get rid of European colonizers, i don't stand for that Bs anyway's at the beginning when i was reading it i thought he was advocating for change in the Somalis hence why i re-posted that Quote, but after rereading it a few times i clocked on this guy is doing nothing but praising the European's, i maybe a Godless heathen who trolls and spews extreme rhetoric here and there against hypocritical fools but in reality if it is Somali vs Them yeah i know exactly where i stand.
Ultimately Its due to a lack of culture & identity which is the reason for the fact that he define himself based on how outsiders view him and think of him. hence defining himself based on ajanabi traits,habits and standards.

The self loathing he is trying to justify is no differnet then somali girls and why they are all over the internett trying to prove to ajanabis how beautiful they are. For western somali girls in their minds thats the only redeeming quality they have , is this exoticized view of themselves from ajanabis(foreigners) eyes and it reeks of insecurities and lack of self worth.

thats because the western somali youth as well have begun to define themselves based on how foreigners view them.

Its inferiority complex in its finest. He has become a slave up for exploitation and extinction.

Its truly a Weakness of Mind!!


Ultimately Its due to a lack of culture & identity which is the reason for the fact that he define himself based on how outsiders view him and think of him. hence defining himself based on ajanabi traits,habits and standards.

The self loathing he is trying to justify is no differnet then somali girls and why they are all over the internett trying to prove to ajanabis how beautiful they are. For western somali girls in their minds thats the only redeeming quality they have , is this exoticized view of themselves from ajanabis(foreigners) eyes and it reeks of insecurities and lack of self worth.

thats because the western somali youth as well have begun to define themselves based on how foreigners view them.

Its inferiority complex in its finest. He has become a slave up for exploitation and extinction.

Its truly a Weakness of Mind!!

:banderas:Preach I swear you nailed it the damn nail on it's head 110 % we supposed to be civilization of civilization's the Apex of the apexes, and look at our current situation smdh sm got damn head it sickens me to my guts, but I gues after the pride comes the down fall.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Like it so much u gonna report it to da Canadian authorities for being uttered by a guy from a barbaric culture on some snitch nigga shit

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!

What's the purpose of Somalis in the humanities if they only contribute to the degradation of our culture?

Even Ayaan Hirsi is less damaging then these pseudo intellectual bullshit artists and At least she's making money.:kendrickcry::snoop:
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