The next Somali President with his PM (2016)

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Southie pride

Somali President 2016-2021


Prime Minister 2016-2019



Somali President 2016-2021


Prime Minister 2016-2019

Sxb, the way they got the system set up. If the president is Darood the PM has to be Hawiye. It goes both ways.
Farmaajo will be elected the year 2016, if not. Lets pack our bags and call it a day. There will be no Somalia


You know you can't pray with that Hajj photo up right? It's still haram :hemad:


Southie pride
Sxb, the way they got the system set up. If the president is Darood the PM has to be Hawiye. It goes both ways.
Farmaajo will be elected the year 2016, if not. Lets pack our bags and call it a day. There will be no Somalia
Yeah, you right. But this time the president must be Farmajo cuz he is the one whose behind all this success, some people are taking his legacy for nothing. ifahanooh


AbdiWeli is not leader material. He has unnecessary unfair to Marehan kacaan guilt written all over him. Vote Farmaajo.


Southie pride
AbdiWeli is not leader material. He has unnecessary unfair to Marehan kacaan guilt written all over him. Vote Farmaajo.
Well, Abdi weli he has nothing to do with Kacaanki, he left Somalia before civil war broke up. he graduated Somali National University Algonquin College, University of Ottawa, he got advanced PHD. However, he is economist and politician who can bring some change, don't look his based tribe.


Trust me word on the street is that he feels like he can't be a strong leader because people still have hangups about Siad Barre days and he takes that shit to heart. He acts camera shy and looks down in all his photos. The cadaan are even saying he's carrying an Original Sin type mentality.


Southie pride
Trust me word on the street is that he feels like he can't be a strong leader because people still have hangups about Siad Barre days and he takes that shit to heart. He acts camera shy and looks down in all his photos. The cadaan are even saying he's carrying an Original Sin type mentality.
^^Don't they people think even Siyad bare's son or uncle can bring some change because everyone got his/her own thoughts. I'm not defending Abdelweli. but what I see he look cool. On the other hand no man can challenge with Farmaajo, he is extra ordinary person, the whole entire nation admired him.


Maslax tried and failed. I think Marexan should get out of politics besides running their deegaans and reviving Somalia at a grassroots level seeing as the latter is what they want to achieve and the former is what needs to be done.


Southie pride
Maslax tried and failed. I think Marexan should get out of politics besides running their deegaans and reviving Somalia at a grassroots level seeing as the latter is what they want to achieve and the former is what needs to be done.
Somalia's politics without staring Marehan for sure they will fail cuz Marehans are the eyes yo see, they gifted for leading, but they have to learn from the past . See the Minister of defense, PM, Head military commanders and so on are Marehan. Why others don't want to take that position?


Positions in government are useless without doing some legwork. AS will only be defeated if rural communities have Faith that the government won't take their farmlands. Business people also don't like paying taxes unless the system is corruption proof. There's a reason why AS have lasted this long.


Maslax tried and failed. I think Marexan should get out of politics besides running their deegaans and reviving Somalia at a grassroots level seeing as the latter is what they want to achieve and the former is what needs to be done.
Mareexan should leave the politics? You must not seek progress, you can't be Hawiye..All Hawiyes show respect.
SADE is the only loyal clan for the Somali nation, and you disrespecting Abdiwali indicates that you're clueless about politics.


Southie pride
When it comes to politics leadership, Somali people majority are dishonest and can't be trusted, we are African what you expect. To steal only. tax goes to wrong hand, they don't build schools and Hospitals. I don't know if they have a faith. Sick people


When did I disrespect him?
Abdiweli was told to leave simply because he started arranging the government so it could lack corruption.
You lack the proper information when discussing politics. I've met this man personally, and he was fired for his dacaadnimo.
Just as Farmaajo was fired for his Wadanimo.
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