How old are you?
What's your Qabiil
How old are you, your mothers maiden name and where do you live?
Your favorite season?
Your favorite food?
What do you think about SJW?
Do you consider yourself black?
Will Somalia or any Somali region exist in the coming 100 years?
What would you change about Somali people?
What are 3 things you dislike about Somali people?
What are 3 things you like/admire about Somali people?
What do you think about my username?
Why do you think we never interact on this site I nearly talk to every female but you
Although this thread is an "ask me anything" thread, I'm not obliged to answer all of your questions. Nonetheless, give me good questions and I'll try my best to answer your questions (anything that asks anything too personal will be ignored, believe me).
How old are you, your mothers maiden name and where do you live?
Ma lagu gudaysiilaanyolaughsiilaanyolaugh
Are you married or seeing anyone?
Are you a hijabi or non hijabi?
When was the last time you were in Somalia?
No why?I don't know, I don't think we post in the same threads. Do you know why?
No, I'm single like a pringle. Relationships are not a priority of mine at the moment.
Why can't I post on anon?
No why?
generally what type of threads do you participate in? Am always in all the controversial threads giving my highly sought after opinion
What do you study?
Do you see yourself living in Canada permanently?
What are your thoughts on the Somali community in Canada?
Do you believe in Somaliland's right to exist a separate country?