The only way to unity is qabiil

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Somalis will never leave tribes. It's ingrained even in you who are born in the west. We grow up going to our "cousins" house, which is a loose translation for subclan family. Qabiil is in somali fabric. If I were to move to a new city, I would look for my tol before other somalis just to get familiar with the system there. This happens internationally.

My proposition for somalis is to have qabiil reconciliation. Darood need to reconcile and stop plotting on one another. Hawiye also need to do the same, mainly hg and abgaal. Isaaq have reconciled and were able to maintain a semblance of peace within the region. I think if the big somali clan reconcile, they can cause peace in their homes and start rebuilding. After some time they can open talks about economic empowerment, security, and possibly rebuilding a somali republic where each qabiil, including the smaller ones mains autonomous to a certain extent, but help eachother based on somalinimo and good faith. Other than that, there's no amount of cambuulo that will bring somalis together


Heads high
Do we really need Qabiil anymore?? Back then it was a tough Nomadic life where you find protection in "tolnimo". Now it's nothing but unnecessary baggage that's holding us back and slowing us down as a race.

Lets just record the histories. Throw something nice in for every little Qabil out there so they can be remembered positively then burry that shit once and for all!

Imagine If we are still in this same situation fighting about Qabils come 2070 when others will be building hotels on the moon and third world poor shitholes like Malawi will have a projected gdp the same as Sweden today? It's gonna suck.
Its impossible to get rid of tribalism. Every country in the world has tribalism to some extent. But we should put nationalism ahead of tribalism if we are going to succeed.
lol just look at this site. when the majority live in the west yet have the tribal mentality and taught/learned to hate people from this clan or that clan. this is in the west where it is supposed to be some tolerant equal shit. :siilaanyolaugh:
Only way to unity is the Islamic creed. If Islam could cause peace and unity between the warring Aws and Khazraj who have been at eachothers' throats for centuries, I do not doubt the same can bring Somalis together as well. I just do not think it will happen anytime soon or in my lifetime. Inshallah the people of Somalia and the surrounding Somali regions know peace and prosperity soon enough.
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