What occupation?>cries for Palestine
>supports the occupation of Somali Galbeed
His name is not coldoon it's icitiraafdoon
Very humiliating for cabiid doon, but he likes to be humiliated
Allah tests those he loves best we came from Allah and to Allah we shall return tell me what good is the world in exchange for your soul? Pause, I forgot gaal ba tahay oo xaarka Iska dhaaqinJecliyaa
What occupation?
May Allah bless DDSI jigjiga today is more developed and peaceful prosperous than hargaisa and Mogadishu iyo cabudwaaq
His name is not coldoon it's icitiraafdoon
DDSI is doing much better than Somalia that's why there thousands of Somalis from Somalia currently in Ethiopia DDSI region to seek shelter and sustenance don't bite the hand that feeds you booweTalking about one side of the story, what a self hating maggot you're.
He's a terrorist insha Allah the president of DDSI will deal with him his excellency president abdi iley may Allah be pleased with him booweFree the hapless sagaaro Qalbi Dhagax.
Did he cry any crocodile tears when somaliland handed over hundreds if not thousands of ONLF fighters to Ethiopia?Kkkkk keep humiliating this traitor
DDSI is doing much better than Somalia that's why there thousands of Somalis from Somalia currently in Ethiopia DDSI region to seek shelter and sustenance don't bite the hand that feeds you boowe
Did he cry any crocodile tears when somaliland handed over hundreds if not thousands of ONLF fighters to Ethiopia?
Ictiraafdoon weeye bastarka sidii wajigiisa u madow yahay buuna qalbigiisana u madow yahay.
Boowe peep the dhaanto in jigjiga with xassan shiekh mohamud and mudane president iley
Boowe peep the dhaanto in jigjiga with xassan shiekh mohamud and mudane president iley
Agaaaaah huuuuuno dirgaaaah
DDSI is doing much better than Somalia that's why there thousands of Somalis from Somalia currently in Ethiopia DDSI region to seek shelter and sustenance don't bite the hand that feeds you boowe