The Plight of the Somali Nation.

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Old Head 👴🏿
Once again, another tragic event had unfolded in South Africa (19/11/16), four Somali businessmen were brutally killed in the most harshest way you can kill someone, being beaten then burned to death.

My Somali brethren have you not yet realised wherever you go in the world you will be a vulnerable target to people who despise and envy you? No matter what you try, changing your name, assimilating in to your adopted country and self hating your very existence by losing hope in yourself and your own people. You would inadvertently play a role in your own downfall.

Yes I may sound like a wise-ass, however I will not fool you and play the optimist, we need to reform our own deep hated egotistical mannerisms which will cause the downfall of our ethnicity. Remember this my fellow Somalis, everywhere we go we will always be viewed as "Qaxooti".




Jet life till my next life
This has been happening for years, if those who live there aren't listening I say let the Zulu nation do its thang


Somalis should leave that place and one day I hope Apartheid returns to South Africa. Thats apparently only way to contain these beasts.


Your superior
Not to sound harsh but there must be a big level of greed for you not to flee with your life. Your life is more important then few dollars

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending

Big money can be made in south africa, but the somalis shouldn't go open shops inside the ghettos. This is where all of these murders and robberies are happening.


It has been going on for years now unfortunately. I have relatives there and I pray for their safety and for all Somalis' safety.
Somalis are superior but are jealous of them. Whites need to be given back South Africa and Zimbabwe so they can learn oppression. These people aren't civil, nor are they human. South Africa was a pieceful and beautiful country but the coons ended up ruining it. White leftists are responsible for the downfall of South Africa and Rhodesia. I will have no sympathy when they get massacred or enslaved like the tools they are
Bring back slavery
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