The truth seeker
Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness

The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation - I For Color
"The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and ...Destroyed a Generation" HIP HOP IS READ RESEARCH: DALE RICARDO SHIELDS What is the secret meeting that changed rap music? More than a decade ago, the notion of the alleged meeting described as a “Secret Meeting That Changed Rap” was first floated...

Jailhouse Roc: The FACTS About Hip Hop and Prison for Profit | Hip-Hop and Politics
GoldenUndergroundTV recently released an interview I did with them late last year. I got a bit animated at the end. Only so many interviews in a row I could handle being asked about Chief Keef. My tirade wasn’t really about Chief Keef. It wasn’t about Gucci Mane or Wocka Flocka or any of the...

The corporation CCA the biggest private prison corporation in America has been offered contracts in 48 states and maintains a 90 percent occupancy rate the largest shareholder in 2014 vanguard group incorporated is the third largest shareholder Viacom and time warner earning it a spot at the people who determine the current popular culture
Between 2013 and 2020 CCA was incorporated as REIT a trust which meant it was no subject to federal income taxes
Private prison since the first one was built in 1984 the imprisoned population increased by 194 percent while the over all population increased by only 36 percent. Larry fink ceo of black rock despite priding himself on activism holds a 15.38 percent stake in the corporation CCA

Why “woke” asset managers are still loading up on private prison stock
The miseries frequently associated with private prisons, as well as controversies over conditions at immigrant detention centers run by CoreCivic and GEO Group, have spurred some big financial players to pull away from the private prison sector in recent years. Major asset managers, however...