The return of USC

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Hundreds of troops are marching towards Mogadishu after abandoning their positions in lower Shabelle and other adjacent places of Mogadishu.

Their complaint is that of not getting paid and that the PM lied about them getting paid.

This puts pressure on Khayre and possibly the President's intervening in the matter and possibly new Prime Minister.
I wanted for days to right about though I clearly support the PM and President but the security situation can not be overlooked!

They talked big but delivered nothing in terms of empowering troops, free the country and fighting All Shabaab.

States failed in it too but where's the Federal Governments part?

I put blame on Federal Governments door.

We could have fought political spoilers from the inside while also fighting external enemies like Al Shabaab.
What's going on in the south...

Alshabab is getting stronger and clan the SNA is divided into clan militias(as if it wasn't bad already).
@Saahid Qamaan

Dont panic, no usc crap brov, just moryaan who been collection fake paychecks for years.

Their racket came to an end when biometrics where introduced. 29k Soldiers & police have received their due salary. These moryaan will be shot on sight


@Saahid Qamaan

Dont panic, no usc crap brov, just moryaan who been collection fake paychecks for years.

Their racket came to an end when biometrics where introduced. 29k Soldiers & police have received their due salary. These moryaan will be shot on sight

You couldn’t execute the single HG no name soldier who killed the Rx minister back in 2017 yet you think you can take on an HG army in xamar?

You couldn’t execute the single HG no name soldier who killed the Rx minister back in 2017 yet you think you can take on an HG army in xamar?


Hey moron your still alive it seems

When ur done kissing HG ass come with a sensible argument naagyahay


Reformation of Somaliland
Hundreds of troops are marching towards Mogadishu after abandoning their positions in lower Shabelle and other adjacent places of Mogadishu.

Their complaint is that of not getting paid and that the PM lied about them getting paid.

This puts pressure on Khayre and possibly the President's intervening in the matter and possibly new Prime Minister.

How don't they get paid a report highlighted that FGS receives 4 million a month that surely is enough
This is great news! I pray they capture xamar without bloodshed and hold new elections. Unlike what they did last time. Or just declare your regions independent country and everyone else should do the same. This push and pull game will not end.


When did Hawiye become Somali? I was reading the futuh al habasha and they are not mentioned in it. Not a single clan? So they clearly still were pagan in the 15th century. Even Dir/Rahanwayn/Isaaq are not mentioned. Only Marehan-Geri-Harti are mentioned from Somalis. Their was no other muslims.

Was Sheikh Haji Ali Majerteen he preaching Islam to Hawiye in the 19th century


While the Darawish were Preaching Islam and Removing the Michael Mariamo, Johns and Sir Douglas from Berbera

When did Hawiye become Somali? I was reading the futuh al habasha and they are not mentioned in it. Not a single clan? So they clearly still were pagan in the 15th century. Even Dir/Rahanwayn/Isaaq are not mentioned. Only Marehan-Geri-Harti are mentioned from Somalis. Their was no other muslims.

Was Sheikh Haji Ali Majerteen he preaching Islam to Hawiye in the 19th century


While the Darawish were Preaching Islam and Removing the Michael Mariamo, Johns and Sir Douglas from Berbera


At this moment the companions of the imam screamed out, saying, β€˜The infidels have tricked us; they are after the livestock,’ whereupon the imam split his forces into two divisions: one he entrusted to Garad Ahmusa, composed of the Somali spearmen of the Marraihan, the Gorgorah and the Hawiya; around one-thousand of them from among the most famous spearmen. And from the soldiers bearing shields, the same number.



Seeker of knowledge and truth
This is great news! I pray they capture xamar without bloodshed and hold new elections. Unlike what they did last time. Or just declare your regions independent country and everyone else should do the same. This push and pull game will not end.
In a another universe maybe or a world without the global police UN/US/NATO:hahaidiot:
The situation is how I read it. It is USC episode 2!

After they came to Mogadishu neighbourhoods became clan lines and era of Warlordism began.

Islamic Court Unions briefly changed that after it captured the whole town and reopened Airport and port.

After Abdullahi Yusuf with the Ethiopians and warlords captured it once more an intifada started that was partly Islamic and partly rooted in USC tribalism.

As Abdullahi resigned all the clan intifada suddenly switched to pro government but with Farmaajo's presidency and small clan Khayre as PM roles were switched one more time.
Things got out of hand. They won't return until Khayre is sacked.

Maybe Farmaajo had enough of Khayre and is breaking out of their agreement either way it doesn't look too good.

Imagine hundreds of Mooryaan's camped inside Mogadishu it is a disaster waiting to happen like a warehouse full of firework and someone started to ignite it what could be expected is huge explosions.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Hiraab have awoken Kheyre and beesha kuwait is in big trouble. Farmajo must appoint Axmed Fiqi as PM to save his presidency
Hiiraab are nothing do you think Abgaal have any love for HG troublemakers in Xamar only clowns Hassan Sheikh and his followers are USC supporters this mythical Hiiraab uprising doesn’t exist ask Abgaal leaders like Ali Geedi and Salaad Ali Jeele see what they tell you:mjlol:
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