The risings of extremist groups in South East asia.

Idk if you guys know about it but there’s been a rise of extremist groups in south east Asia, and most of these groups want to become independent from their original country.

(Especially in the Philippines where the Moro people got a horrible reputation because of idiots Within their community having multiple attacks In the southern islands, the President of the Philippines “Duterte” ordered the military to *Crush* them since their recent attack on a church). <—— this is actually quite shocking to know about since these groups mostly consist of young men around their late teens to late 20s.

either way: this caused a sort of war, an unknown war - similar to the drug war happening there Too. Where the extremist groups kill those who are just living their daily lives, bomb up temples and church’s + Kidnap poor people or refugees. This made the community be sour since the Muslims in these region never really were in a negative light.

It’s interesting to see how Somalia isn’t the only country suffering from extremist groups.
Either way; those extremist groups, especially in the Philippines are so incredibly dumb- it hasn’t even been 20 years since the country hasn’t had Christianity as the only state religion and only recognised Christianity (Being Christian was one of the 3 rules to be considered Filipino) and they now are bombing up churches and killing Christians mostly. If Duterte had a choice- he would have banned Islam like how Bhutan banned Islam too.

Indonesia got the worst spotlight from this since most extremist groups are linked to Indonesia in some kind of way


Reer Mindanao don't want to be part of Phillipines, they'd rather join Indonesia if possible. But the reached a truce with Duterte giving them more autonomy.
Reer Mindanao don't want to be part of Phillipines, they'd rather join Indonesia if possible. But the reached a truce with Duterte giving them more autonomy.
I will never get this tough- they are in terms of religion close to Indonesia, but culturally and linguistically they are closer to the Tagalog, Sangley etc.

but these people have pacific blood- speak an Astronesian language too- and got ruled by the Spanish people. Except for the right communists or the extremist, they consider themselves Filipino too.

they got high respect (even tough it declined) because they got rid of the Japanese during WW2. Btw Mindanao isnt mostly Islamic since it’s one of the only region where Christianity is a minority.
You have Buddhists and Hindus living there too
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I read this is bc of Saudi influences
Yup that too- it’s because Serrano sects got introduced.

Most Islamic population used to be Sunni Muslims (minorities Sufi’s), but because of Saudi influence, extremist groups promoting not so friendly sects came up. (Most of these extremists groups are Wahabi).


I will never get this tough- they are in terms of religion close to Indonesia, but culturally and linguistically they are closer to the Tagalog, Sangley etc.

but these people have pacific blood- speak an Astronesian language too- and got ruled by the Spanish people. Except for the right communists or the extremist, they consider themselves Filipino too.

they got high respect (even tough it declined) because they got rid of the Japanese during WW2. Btw Mindanao isnt mostly Islamic since it’s one of the only religion where Christianity is a minority.
You have Buddhists and Hindus living there too
Yeah only the western part of Mindanao adjacent to Borneo is still Muslim. Interestingly when the Spanish arrived Islam was more wide spread even in Manilla and Luzon in the north. To this day some aspects of Islam are retained by most Filipinos, such as their very high circumcision rate. If the Spanish didn't arrive Philippines would likely be a muslim country.
Yup that too- it’s because Serrano sects got introduced.

Most Islamic population used to be Sunni Muslims (minorities Sufi’s), but because of Saudi influence, extremist groups promoting not so friendly sects came up. (Most of these extremists groups are Wahabi).

wherever Saudi Arabia appears, terrorism and extremism follows . A rouge state and a curse on the Muslim world .

