The secret to 'Immortality' has finally been found!

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If someone here wants to get rid of an annoying little brat, let me know straight away because I want to expand my lifespan and live longer..hehehe! >:]



Islam teaches us that if the whole world came together, not a single soul can create a seed that can be planted and later harvested.
When Science can disown this miracle, than perhaps then, i will consider disowning my beliefs
But as of now, Islam is the only miracle available, and there ain't nothing like it.


For men there's testosterone hormone replacement therapy when you are in your late 40s/early 50s.
If you use it at that age, you will feel like you are 20 again. ;)

Joe Rogan is 48 and uses that and the dude looks much younger and is quite muscular.


What if Allah (SWT) wrote for you to die after 10,000 years?
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “The lifespan of my Ummah is from sixty to seventy (years).”

(Hadith No. 2331, Chapters on Zuhd, Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Vol. 4).

This is on average btw. I have nothing against science but when there's fallacious theories for which there's simply no proof for it or when it transgresses the boundaries set by Allah (SWT) then I can confidently say that it's false.
For men there's testosterone hormone replacement therapy when you are in your late 40s/early 50s.
If you use it at that age, you will feel like you are 20 again. ;)

Joe Rogan is 48 and uses that and the dude looks much younger and is quite muscular.

That + Calorie restriction + Young Blood + Young Plasma = will create the first 10,000 year Somali! :)
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “The lifespan of my Ummah is from sixty to seventy (years).”

(Hadith No. 2331, Chapters on Zuhd, Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Vol. 4).

This is on average btw. I have nothing against science but when there's fallacious theories for which there's simply no proof for it or when it transgresses the boundaries set by Allah (SWT) then I can confidently say that it's false.

You mean the Ummah in the 7th Century? Also what about the Sahabi who lived 60 years in the Jahiliyah and 60 years in Hijri? What about Abu-Hurairah who also lived 110 years?
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