The Signs Of A True Tribalist


Somalis think people who do fkd or talk tribe are really tribal this is a legacy due to colonialism values not Somali values.

The big signs of a tribalist is first they act like they don't know it(play dumb or learning it) and second is they say their nationalist(yet show no proof of their nationalism just empty words).

They usually conceal it or its so sick and terminal and cancerous they fear speaking on it because(calooshooda ayaa jiran). They adopt the af macan calool qurun approach.

The other identifier of them is they never criticise their own people and when u watch who they criticise it's always other clans but dodge this coincidence by saying oh I don't mean that clan but politics or character well why aren't u criticising your own to show us your not fucking sick in the first place? Why is it always another clan yet your not a clannist?

Majerten and Isaaq are the least tribalist in Somalia and criticise their people constantly while it degrades from there with urbanites being more tribal and sicker then rural areas. A true calol fiyow person can talk tribe and blast all equally cause it doesn't sit at some cancerous level like your bed ridden shit plus they want nation to move on which comes down what we call Hard Talk and Painful discussion 4 healing.


U know why I focus on PL alot? Charity starts at home is what ppl say in Australia not with others. Not because I have any love or hate for it but since my goal is national recovery I can't start with other ppl homes.
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The other sign I've noticed about a true tribalist or someone where it's real cancerous and in their belly their all paranoid and assume others are evil clannist or racist or religious n sectarian or political party enemies and do the blame game on others or find ways to prove their sick paranoia on others which says alot more about them not others.
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Well I don't think he meant stand there and let your tribe be killed he just meant don't go on offensive on tribalism but noone standing there being genocided due to tribe bruv, that doesn't add up to mental intellect but u didn't provide context.

SSDF and Rebels did Jahiliyah offensive and grounded in tribalism(siyad was marehan) they paid for it now 30 years.

But post 91 this is xaq to defend yourself heck even to go on the offensive if in the spirit of defence and prevention.



This is one big area I criticise on PL security posture to remain defensive only and wait till the conflict comes to them and reactionary.

This has been the case since 91 till now except the Federal govt project for Hamar to restore Somalia on the Map. It was while in the deep void, vacuum, dark age theater and Abdillahi rose the Somali flag in Villa Somalia against looters and terrorists. Looters n Self appointed Khawarij black flag lost to Somali Flag Abdillahi was given as the will of the people.

If we did Hollywood theatrics on the tour, it would be so much theatrics involved. Puntitequeen would get all teary at the heroics.

Something I was shocked how they got the job done and Somalis are now milking the legacy and using it against them 😆

They don't go on the offensive in the spirit of prevention and defence of enemy clans. Ma aminsana inay cadowga laga hortago in their land but prefer we will wait when they come for us. I'm.a.lone wolf minority in the wilderness calling for a shift in security posture like PIM is lone wolf in political.scene there.
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Even American humanitarian.mission said f*ck this in 93 and left.

I went in 99 to Mogadishu(which wasnt really the eye of the hurricane it was america time(4 month war) when it really was and many things don't stun me but shook me to the core and I never came back fully as an average diaspora aussie thinker again.

Plus Americans were not inside locals and the total void, disorder, vacuum they had perimeters and order. I'm suprised abdillahi pulled it off.

When I went they weren't warlords as the pact was signed after 4 month war aideed n mahdi to turn into crimelords(looting, checkpoints, all sorts of hidden and observable rackets) because they knew a govt wud just lead to more conflict.

In all honesty to them if I knew another 4 month shit wud kick off over govt and lead to same outcome I wud of signed the let's just enjoy the spoils and loot and keep the disorder kinda civil and block all western attempts of govt, even joining khawarij courts self appointed which is when I realised u can live in some sense of chaos.
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I bet trump if he was amomg the factions for Mogadishu he wud sign the pact of no govt and turn on anyone or anything who dares attempts to bring it after the 4 month war. He wud see it wud just lead to bloodshed and he don't like that.

U can live in gentleman pact in disorder it's not just this big destruction yes skermishes will happen over time but they agree to contain it so it doesn't escalate and effect their pact.

He doesn't think like typical America notice he wants land like the warlords did, it's the most rarest thing in the world because everything else is ocean.

