The smartest Pad lock in the world.

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I stated in a recent thread that: "Somalia will be the first country to be policed from a cellphone".

I can smell a start-up emerging that will change the way policing and public data gathering is performed all through fingerprinting everyone including Arii!

Checkout this amazing Tapplock that uses your fingerprint to unlock anything.

Its a cool piece of technology and I like how it also acts as a portable phone charger. Would I buy it? No. It's too big for my liking and I'd be worried about malfunctions. I still think it's a cool innovative product.
It's cool. Ends right there tor me. Call me old school but when it comes to real life security, as opposed to online security, I'd rather have the regular safes and locks. If niggas can hack into the DNC and RNCS private email server as an example, you better believe there'll be back doors and hacks for this. This is how I feel in general about connecting everything to the internet these days. Like for fucks suck why does a fridge need to have wifi
Its a cool piece of technology and I like how it also acts as a portable phone charger. Would I buy it? No. It's too big for my liking and I'd be worried about malfunctions. I still think it's a cool innovative product.

There's a way to unlock it with your phone in case the pad doesn't work, they explain it on the website.

Somalis don't use locks because they don't go to gyms, so of course your ass wouldn't buy it
It's cool. Ends right there tor me. Call me old school but when it comes to real life security, as opposed to online security, I'd rather have the regular safes and locks. If niggas can hack into the DNC and RNCS private email server as an example, you better believe there'll be back doors and hacks for this. This is how I feel in general about connecting everything to the internet these days. Like for fucks suck why does a fridge need to have wifi

People give out information voluntarily all the time.

I can cut your lock with bolt cutter what's the difference?
People give out information voluntarily all the time.

I can cut your lock with bolt cutter what's the difference?

The difference is, cutting a lock open is significantly less discrete than hacking into it through the Internet. But I was thinking more in terms of actual safes and locks, you know the type you'd see in a Jame Bond movie. Imagine the norm becoming those being connected to the internet.

I'm the same with online security. I always back my stuff up onto a physical external hard drive instead of cloud storage.
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