The smelliest airport you've been to

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Heathrow, customs line at terminal 3

Gharmuun. The washrooms are right beside and you can smell it from the lines. Inside the washroom was something else. Indian curry and feces. It had the smell of a Delhi slum:hova:


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Bole airport! Fackin hell that place stinks of piss and alcohol. The smell was so strong, it almost melted my face off :wow:
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Djibouti Airport, because it was a terrible experience
The toilet stank. There was some nasty shicirad and kaadi stains all over the broken toilet seat.

and there was no biyo too :snoop:
That smell in Heathrow is always there. I've been there half a dozen times and its still the same smell from 2005.


Scheming from Salaxley
Newark and Berbera had me like
Ottawa airport is so clean and smells like fresh air. Reykjavik airport as well.

Edmonton airport is the only place that doesn't smell in Edmonton
I'm actually going to pass by Toronto airport for the first time this week.

I will rate its smell when I'm there. I have a feeling it will stink like Heathrow's curry feces
Djibouti airport, they have this sorry excuse of a toilet that reeks of death. Don't even get me started on the customer service. So much for leaving a good first impression of the country :hova::hova:
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