The super rich are preparing for the end of the world

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This doomsday prep used to be popular with the so called 'crazies' and the paranoid, but now the elites, the rich, and the bankers are getting involved.

When the rich tech bosses in silicon valley become preppers, it's really time to worry.

The Dow has hit 20,000 for the first time ever, but rather than celebrating, some of the richest of the rich are building bunkers to prepare for a potential apocalypse.

These "preppers" are making other investments too. They're buying houses in New Zealand, which has become a popular spot in case of calamity. Billionaire Peter Thiel just secured property and citizenship there.

And they're getting elective surgery. Steve Huffman, the 33-year-old co-founder and CEO of the online community Reddit, got Lasik so that he'd be able to be more independent in case of emergency.

In addition to the eye surgery, Huffman has accumulated guns, ammunition and motorcycles so that he won't get caught in traffic jams during an evacuation.

Former Facebook product manager Antonio García Martínez bought wooded land in the Pacific Northwest that he has stocked with generators, solar panels and ammo, The New Yorker reports.

"You just need so many things to actually ride out the apocalypse," García Martínez says. "I think people who are particularly attuned to the levers by which society actually works understand that we are skating on really thin cultural ice right now."

In particular, the political climate has made many coastal elites anxious about the future.

"I think, to some degree, we all collectively take it on faith that our country works, that our currency is valuable, the peaceful transfer of power — that all of these things that we hold dear work because we believe they work," says Huffman. "While I do believe they're quite resilient, and we've been through a lot, certainly we're going to go through a lot more."

More than half of Silicon Valley billionaires have outfitted themselves for a crisis, whether with a bunker, second home or vacation spot, estimates Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn.

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Your superior
The world is more dangerous now than it has ever been. I think if you don't have some sort of contingency plan then you are a fool.
Are they closely taking a look at the doomsday clock? Lol.

The world is more dangerous now than it has ever been. I think if you don't have some sort of contingency plan then you are a fool.

The world is actually safer today. War is not as common or as destructive, crime rates are down, nuclear proliferation is not a concern anymore with countries reducing their warheads, countries are more cooperative and more multilateral than ever.


Cultural revolution
Are they closely taking a look at the doomsday clock? Lol.

The world is actually safer today. War is not as common or as destructive, crime rates are down, nuclear proliferation is not a concern anymore with countries reducing their warheads, countries are more cooperative and more multilateral than ever.

Even if they reduce their warhead. Only 100 atom bombs could wipe out life on earth due to a decade long nuclear winter. The world is messed up
Even if they reduce their warhead. Only 100 atom bombs could wipe out life on earth due to a decade long nuclear winter. The world is messed up

Nuclear weapons have only been used twice and within a couple of days of each other.

No one wants to resort to using them.

The article came out before that, the world is far more dangerous, so many flash points, you pick which is more likely, anywhere from Trump threats to China which lead them to moving nukes near the Russian border, you have the South China Sea tension gone up by 10x notch after threats by Rex to kick them out of it by force.

His so called safe-zone in Syria (really Hillary no fly zone) irking Russia, then you have this whole economic bubble about to implode, you can pick Deutsche bank, Stock market, Trump trade war, so many trigger points just in the economic collapse scenario.

You also can't discount the tensions simmering in America, civil-war threat doesn't look to far fetched, just imagine the hell that happens when he gets impeached, assassinated or overthrown, and if not the longer he stays, the more polarised and nasty the internal divisions become with his narcissistic attitude.

China military official says war with US under Donald Trump 'becoming practical reality'

China Announces Deployment of New Long Range Nuclear Missile on Russia Border aimed at Trump


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The world is more dangerous now than it has ever been. I think if you don't have some sort of contingency plan then you are a fool.
True, but these rich people are stupid. Why advertise that you have a hideout stocked with food, water and ammo, people will just attack your hideout when the worst happens. If I were a billionaire, I would just dig a huge underground bunker near a stream in the middle of nowhere and tell no one. I am sure many of them already do this, but the stupid ones simply can't resist running their mouths!
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