So I was working out in the gym and I overheard this 2 friends complaining how they can't seem to get a girl to like them cause apparently they are too "nice" aka wimpy
Now Im a guy so I don't know how women think but one thing I do know is that for women , there is nothing worse than a man who is Self-congratulating, self-praising, Self-absorbed
Now the difference between a “nice guy” and “wimpy guy”. Wimpy guys are very dependent! They are not this fancy tiger that women like to tame. Wimpy guys lack the self-confidence…they don’t initiate things or can’t face the risk of being rejected…and as the result they act as if they are interested in her but can’t say so…and thus guur iyo gaabsi wax alla waxey rabaan lama yaqaan. That’s not being nice that’s being wimpy.
Nice guys, on other hand, are considerate men who have class and don’t see themselves as being skirt-chasers and womenizers. To be one, if u need a tip
…be urself and adopt an attitude that is accepting and open, and show that u are interested in her.
There will always be women who continually choose jerks! It might be that they are emotionally twisted and not capable of being a partner in a solid, stable relationship. The truth of the matter is the jerk’s self-involvement will make it more likely that he will cheat on the woman or dump her when someone more exciting comes along or when the novelty wears off. If you got rejected by being nice…it is not because you have a good manners, or you are pious, or you are considerate but probably she is not interested in u or variety of other reasons.

Now the difference between a “nice guy” and “wimpy guy”. Wimpy guys are very dependent! They are not this fancy tiger that women like to tame. Wimpy guys lack the self-confidence…they don’t initiate things or can’t face the risk of being rejected…and as the result they act as if they are interested in her but can’t say so…and thus guur iyo gaabsi wax alla waxey rabaan lama yaqaan. That’s not being nice that’s being wimpy.
Nice guys, on other hand, are considerate men who have class and don’t see themselves as being skirt-chasers and womenizers. To be one, if u need a tip
There will always be women who continually choose jerks! It might be that they are emotionally twisted and not capable of being a partner in a solid, stable relationship. The truth of the matter is the jerk’s self-involvement will make it more likely that he will cheat on the woman or dump her when someone more exciting comes along or when the novelty wears off. If you got rejected by being nice…it is not because you have a good manners, or you are pious, or you are considerate but probably she is not interested in u or variety of other reasons.