The Tribes of the Blacks according to Al Maqrizi

The Zenj live on the coast of the Indian sea, they have a town called Mombassa, they are Majoosi (Fire worshippers) and under the caliph Mu’tamid, they revolted in Basra with the Shia (Zanj Rebllion).
After that is Berbera. Islam is common among its citizens. They have a town Magadiso (Mogadishu), on the Indian Ocean.
Bantus of Southern East Africa:
In the south east live the Demdem who are completely naked. They have invaded the land of the Nubians and the Abyssins, at the same moment when the Tatars (Mongols) invaded Iraq. They destroyed a lot and then returned home.
Their neighbors are the Abyssins. They are close to Yemen, on the shores of the western sea. They are Christians.
North of the Zendj and the Abyssins are the tribes of the Beja who are Christian or Muslim, and who possess the island of Souakin.
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