I recommend we all watch this video through, he makes very good points and could help guide us.
am already down and that nigga is just gonna make me feel bad,
I recommend we all watch this video through, he makes very good points and could help guide us.
Akhi it's a good video to boost imaan, you should watch itam already down and that nigga is just gonna make me feel bad,
oki but stop saying ''Akhi'' that sh@it is Arab thingAkhi it's a good video to boost imaan, you should watch it
akhi it's addictingoki but stop saying ''Akhi'' that sh@it is Arab thing
Mashallah SisterI watched it the other day. I love strong speakers and his fast becoming one of them. A great video that really makes you think a lot about your actions. May Allah guide us.
f u c k you akhi was mention in Quranoki but stop saying ''Akhi'' that sh@it is Arab thing