The United Horn of Africa Republic


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

A dream of many to unite the great nations into a world superpower, a far greater fate than 30 years of failure!
Siad barre once proposed to do this with Ethiopia and even politically with South Yemen in the early 70's creating a socialist block but the western embassies got into his ear and blinded him from soviet advice not to go to war in July 77. Siad barres biggest strength and weakness was that he was a patriot and saw himself as the liberator of Somalia from imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism so they presented him with an opportunity and image he could refuse. 'Ethiopia is in drought, fragmented and weak you will crush them yada yada'. All was good till about October when ties with the soviet union were breaking and later Carter refused to supply any military equipment but sent food aid.
Siad barre once proposed to do this with Ethiopia and even politically with South Yemen in the early 70's creating a socialist block but the western embassies got into his ear and blinded him from soviet advice not to go to war in July 77. Siad barres biggest strength and weakness was that he was a patriot and saw himself as the liberator of Somalia from imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism so they presented him with an opportunity and image he could refuse. 'Ethiopia is in drought, fragmented and weak you will crush them yada yada'. All was good till about October when ties with the soviet union were breaking and later Carter refused to supply any military equipment but sent food aid.

This is false. It was Fidel Castro who floated this idea to Barre, he called it a “communist federation”. The Ethiopian leader was very receptive to it but it was Barre who outright rejected it.

@TekNiKo This is the ultimate political equilibrium in the Horn, win win for the entire region and the closest Somalia will ever get to “Somaliweyne”.

We are literally facing starvation, extreme insecurity and the highest level of corruption in the world and here you are concerned with expansion… key word “priorities”

I don’t see where OP said it was a priority. Common sense that this idea can only be explored once Somalia resolves all its issues. It would be a huge mistake and likely disastrous if Somalia pursued political integration without sorting its shut out first, we need to come in negotiations with a strong hand as possible.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
This is false. It was Fidel Castro who floated this idea to Barre, he called it a “communist federation”. The Ethiopian leader was very receptive to it but it was Barre who outright rejected it.

@TekNiKo This is the ultimate political equilibrium in the Horn, win win for the entire region and the closest Somalia will ever get to “Somaliweyne”.

I don’t see where OP said it was a priority. Common sense that this idea can only be explored once Somalia resolves all its issues. It would be a huge mistake and likely disastrous if Somalia pursued political integration without sorting its shut out first, we need to come in negotiations with a strong hand as possible.
I agree its a win win and all regions will be free from foreign interference via federalism. Oromos can come work for all their compatriots, Somalis can expand their businesses and financial acumen to a population of 200million +. Free trade and movement will encourage huge integration resulting in one currency. Presidency can be rotated between all ethnic groups resolving Somalis long standing tribal problems.


I agree its a win win and all regions will be free from foreign interference via federalism. Oromos can come work for all their compatriots, Somalis can expand their businesses and financial acumen to a population of 200million +. Free trade and movement will encourage huge integration resulting in one currency. Presidency can be rotated between all ethnic groups resolving Somalis long standing tribal problems.

neonazi christian imperialism. horner christians are amhara leaning or bonafide amhara they will never soften to somalis.
If this were to happen there will be a constant struggle of the dominate culture and religon of the land. Somalis would refuse to be habeshized and habesha will refuse to accept Islam
DDS stands as a living example that we cant stand a chance if we try to join ethiopia, we are inherently individualistic and socially fragile and fragmented so that we can be manipulated by almost everyone.

For years I thought the somali representatives in ethiopia are ignorant or suffering from inborn intellectual deficit to grasp things but now I found out that they are silent and in some cases complicit in habesha oppression against somalis for their personal satisfaction.

Furthermore, we have got a huge empty lands rich in all kind of resources and untapped sea water so it absolutely makes no sense to share all of your resources with someone who barely have something to offer and to make matters worse outnumber you so badly.

So even if somalia becomes united under one strong administration again, I would rather suggested to engage a proxy war with habeshas as long as they're claiming DDS and never allow for them to take a tiny fraction of its resources.
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neonazi christian imperialism. horner christians are amhara leaning or bonafide amhara they will never soften to somalis.
Their golden time for nazism and fascism is over for good, now they are in a survival mode under Galla dictatorship, so I no longer consider them as a threat rather I would redirect my undivided attention towards savage gallas, the are 10× more dangerous than abyssinians


DDS stands as a living example that we cant stand a chance if we try to join ethiopia, we are inherently individualistic and socially fragile and fragmented so that we can be manipulated by almost everyone.

For years I thought the somali representatives in ethiopia are ignorant or suffering from inborn intellectual deficit to grasp things but now I found out that they are silent and in some cases complicit in habesha oppression against somalis for their personal satisfaction.

Furthermore, we have a huge empty lands rich in all kind of resources and untapped sea water so it absolutely makes no sense to share all of your resources with someone who barely have something to offer and to make matters worse outnumber you so badly.

So even if somalia becomes united under one strong administration again, I would rather suggested to engage a proxy war with habeshas as long as they're claiming DDS and never allow for them to take a tiny fraction of its resources.
the closest would be a pakistan esque wadan for muslims in the horn. but a chunk of oromos wont join because of oromonimo.
the closest would be a pakistan esque wadan for muslims in the horn. but a chunk of oromos wont join because of oromonimo.
Oromo supreme religion is oromumma and only then comes everything

As a whole ethiopia has little more christians than muslims in my guess and even if the laangaab somalis join ethiopia with their 15million strong popn, that would just made the horn's Islam/ christian ratio roughly 1:1 but the problem is that Christians dominate overwhelmingly the educational sector in ethiopia, almost all the universities have 90%+ proportion of Christians both in students and lecturers, so still christains would've run the state with their overwhelmingly huge middle class just like they do currently in Ethiopia
Lol, if you cant manage to get Somalia to work then what makes you think that will work, the more nation state attuned Ethiopians cant get their shythole working without killing eachother every 20 years either. This is nothing more than a fantasy.
Why in Allah's name would i prefer an united Horn Africa where im lumped with all the looma oyaan stateless clans and ethnics, when i can have my own Nation called Galmudug!?!?

proposed by castro a federation of ethiopia somalia south yemen. siad barre and mengistu could not come to terms on galbeed. mengistu refused on giving up galbeed. siad barre rejected the federation plan.
In hindsight, rejecting the offer even without galbeed was a big mistake. The Derg regime would have been overthrown by the tplf & eritreans in 12 yrs, and once the federation becomes dissolved galbeed could have declared independence or joined Somalia. Barre should have bided his time, stocked up on weapons for like a decade and then join the tplf in overthrowing the derg in 92. Eritrea got independence and galbeed could have as well, but Somalia didn't have a seat at the table as the whole country collapsed by then.
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