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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

votes against the United States 67% of the time
votes against the United States 67% of the time
votes against the United States 70% of the time
votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.
votes against the United States 71% of the time.
votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia
votes against the United States 73% of the time.
votes against the United States 74% of the time.
votes against the United States 74% of the time.
votes against the United States 74% of the time.
votes against the United States 75% of the time.
votes against the United States 75% of the time.
votes against the United States 76% of the time.
votes against the United States 79% of the time.
votes against the United States 80% of the time.
votes against the United States 81% of the time.
votes against the United States 84% of the time.
votes against the United States 87% of the time.
U S Foreign Aid to some of these countries:
Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.
Jordan votes 71% against the United States And receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
Pakistan votes 75% against the United States Receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
India votes 81% against the United StatesReceives $143,699,000 annually.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We are told that the United Nations (UN) is an international organization that aims to facilitate co-operation through social progress, economic development, international security and international law. They promote themselves, and are outwardly promoted as a reputable body that deals with peace, security, development, human rights and humanitarian affairs. With this being the case it’s no surprise to see the UN at the forefront of all international conflict and instability, since these exact events give them the ideal atmosphere to promote themselves as bringers of all that I previously mentioned. Throughout history, authoritative figures have always tried to paint a perception of themselves in hopes of influencing and brainwashing the masses into a desired agenda.

We are told that the United Nations (UN) is an international organization that aims to facilitate co-operation through social progress, economic development, international security and international law. They promote themselves, and are outwardly promoted as a reputable body that deals with peace, security, development, human rights and humanitarian affairs. With this being the case it’s no surprise to see the UN at the forefront of all international conflict and instability, since these exact events give them the ideal atmosphere to promote themselves as bringers of all that I previously mentioned. Throughout history, authoritative figures have always tried to paint a perception of themselves in hopes of influencing and brainwashing the masses into a desired agenda.
By promoting themselves, I am referring to the UN’s use of mainstream media networks, like CNN. CNN is owned by Time Warner (1), which is owned by JP Morgan Chase and Company and Dodge & Cox Inc, to name a few (2). It also has a select group of direct holders, like Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Mr. Bewkes sits in the head office of Time Warner’s two towers built in 2001 -buildings purposely built to resemble the once standing World Trade Centers of New York City. Bewkes is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (3),which is headed and funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families (4)(5). In fact a large majority of mainstream media network owners are all members of the CFR, as well as the trilateral commission. Another example of this is Richard D. Parsons. who served as Time Warner’s Chairman of the Board from May 2003 to January 2009. Currently Mr. Parsons is a member of the Board of Trustees and is a Senior Advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation(6). I could even go on to look at Frank J. Caufield, another major direct holder of Time Warner Corp, who is also a member of the CFR(7). Let me remind you again, that CNN is owned by Time Warner Corp, which is owned by a number of individuals and corporations that are run by a few families. These families hide behind the corporations they run, using the employees and politicians they hire to do their dirty work. Why we continue to hand our perception of what is happening on the planet to a select few who show no regard for the human race is beyond me. As a child, I did not understand how a human being could have such negative intentions, and create so much conflict through the use of trickery. To this day I still believe that a human being cannot do what these “governing bodies” and multinational corporations do. Whether or not it holds the same effect on you, I hope the connections above at least raise an eyebrow for you.

There is no need for me to point out the JP Morgan (major institutional holder of Time Warner)/ Rockefeller connections, which also played a big role in the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1912. So what does all this have to do with the United Nations? Well, the same ones that own all of our mainstream media networks, also own, run and created the United Nations. The owners of the United Nations use their media networks to influence the perception of billions of people. Not many people know that our mainstream media networks are owned by less than 5 multinational corporations, and all of these corporations have ties to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. If you dive in even further, all of the same corporations are directly related to suppressing clean energy technologies, like General Electric. You can find out more about free energy suppression here. More ties can be made in the food and medical industries as well. Our planet is owned by a small group of families and the corporations they run, this is no longer a secret, no longer a conspiracy theory. It’s becoming evident that these “people” do not have our best intentions at hand.

League of Nations/Treaty of Versailles

The forerunner to the United Nations, was the league of Nations. It was created under the treaty of versailles in 1919 (8)(14). Many believe the idea of the UN’s creation was due to the second world war, it wasn’t. A plan for global control through a well disguised body of peace started long before 1945. The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organization created at the Paris peace conference that ended the First World War. Development of international organizations due to conflict is a way of trickery. The UN was created in 1945 as a result of World War 2. Anytime there is global conflict, something is created out of that conflict, to give the illusion that whatever is created out of that conflict is a direct solution to that conflict. Have you ever thought that the ones who created the conflict, are doing so in order to propose the solution? What a scam that would be, wouldn’t it? What a trick, using and controlling our will. Handing our will over to those who look to take advantage of us, to those that are not in service to others, but to themselves. The League of Nations was created by the Rockefeller Family, they were responsible for funding the entire operation(9). At the same time, the International Labour Organization was developed, which is and was heavily funded by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families(10). It is clear that the Rockefeller and Rothschild families both created the United Nations, without them the development of this global organization would not be possible.

The Same Groups That Funded Nazi Germany Created The United Nations? Both Sides of the War Were Funded by the Same Group?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A key question we must ask ourselves when it comes to international global governing bodies is, who is in charge? Who is making the decisions? What connections can be made between the United Nations and the other major governing bodies of planet Earth? How often do we ask these questions? And how often do we make the connections? If the United Nations was created for peace and stability in conflicting War time, why would the same parties fund both sides of the war? Was it just for profit, or did they want to create War, to create government bodies that would control our entire planet? The United Nations has branched off into the World Health Organization, which has other branched within it like Codex Alimentarius and the Food and Drug Administration.

I’m talking about Paul M. Warburg, a German-born banker, who was an appointed member of the Federal Reserve System, on the board of governors(11). Isn’t the Federal Reserve a United States entity? He was heavily involved with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and his family was heavily involved with I.G Farben. I.G Farben was the largest chemical company in the world during its time, and one of the largest industrial booms next to the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, and General Motors. I.G Farben was responsible for numerous war crimes, supplying the Nazis with weapons and even funding the Nazi party(12)(13). Why would the federal reserve system and the Rockefeller’s be involved with I.G Farben? Isn’t the federal reserve an American entity? Did they not fund the United States as well? Paul Warburg and his family were involved with the creation of the Federal Reserve, the Warburg family headed I.G Farben, a company that supported the Nazi movement. So what is going on here? There is a lot of evidence to show that both sides of World War II were funded by the same people, so I think a “fast one” has been pulled over our eyes. The Federal Reserve is still in tight with the Warburg family, as they have transformed themselves into several multinational corporations and financial institutions, like Warburg Pincus(15)(16).

It’s no secret that the Bush family also heavily profited from the war. Did you know that the Bush family also had members connected to the federal reserve, and that the Bush family is also very close to the Rockefeller family?(17). It’s not a secret that the presidency has always been connected to the Federal Reserve. Prescott Bush even worked for the Nazis, he worked with and profited from companies that were funding Hitler. With all of these connections, it is easy to see how the real founders of the United Nations (if you follow the money) were connected to many inhumane acts. So what makes you think it has stopped today? What if the United Nations give you the illusion of a peace making body, in order to drive chaos, fear, and to fulfill an agenda that started long before we were all born? How can the UN protect us against mining corporations for example, that commit atrocities all over the world, when the same ones who created the UN own all of the major mining corps, like the Rockefeller Hughes Corporation(18). I’ve provided sources for all of my claims, at the same time I like to leave a few out to inspire the readers to do some research. Feel free to look into the Bush connections yourself! Keep in mind, I’ve used only a few examples and connections in this article, there is a tremendous amount that you can make on your own if you are sparked to further your research.

One aspect of the current consciousness shift is waking up to new facts and possibilities of what really happened in our recent human history. Many people take different paths to awakening, but in the end it all leads to one thing: we have to be the change we want to see. We’ve seen a lot of turmoil throughout the years on this planet, and in turn it’s created a very dense energetic state for planet Earth. More people are starting to find peace, they are experiencing more joy and desire change for all on planet Earth. Through awakening, we are changing the vibrational frequency of the planet. We’ve been blind to many things for thousands of years. We are living in the age of transparency, everything has presented itself for us to see from the “darkest” experiences to the “lightest”. Either way you look at it, everything that has and is playing out on planet Earth is all an experience for the human race. Events happen, in order to jolt us into waking up to truth. 9/11 for example, woke many up. Whether it’s the truth about hemp, the federal reserve, the illuminati, extraterrestrials, spreading love, or anything else, the age of transparency is leading to a new truth within billions of people, and that truth is love. Love is required as a necessary building block for a new world. We are responsible for what is happening here, when we awaken from our sleep, I’m sure we won’t let continue what we’ve let continue for so long. No longer will we be used to uphold a system that does not resonate with us, instead we will create a new one that makes the old one obsolete.

There are multiple sources that go beyond mine, I could have used many more. Please feel free to do your own research to further verify some facts.





















A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The united nation charter states that the UN is the supreme authority where there's no law higher than it. That goes totally against Islam cause Allah makes it clear through the noble Quran that he's the supreme law, so all the so called Muslim nations in the UN are not really Muslim states, they're secular including Saudia Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan...


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Now, it's astonishing really, how people get caught up in the rush of media releases. The media will always churn out more stuff for you to grab on, and to go ooh, and ah, and everyone es about it for a day, and it's all over the internet and then it's forgotten the next day as something else is pushed out for you to about and go ooh, and ah, and all you're being taught really, and trained into is that the old system is gone, and here is the new one. Now, I've gone into the Club of Rome, with their post-democratic statements. You're now in a post-democratic society, and they said too, it would have to be authoritarian, to rush this through, worldwide. You'd have to be taught, and coerced, and if necessary the use of force would have to be used on you to make you comply with this whole new expert-driven society, and that's what it's all about, where the scientific elite, academia would all be in charge of us, right down to our minds and what's politically correct and what isn't. And they would also use the present tools, which everyone's been trained like little rats into, and that's the computer, which will run your lives for you, very, very shortly. In fact, they already run a lot of folk's lives already; they just don't want to admit it. It's to get a lot worse with the interfacing of the internet of things, where nanotechnology, which is so cheap apparently to produce, will be all over the planet, in your clothing and everything, and communicating wherever you go with sensors wherever you go. And you'll be monitored 24 hours a day and night even. So that's the Brave New World we're getting brought up into.

And, you know, a few years back, when you talked about conspiracy at all, before they made it a sort of hobby. And that's what the Big Boys wanted. They encouraged conspiracy theories and they called it, they were the first ones to call it all those who are involved in "conspiracy theories" in a sort of mocking superior tone that they use. That was intended, because they have now created a cult of conspiracy theories, anything from aliens invading the planet to whatever. And it's all one big giant circus, which is counter-intelligence. Once you mix fact with fiction and push it out there, and believe you me, the fiction will grab you. It will grab your mind. That's what fiction is designed to do. And take you off through journeys through outer space and back again. You will believe this stuff, and sound like an absolute loony to those who never heard any of it before. But you'll also discredit the factual stuff, and that's how counter-intelligence actually works. On this show, I try to stick to the basic facts. The rest of anything to do with speculation, I leave up to you. And I understand too, that a lot of people like escapism because it's very hard, very difficult to believe that evil people really do exist. And of course, in this time of moral relativity, I guess we can't even call them evil anymore, it's just their particular bent on how they see things and it's their take on things, how they should rule us.

Now everyone has really accepted, step by step by step, as you're trained into the New World Order, that it's no real big deal. You're already, you've been told for years and years that you're already global, the global society, the global village, think global act local, all that kind of stuff, thousands of slogans. Lenin said they'd win by slogans, by the way. And of course, Madison Avenue churns them out on behalf of the big rulers of the world and that's not your governments. Your governments are simply the ones who rubber-stamp the laws that are passed to them via the United Nations. And the United Nations is run by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, who set it up in the first place. They combined Communism and Capitalism to bring out this new society. And that came out in the Reece Commission, which you can see for yourself, if you care to look it up. And they're coming out with it more openly now. This is an article from, and it says:

After a year of humiliating setbacks, United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon and about 60 of his top lieutenants (A: Now remember, you're listening to military terminology for this group that keeps saying they're pushing democracy across the world. Even though they say we're post-democratic, because they're born liars. They don't just use double speak, they use triple speak. But they themselves are not a democratic institution. They're a militarized organization, with guys in suits, mainly. So:) 60 of his top lieutenants — the top brass of the entire U.N. system — spent their Labor Day weekend at a remote Austrian Alpine retreat, discussing ways to put their sprawling organization in charge of the world’s agenda.

(A: Now, for the hard of thinking, I'll repeat that last part.)

spent their entire Labor Day weekend at a remote Austrian Alpine retreat, discussing ways to put their sprawling organization in charge of the world’s agenda.

(A: Now, that means there is a world's agenda, you see. Obviously. There is an agenda. They haven't told you what the agenda is, at least not in the regular media. You have to go into their books to find out what it is, and it's available, if you care to look for it. But it's very boring stuff, going through hundreds of pages of boring, boring bureaucratese language. It says:)

Details concerning the two-day, closed-door sessions (A: There's democracy for you, closed-door session) in the comfortable village of Alpbach were closely guarded. (A: They really suffer at these meetings, this Alpine retreat. They really suffer as they have their ten-course lunches and stuff. Anyway, it says:) Nonetheless, position papers for the meeting obtained by Fox News indicate that the topics included: (A: Listen to this.)

-- how to restore “climate change” as a top global priority after the fiasco of last year’s Copenhagen summit;

(A: After all the leaked, fake emails. The emails came out about all their fake studies and stuff. Remember, their job at the U.N. is to make a global society and rule it. So they'll use any con. Their members, I've read before, and the statements I've read from their members, say they must always create scary scenarios to make the public go along. Anyway, it says, how to continue to make global redistribution of wealth, that's a Communist plank, there, right there.)

-- how to continue to try to make global redistribution of wealth the real basis of that climate agenda, (A: So they're going to tie that in with climate agenda, claiming that they're going to take money off you, in the Americas, and Australia, and New Zealand, and across Europe, to help fight global warming in poor countries. This is their con game. You know darn well, it's got nothing to do with it. The money will not go there. It says:) and widen the discussion further to encompass the idea of “global public goods”;

(A: Global public goods, eh. The idea.)

-- how to keep growing U.N. peacekeeping efforts into missions involved in the police, courts, legal systems and other aspects of strife-torn countries;

(A: Total integration that is of all law enforcement, and the courts, and the armies. Eventually they want that to come under their own jurisdiction completely.)

-- how to capitalize on the global tide of migrants from poor nations to rich ones, to encompass a new “international migration governance framework”;

(A: That's a big one. I read about that years ago; in their books from the forties they were writing that. And I've got a lot of their old books, where they talked about eventually they'd be in charge of not just the distribution of wealth, but distributing labor as well from the poor countries to the rich ones. So, it's to encompass a new international migration governance framework. Do you understand? All we're living through is a big script that started with the League of Nations at the end of World War I, and then through the United Nations, World War II, up to the present. They talked about it at the League of Nations, everything I'm talking about here.)

-- how to make “clever” use of new technologies to deepen direct ties with what the U.N. calls “civil society,” (A: They want to be totally integrated with their computer systems to all new computer systems) meaning novel ways to bypass its member nation states (A: Remember) and deal directly with constituencies that support U.N. agendas. (A: Bypass nation states and deal with your area only. Back with more after these messages.)

Hi folks, I'm Alan Watt, and we're Cutting Through the Matrix. Just to recap what the U.N. has come out and said, at their little private meeting, up in the Alpines, having a wonderful time, and they said. #1:

--restore “climate change” as a top global priority after the fiasco of last year’s Copenhagen summit;

-- how to continue to try to make global redistribution of wealth (A: That's the transfer of your money via taxes and all the rest of it to supposed poor countries) the real basis of that climate agenda (A: So it's going to be tied in with the climate agenda nonsense)

-- how to keep growing U.N. peacekeeping efforts into missions involved in the police, courts, legal systems and other aspects of strife-torn countries;

-- how to capitalize on the global tide of migrants from poor nations to rich ones, to encompass a new “international migration governance framework”;

(A: So there will be a big, think about that, you see. Eventually, if you want to move to another country, you, you're going to have to go through the United Nations to see if they'll allow you to do so. That is the strategy. You see, the U.N. is set up really on the Sovietized model. In fact, Alger Hiss and Escott Reed, and even Lester Pearson of Canada helped draft up the charter of it, and they wanted world government. They were quite blatant in their own books about it. So, that's what's coming. And part of that too was the free transfer of goods and labor across the world. That was also signed into the GATT treaty, the G-A-T-T treaty by all your wonderful elected representatives as they sold out your countries. Now it says here:)

-- how to make “clever” use of new technologies to deepen direct ties with what the U.N. calls “civil society"

(A: That means they're taking over as your governments devolve or decentralize as they call it, as in Britain, for instance, where they're going back to Communitarianism. Because the U.N. then will take over in charge of your community, via its non-governmental organizations, which are already set up. And it says:)

As one underlying theme of the sessions, the top U.N. bosses seemed to be grappling often with how to cope with the pesky issue of national sovereignty, (A: That's the U.N.'s pesky issue.) which — according to the position papers, anyway — continued to thwart many of their most ambitious schemes, especially when it comes to many different kinds of “global governance.”

(A: So they want the end of national sovereignty. They've never made a secret of that, though.)

Not coincidentally, the conclave of bureaucrats also saw in “global governance” a greater role for themselves.

(A: Well, of course they see that. And by goodness, they get some paychecks there at the U.N., these bureaucrats.)

As a position paper intended for their first group session put it, in the customary glutinous prose of the organization’s internal documents: “the U.N. should be able to take the lead in setting the global agenda, (A: So there is a global agenda, don't forget that, they're admitting it here. You think they're just stumbling along day by day? That's how the media makes you think. No, there is an agenda. You're actually going somewhere, whether you know it or not, and it's always done incrementally, but it gets there in the end. It says:) engage effectively with other multinational and regional organizations as well as civil society (A: So they're talking about public/private, the multinational organizations and the regional organizations, that's all the NGOs that are run by the foundations) as well as civil society and non-state stakeholders, and transform itself into a tool to help implement the globally agreed objectives.”

(A: See, they really have been just signing you out for years, by signing treaties, eroding your sovereignty with each treaty as they go along. That's never printed and made much of in the media)

And for that to happen, the paper continues, “it will be necessary to deeply reflect on the substance of sovereignty, and accept that changes in our perceptions are a good indication of the direction we are going.”

(A: Now remember, when you really think about it, they're doing polls all the time. And I've seen some of these polls. They go through the different ages groups to see who's willing to give up this, give up that, and so on, and believe you me, the youngsters pretty well the world over, because they've all had their UNESCO training, really won't make much of a deal for global governance. They won't make much of a deal at all. And of course, all the students getting churned out of their main sources of indoctrination, that's the universities, really are all for this fairness doctrine. We'll all be fair, across the world, and equal across the world, living in this typical utopia, that never materializes, as we all become poorer and poorer and poorer.)

Hammering away at perceptions that nation-states cannot adequately meet global challenges, but the U.N. can, is a major theme of the position papers, which were assembled by a variety of U.N. think tanks, task forces and institutions, including the United Nations Development Program, and the U.N.’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

(A: That's all your tax money that pays their big fat salaries folks. It says:)

National sovereignty — meaning the refusal of major powers like India, China and the United States to go along with sweeping global agendas — was specifically indicted for the failure of the much ballyhooed Copenhagen summit on climate change. (A: So see, nationalism was a problem. That's why it failed. It wasn't the fact that their science was all bogus, and was shown to be so.) “National sovereignty remains supreme,” as one position paper noted.

(A: You see, there can only be one supreme power, and that's why they have supreme commanders and supreme this at the United Nations. That sounds like a Masonic Lodge.)

Nonetheless, the U.N. leaders intend to keep trying to change that, especially when it comes to the climate agenda. “The next 40 years will prove pivotal,” one paper argues, while laying out the basis of a renewed U.N. climate campaign, the “50-50-50 Challenge.”

Back with more on this after these messages.

Hi folks, I'm back, and we're Cutting Through the Matrix. 2050 they go on about at the United Nations too. It says:

...the world’s population will reach an estimated 9 billion (A: Now that's all up in conjecture, because they've admitted themselves, the population of most of the so-called civilized world is plummeting. Absolutely plummeting. And some of them below dangerous levels. So they love big figures and scary scenarios to get what they want. It says:), at the same time that the U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — producer of the scandal-tainted 2007 Global Assessment of global warming — is calling for a 50 percent reduction in world green house gas emissions.

According to the paper prepared by Secretary General Ban’s own climate change team, however, the newly re-branded challenge still depends on the same economic remedy proposed for Copenhagen: a drastic redistribution of global wealth, (A: That's going to stop global warming. Just making us all poor, you see, and all the other countries, is going to stop global warming. I guess because you can't heat yourself, you'll just die off. You know, you can't afford the carbon taxes. It says:) “nothing less than a fundamental transformation of the global economy.”

(A: I know what we should transform. It's the shape of the United Nations building.)

Rolling just about every U.N. mantra into one, the paper declares that “nothing is more crucial to preventing run-away climate change than lifting billions out of poverty, protecting our planet and fostering long-term peace and prosperity for all.”

(A: What liars they are. What utter liars these prunes are. You ever seen the cost, when they come out with these five, ten thousand grand suits on? These guys who talk, and talk, and talk about poverty. See they want to be in charge of the whole planet, like any other tyrant, you know, in history. It says:)

And to do that, the paper suggests, equally dramatic shifts in political power may be needed. “Is the global governance structure, still dominated by national sovereignty, capable of responding with the coherence and speed needed?” it asks. “Or do we need to push the ‘reset’ button and rethink global governance to meet the 50-50-50 Challenge?”

(A: They love these challenges. Ten year plans, twenty year, fifty, hundred year plans, just like the Soviets used. They use them all. So they want to take away sovereignty from the nations so they can deal with it properly, you know, with the big heavy hand. And you can imagine trying to get something done in your area, it's the same as Europe. People living in Britain, have this place, in another country, across water, in charge of them. You can't even see these characters face to face to complain. It's pointless. You see, you're post-democratic, you have no rights. All we're being trained now is that we don't really need them. We're civilized now. We don't need rights.)

Yet even as the U.N. bosses talk of delivering billions from poverty, (A: They've talked about that for their whole lives) their main aim, the papers argue should be much, much larger: to limit and redirect the aspirations for a better life of rising middle classes around the world. (A: And I'll just add this, as they take down the rest of the middle classes from the First World countries. Because that's really what they're up to.)

As the opening session paper puts it: “The real challenge comes from the exponential growth of the global consumerist society driven by ever higher aspirations of the upper and middle layers in rich countries as well as the expanding demand of emerging middle-class in developing countries. Our true ambition should be therefore creating incentives for the profound transformation of attitudes and consumption styles.”

(A: I've told you before. There will be no more consumption, you see, as they take away your disposable income, and replace it with fees and carbon taxes and penalties and all that. That's what's going to happen. They don't like the consumer society. And they've said it over and over.)

The answer to that “real challenge,” as well as many others addressed in the position papers, is that the U.N. and its proliferating array of funds, programs, institutes, and initiatives, should push themselves forward as the great synthesizer of solutions to global problems: “connecting the dots,” as the climate change paper puts it, across a “range of issues,” including "climate, water, food, energy, and health.”

(A: Now they've already got all their guys set up. Every country now has got climate managers and all the rest of it, in their government. We don't elect them. Everything is already changing. This isn't idle talk, here. They put it into practice, then they tell you about it. It says:)

How to get more of those resources is another major theme of many of the papers. As one of the documents focusing on food security notes…

Now, they want charge of the food of the world, by the way, and I've read the articles before from their own charter, from the department of agriculture, for the United Nations. They've also said in one speech, that food has always been used as a weapon. And believe you me, they will use it as a weapon, because they have said, that when they're in charge of the world's food supply, they will ration out to the world's regions, as they call the amalgamation of the old nations, and that will be made to keep your population down. You will not get extra food, if you go over a certain number. And you know darn well, once it starts running, it will be okay for a year or two, and we'll all play like little children, and then they'll cut it back, saying it was a bad harvest this year, you're getting less. You'll have to kill off more, and abort more, and sterilize more. And I'm not kidding about this. You mark my words. I am not kidding about it, at all. You see, it's so hard for the general public to believe that these creeps and characters and psychopaths with their elitist agendas really do exist. They're all eugenicists. They're recruited for their arrogance, and their belief in eugenics and superior types and inferior types. That's why they're recruited. So, I'll put this link up, at at the end of the show, and let you see it for yourself.

It's quite fascinating to have them come out now, now that know that most folk really, especially the youth, 20 and under, maybe even 30 and under, won't care very much if they're under a global governance system or not. Especially the ones who have been through academia, and definitely the ones who have been through the Ivy League Colleges and Universities, they will be all for it. Because they'll get good jobs in the new society. That's why Huxley talked about his idea of what was coming, and he was right, because he was part of the planning of the agenda, right up into the present, and beyond. So he talked to the Ivy League University characters, at Berkeley and elsewhere and was more honest and forthcoming about what he saw, and what should be done to the world, and how to manage people and their minds, especially the minds of the general public, using pharma and any means they could. He got awfully animated talking about wiring people's brains and controlling them. He thought that was just swell. That's what you live with, this kind of nonsense. It's really going on. And your country, every year will sign more and more treaties with the United Nations that you may or may not hear much about. Generally, you'll just get a one-liner in the newspaper, because the media isn't there to explain what is actually happening. Legally they'll inform you, by giving you a headline, a one-liner, but they won't tell you what it's all about. You have to do it all yourself, find out.

Now, we also have, really the emergence of what was in Jane's magazine, the military magazine many years ago, when they talked about creating the soldier of the future. They even made science fiction movies about it, that are not fiction anymore, where they would have a sort of cyborg type character, but before that they'd use pharma, drugs, various kinds of drugs. They've talked about drugs that would take away the pain of bad memories, you know, like slaughtering whole villages of people for no good reason, stuff like that, that might come back to haunt you in more sober moments. They'd also use pharmacology on troops on the field. Now, the average troop and trooper in Afghanistan and Iraq, especially Americans, are on about seven different prescribed drugs at once. Uppers, downers, all kinds of things. And they also smoke an awful lot of hash and stuff. And they also buy an awful lot of illegal drugs to supplement their addictions to the ones that are prescribed. So they're basket cases, really. They're also the generation who have been brought up with video games. You just kill, kill, kill. The ones you respect are the ones who just kill and get to the end of a game. That's what it's all about, isn't it? So they've played these military games that were designed for the military initially, their whole lives, growing up in their little X-Boxes, and here they are with a real gun, and they know darn well anybody they kill over in those countries, there's going to be no inquiry. No inquiry at all. Well, here's an article here, and it's from the Guardian:

US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers (A: Of the dead) as trophies'

(A: So this is a little throwaway to the general public, of course, obviously, to show you how humane they really are. When you join the military, you'll be sacrificed for any cause.)

Stryker solider who literally plotted to kill Afghan civilians:

Twelve American soldiers face charges over a secret "kill team" that allegedly blew up and shot Afghan civilians at random and collected their fingers as trophies.

(A: They'll get good jobs when they come home in the police departments, the guys that wear all the black and storm the houses that you're getting trained to that it's all quite normal. And I'm not kidding about that either.)

Five of the soldiers are charged with murdering three Afghan men who were allegedly killed for sport in separate attacks this year. Seven others are accused of covering up the killings and assaulting a recruit who exposed the murders when he reported other abuses, including members of the unit smoking hashish stolen from civilians.

(A: So they're even robbing civilians to get drugs off them. It says:)

In one of the most serious accusations of war crimes to emerge from the Afghan conflict, (A: And it's not the most serious. They've already blown up whole villages from the air, by mistake, and said, oops) the killings are alleged to have been carried out by members of a Stryker infantry brigade based in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan.

According to investigators and legal documents, discussion of killing Afghan civilians began after the arrival of Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs at forward operating base Ramrod last November. Other soldiers told the army's criminal investigation command that Gibbs boasted of the things he got away with while serving in Iraq and said how easy it would be to "toss a grenade at someone and kill them".

One soldier said he believed Gibbs was "feeling out the platoon".

(A: To see who'd be with him, you see.)

Investigators said Gibbs, 25, hatched a plan with another soldier, Jeremy Morlock, 22, (A: Interesting name, Morlock. That was H.G. Wells's guys who lived under the ground, eh.) and other members of the unit to form a "kill team". While on patrol over the following months they allegedly killed at least three Afghan civilians. According to the charge sheet, the first target was Gul Mudin, who was killed "by means of throwing a fragmentary grenade at him and shooting him with a rifle"...

(A: But it goes on and on and on about the other ones they killed by the same techniques, just for fun, just to pass the time, you know, when you're bored. And it says:)

Later in the day, Morlock is alleged to have told Holmes that the killing was for fun and threatened him if he told...

(A: And then they go through the different victims, who they shot, and blew up, and all the rest of it. It says:)

The Army Times reported that a least one of the soldiers collected the fingers of the victims as souvenirs and that some of them posed for photographs with the bodies.

(A: Well, they get them all to pose with the bodies to show that they're really big, big men, you know. Anyway:)

The killings came to light in May after the army began investigating a brutal assault on a soldier who told superiors that members of his unit were smoking hashish. The Army Times reported that members of the unit regularly smoked the drug on duty and sometimes stole it from civilians.

The soldier, who was straight out of basic training and has not been named, said he witnessed the smoking of hashish and drinking of smuggled alcohol but initially did not report it out of loyalty to his comrades. But when he returned from an assignment at an army headquarters and discovered soldiers using the shipping container in which he was billeted to smoke hashish he reported it.

Two days later members of his platoon, including Gibbs and Morlock, accused him of "snitching", gave him a beating and told him to keep his mouth shut. The soldier reported the beating and threats to his officers and then told investigators what he knew of the "kill team".

(A: It's quite interesting too. So now the kill team have got a lawyer:)

…his lawyer, Michael Waddington, is seeking to have that confession suppressed because he says his client was interviewed while under the influence of prescription drugs taken for battlefield injuries and that he was also suffering from traumatic brain injury.

(A: Ugh, what a winner, eh?)

"Our position is that his statements were incoherent, and taken while he was under a cocktail of drugs that shouldn't have been mixed," Waddington told the Seattle Times.

But I guess it's okay to put them out there with grenades and rifles when they're under this cocktail of drugs, eh, and let them blast away.

There's another video, I believe, up on youtube. I haven't seen it, but you'll see troops at a checkpoint actually put live grenades in people's cars, in the trunks of their cars as they're going through the checkpoints, then the next checkpoint that they've radioed ahead to, open it up, and question the people, and threaten they're going to kill them basically. Just for the hell of it. Just to get them scared and nervous, and you know, crapping themselves. That's how they pass the time there, these days. And they wonder, they wonder why these countries turn against Americans. Hmm? You wonder? Do you really wonder?



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Not only was the United Nations established by Rockefeller, Rothschild and the ‘globalists’, it now represents a bed of corruption and is accountable only to the globalists and their corporations. Let’s not forget that people have absolutely no say about United Nations appointments or policies.

A good example of the United Nations under the control of big corporations is the World Health Organization and their bogus H1N1 pandemic. Professor Chossudovsky, a former employee of the WHO, explained the 2009 ‘pandemic scam’ on Rense Radio. Professor Chossudovsky is also the Editor of Global Research.CA

Aug 3, 2009 40 minute interview with Professor Michel Chossudovsky


Suicidal men adore me.
What exactly are you exposing tho? It's a well known fact that the United Nations is just a tooth less tiger. Countries with the most influence, aka money, are never condemned. Just look at Saudi Arabian war crimes in Yemen and how the UN bypass it because of huge donations.

Anyways the UN is just a power game for the veto nations.

@Cognitivedissonance did you hear about the UN worker a Swedish one who exposed how the UN covered up peace keepers raping children in Mali?

Young Popeye

Call me pops
The united nation charter states that the UN is the supreme authority where there's no law higher than it. That goes totally against Islam cause Allah makes it clear through the noble Quran that he's the supreme law, so all the so called Muslim nations in the UN are not really Muslim states, they're secular including Saudia Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan...

Muslim lands have been communized (afghanistan) or secularized (Turkey), so that the dumbed down muslims may accept a corrupted form of the religion such as ikhwan, wahabi etc. this imran hosein is soft and wont get to the point, he refuses to throw takfir at the wahabis which is why i dont like him


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Muslim lands have been communized (afghanistan) or secularized (Turkey), so that the dumbed down muslims may accept a corrupted form of the religion such as ikhwan, wahabi etc. this imran hosein is soft and wont get to the point, he refuses to throw takfir at the wahabis which is why i dont like him
Bro, wallahi you're sleeping on sheikh Imran hossein, he's the only Islamic imam that I've seen exposing the pagan Wahhabis & al saud, he is by far one of my favourites, I love the information he puts out about Islamic eschatology besides he's made it clear on many occasions that Saudi Arabia is bed with istael.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What exactly are you exposing tho? It's a well known fact that the United Nations is just a tooth less tiger. Countries with the most influence, aka money, are never condemned. Just look at Saudi Arabian war crimes in Yemen and how the UN bypass it because of huge donations.

Anyways the UN is just a power game for the veto nations.

@Cognitivedissonance did you hear about the UN worker a Swedish one who exposed how the UN covered up peace keepers raping children in Mali?
:oh6b81q: I sincerely apologise, I didn't realise all this time that I was typing in Chinese, what a shame you can't understand it, I've provided sources as well so one may do their own research, in a nutshell the UN was set up & till this day controlled by a few people, why don't you try reading the info miise you can't be bothered, nacaala war tan maxey aheed balaayoda waa imtixam, patience naa patience kaga is wearing thin ee bahalka aqriso.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Maya Ma maqlin waxas rapeka sheegaysid laakinse I would'nt put it past them cause the men who own the organisation are pedophiles & very UnGodly to say the least.


Suicidal men adore me.
:oh6b81q: I sincerely apologise, I didn't realise all this time that I was typing in Chinese, what a shame you can't understand it, I've provided sources as well so one may do their own research, in a nutshell the UN was set up & till this day controlled by a few people, why don't you try reading the info miise you can't be bothered, nacaala war tan maxey aheed balaayoda waa imtixam, patience naa patience kaga is wearing thin ee bahalka aqriso.

You're too emotional. I wasn't mocking you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're too emotional. I wasn't mocking you.
Yeah I clocked you wasn't mocking since you ain't red any of the information that I've provided yet you conveniently ask how when the information is right there, I mean it's not in Amharic is it.


Suicidal men adore me.
Yeah I clocked you wasn't mocking since you ain't red any of the information that I've provided yet you conveniently ask how when the information is right there, I mean it's not in Amharic is it.

You didn't write you copied and pasted too much.

I was merely explaining that no one really takes them seriously...


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Anywho bun all that ish, Hieroglyphics? Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South Seas
But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means "Small Craft Advisory" kkkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You didn't write you copied and pasted too much.

I was merely explaining that no one really takes them seriously...
Well I provided that so you may read it, what's the point asking me when you have sources there & you could do your own due diligence miise you want me to do your critical thinking for you?
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