The West is corrupt as Africa if not more.

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The West is more developed but that doesn’t mean it is less corrupt. I wouldn’t even call African “corruption” “corruption” but rather excoriation. African ‘corruption” is in your face, you know where it is, how it happens and how much you pay. While in the West, all corruption happens behind backdoors, mainly done by the affluent class. The roles are reversed, poor unpaid African policeman or official engage in corruption to eat while the elite in the West engage in it to keep their position of power and enrich themselves even more. In Africa, everyone knows that it is happening while in the West, the poor and middle class are completely oblivious to it. And morally without a doubt, the average Westerners is more morally bankrupt, you cannot trust them, they always trying to one up each other, backstab each other, lie to each other and are social, sexual deviants(anything GOES), absolute no moral boundary with these people.

The West is portrayed as some sort of utopia while the real landscape is something completely different. And let not even discuss how they rose to power.


The West is not uniform.

Italians are most corrupt, Anglos are more corrupt than Scandinavians. Depends on where you are.
The West is more developed but that doesn’t mean it is less corrupt. I wouldn’t even call African “corruption” “corruption” but rather excoriation. African ‘corruption” is in your face, you know where it is, how it happens and how much you pay. While in the West, all corruption happens behind backdoors, mainly done by the affluent class. The roles are reversed, poor unpaid African policeman or official engage in corruption to eat while the elite in the West engage in it to keep their position of power and enrich themselves even more. In Africa, everyone knows that it is happening while in the West, the poor and middle class are completely oblivious to it. And morally without a doubt, the average Westerners is more morally bankrupt, you cannot trust them, they always trying to one up each other, backstab each other, lie to each other and are social, sexual deviants(anything GOES), absolute no moral boundary with these people.

The West is portrayed as some sort of utopia while the real landscape is something completely different. And let not even discuss how they rose to power.
The west are more expert than the africans when it comes to corruption.
Government money is accounted for in the West. Not in Africa. Who knows how much Somalis pay in taxes and how much aid the Somalis receive.

I used to intern for a government agency back when I was in school. There's a very complicated process to releasing funds and takes at least a year for the receiver to get anything with half a dozen signatures from senior officials and it must be released in an interest bearing account. This applies for any amount that has been released. There are regular audits that are done by independent auditor agencies.

Does this happen in Africa?
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