The ‘Presidents‘ of Somalia waiting in line for cars outside the venue
‘Why are they so late they told us to get out ages ago‘
Man next to him
‘At least it is not raining imagine if the conference was during winter‘
When your a beggar but expecting thisXaaf to Shariif
‘Next car that pulls in I am getting it do not dare it will be my ride I am tired waiting this long‘
Sharif to Xaaf
‘Do not be so impatient at least there is no dangers lurking around‘
Kkkkk he looks exacly like himAbdiwali Gaas is used to this
‘I am lonely, all by myself‘
Ahmed Madobe refused to attend the conference and threatened to pull out because of the way they were treated at the Airport which was against ‘protocol‘ and also the agenda of the conference which has changed