There are many ethiopian bars in wajaale


Death Awaits You
All the (ethiopian) female bartenders are available for hookup and they won't hesitate to tell you how much they cost. There are mini rooms within these bars where workers can bring their customers for a fee. Crazy. That's no different than being in a red light district. Is it also the same in jigjiga ?
Prostitution is the first and tenth commandment for Amharas, they would rather their daughter become a prostitute than a doctor. And we are colonized by such “people”
Prostitution is the first and tenth commandment for Amharas, they would rather their daughter become a prostitute than a doctor. And we are colonized by such “people”
1 in 10 females over the age of 15( many times younger) living in Addis Ababa is a prostitute it's crazy walahi.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
All the (ethiopian) female bartenders are available for hookup and they won't hesitate to tell you how much they cost. There are mini rooms within these bars where workers can bring their customers for a fee. Crazy. That's no different than being in a red light district. Is it also the same in jigjiga ?
Sounds like my kind of place
They need to set these bars up in mogadishu and garowe
Prostitution is the first and tenth commandment for Amharas, they would rather their daughter become a prostitute than a doctor. And we are colonized by such “people”
Nah the scum Englishman gave our lands to them as a reward for being such good dogs. These Aidsthopians could never
Sounds like my kind of place
They need to set these bars up in mogadishu and garowe
max von sydow priest GIF


All the (ethiopian) female bartenders are available for hookup and they won't hesitate to tell you how much they cost. There are mini rooms within these bars where workers can bring their customers for a fee. Crazy. That's no different than being in a red light district. Is it also the same in jigjiga ?
Thats their specialty throughout horn africa. They sell themselves sometimes as Somalis in Nairobi because Jarèers have a fantasy for Somali girls.

Ive heard its famous in their circles to go to Djibouti apparently they can get higher prices over there.
Prostitution has always been an Ethiopian custom throughout history and they are known for it wherever they are in the world.

The existence of "prostitutes" in various parts of the countriy was also asserted by the Armenian priest Dimothéos who claimed that whereas important persons travelled with their wives or female servants those of lower status "found prostitutes in the places where they stopped, and found them everywhere." Revealing the domestic character of such "prostitution" he adds that such travellers when "remaining for some time in the same place" would "give salary to one of these women with whom they lived," providing them with food and perhaps a dress and a couple of dollars a year, while the poor would "also find women who do not have permanent husbands ... this employment is regarded as honourable in this country."

Another observer of this period, the British surgeon Henry Blanc, reported that "professional prostitutes" were "very numerous in the large towns and camps," and, confirming the good status of such women, added:
"They are very highly considered there; rarely will they condescend to marry even a great chief or a rich man; and when for love or interest they exchange the voluptuous life of the prostitute for the seclusion of the harem they rapidly age and lose their beauty, their grace, and that charm which led so many lovers to their feet."

The business was apparently so lucrative that slave-dealers used its reputation, according to Wylde, as a lure to attract women from the Ethiopian highlands, with the result that there had been quite a business made of decoying pure-bred Abyssinian women to Gallabat, where they were told that they could make plenty of money by immoral purposes," but "once being got there, they were regularly sold to the slave dealers.

A British visitor A.B. Wylde likewise reported of this period that at the port as well as at the island villages of Monkullu and Otumlo there were "many Abyssinian women of easy virtue that do a good trade, save money, and ultimately return to their country, and are immediately married and lead a good life."

Traditionally, to provide for and support men was considered by society to be a reputable position for a woman and respect was often gained through duties carried out for husbands and male relatives. Therefore, in tracing the history of prostitution in Ethiopia, it is important to recognise that cultural values and beliefs have changed regarding the status of this work. Previously, prostitution was reserved as an occupation for high status respectable women who were thought to provide important services. During the middle ages, such women travelled with the Emperor's camp offering sexual services and later in the nineteenth century were found to offer such services to sailors, both local and foreign, at the coastal towns. It was from this point, although particularly through European infiltration into Ethiopia during the Italian occupation in the 1930s, that a different perspective emerged of prostitution as dirty, diseased, and not a service, confining women to hidden locations and degrading medical inspections. This thinking changed the value of sex workers in Ethiopia from respected to insignificant and despised, creating a prostitute identity that was in conflict with traditional societal norms and values.
These girls earned very little money from clients, often as little as 30 birr (£1.50) for the whole night, and generally worked from the small local bars and Tella and Araki.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
Prostitution is the first and tenth commandment for Amharas, they would rather their daughter become a prostitute than a doctor. And we are colonized by such “people”
It’s all the Gaalo Ethiopians. It’s very rare to come across a Muslim Horner female in the prostitution field. Gaalo Habesha (both in Ethio & Eritrea), Gaalo Oromos & all the other langaab gaalos of Ethiopia have an abundance of this, they are not different from the rest of gaalo Sub-Saharan Africa.

Even in Ethiopia & Sub-Saharan Africa the HIV rates are lower in Muslim regions. Islam is a huge factor why Somalis and other Muslim ethnicities are less likely to become s*x workers

