There are so many s out there.

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I always ask myself, who's going to end up marrying all of them? Every man naturally wants a virgin, at most a woman who has had 1 partner in the past and even that would be going to far for many. Where I am, I'd say at least 50% of the xalimos are certified s (known or otherwise). I can't speak for other regions in the diaspora, but if where I live is indeed an accurate microcosm of the diaspora at large, then it's simply not realistic that every man will get his idealized virgin princess. I'd go as far as saying most won't.

Gentlemen, any thoughts or comments? Ladies, your input is welcome as well.
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Not our women though. Some Somali women may be too westernised and see nothing wrong with promiscuity when everything is wrong with it. A lot in the UK are like that too. One Somali girl voluntarily showed me her bosoms without me asking for it. I had to look away instantly. Very embarrassing.
Not our women though. Some Somali women may be too westernised and see nothing wrong with promiscuity when everything is wrong with it. A lot in the UK are like that too. One Somali girl voluntarily showed me her bosoms without me asking for it. I had to look away instantly. Very embarrassing.

The amount of delusion, fantasy, and psychosis in this post are absolutely min-boggling. Sxb, please seek help. Anyone who is well accustomed with reality (i.e not you), would know that even with westernized s that hairy, smelly, short, and hooknosed gulf rats such as yourself fall squarely at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to their preferences. If they ever go for ajnabis, it's almost always either an cadaan or a Madow. The only ones who ever are interested in your kind are the ugly wahabi ones that none of us want anything to do with.

Sxb, if you're going to try to propagate these laughable fantasies about getting laid, you probably might want to at least make them somewhat believable. That is in addition to your near 1000 posts in just 2 weeks, which tells me you spend most of your day sitting in front of a screen. Just letting you know, but only ever seeing a "bosom" through the screen doesn't exactly count in most people's books, my friend. :heh:




You're right, I'm hooked nosed big wow come lick it.

(P.S. You still can't get our women though)

Now excuse me while I get ready for Jumah


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The amount of delusion, fantasy, and psychosis in this post are absolutely min-boggling. Sxb, please seek help. Anyone who is well accustomed with reality (i.e not you), would know that even with westernized s that hairy, smelly, short, and hooknosed gulf rats such as yourself fall squarely at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to their preferences. If they ever go for ajnabis, it's almost always either an cadaan or a Madow. The only ones who ever are interested in your kind are the ugly wahabi ones that none of us want anything to do with.

Sxb, if you're going to try to propagate these laughable fantasies about getting laid, you probably might want to at least make them somewhat believable. That is in addition to your near 1000 posts in just 2 weeks, which tells me you spend most of your day sitting in front of a screen. Just letting you know, but only ever seeing a "bosom" through the screen doesn't exactly count in most people's books, my friend. :heh:



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waa caadi we are all sinners with that being said no one want wax ninkale ku raxeeyste markas maxa kugu dhihilaha Somalia Iska aad bradar meeshan waxna ma yaalo except la soo isticmalaa, Kismayo iska aad aa mid fresh ah Ku soo qabo, western kuwa joogo majority waa kaa taala.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If they are hoes who are the men fucking them to make them hoes? I'll tell you who, the same Somali niggas who lay down the pipe on them.

I don't understand niggas who's been through the s in his city and then expect some sort of clean virgin girl to marry.

With all the complaints about somali hoes/s, I'm starting to think it is endemic only in north american/canadian/european diaspora communities.

I live in Australia and I haven't heard such complaints, in fact I believe it is quite rare.


As if they are 'hoes' by themselves. It takes two to tango, if you want Virgin women tell your men to calm down too. Don't let them out of their houses unnecessarily, that's what we do and no free mixing.


Citizen of Southwest State
Shisha spots are the biggest fitna for lamagoodles. Many lamagoodle women have surpassed shisha spots and guzzle untold numbers of alcohol at nightclubs and bars. Wallahi, last year, I overheard a lamagoodle hijabi invite another lamagoodle girl to a round of shots at happy hour. better. :ohlord:


I always ask myself, who's going to end up marrying all of them? Every man naturally wants a virgin, at most a woman who has had 1 partner in the past and even that would be going to far for many. Where I am, I'd say at least 50% of the xalimos are certified s (known or otherwise). I can't speak for other regions in the diaspora, but if where I live is indeed an accurate microcosm of the diaspora at large, then it's simply not realistic that every man will get his idealized virgin princess. I'd go as far as saying most won't.

Gentlemen, any thoughts or comments? Ladies, your input is welcome as well.
The most religious communities where I live are the Somalis. More religious than Carab, Pakistani and etc.


just gonna leave this here, walahu aclam.

الْخَبِيثَاتُ لِلْخَبِيثِينَ وَالْخَبِيثُونَ لِلْخَبِيثَاتِ ۖ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ لِلطَّيِّبِينَ وَالطَّيِّبُونَ لِلطَّيِّبَاتِ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ مُبَرَّءُونَ مِمَّا يَقُولُونَ ۖ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ

Women impure are for men impure and men impure are for women impure; and women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness and a provision honorable.

Surah 24. An-Nur, Ayah 26


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
This topic has been discussed ad nauseam.

So, I will merely highlight the benefit of chastity/celibacy and the downside of sexual activity (outside of marriage). I don't even need to come at this from a religious perspective.

(1) STIs which can cause infertility and unwanted pregnancy are linked with sexual activity (common knowledge).
(2) There is a positive relationship with marital satisfaction and having fewer sexual encounters.
(3) Individuals that are sexually active report lower rates of sexual satisfaction in long-term committed relationships/marriage compared to those that are not sexually active.
(4) Ultimately, the only person you can trust is yourself, hence it would be wise to not gamble your body away and put your trust/faith in someone that has no obligation to you.
(5) Individuals that are not sexually active can easily cut their losses with someone they are talking to (particularly for women). There's no need to overinvest when they did not get any cookies and there's no guilt/remorse. In fact, it's empowering.
(6) Not being sexually active is a sign of discipline, which is considered respectable by most people.
(7) If you are not sexually active until marriage it's so much easier to confidently give your children advice that is authentic and comes from your lived experience. Alas, a lot of Somali parents don't discuss this with their children. I don't blame them. It would make for an awkward conversation. My parents were among that few that did. They were of the opinion that times are different, and you can't merely expect your children to read your mind, nor can you say that something is impermissible, it must be backed up with valid justification(s). I had a very controlled environment growing up and I think my parents did an amazing job conditioning me to make decent/ appropriate choices, I often ask myself if I would be letting them down by doing such and such, and if the answer is yes then I don't. :nvjpqts:

Bear in mind, I'm coming from the assumption that the person you end up marrying is also faithful/monogamous and not like @menace.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The problem @sophisticate is that you are talking to a bunch of men who carry cultural double standards. I guarantee you most of these guys who complain about s aren't virgin themselves.

It's a bit tiring and quite creepy seeing the obsession with female virginity.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The problem @sophisticate is that you are talking to a bunch of men who carry cultural double standards. I guarantee you most of these guys who complain about s aren't virgin themselves.

It's a bit tiring and quite creepy seeing the obsession with female virginity.

Good point, it does appear like a major preoccupation for them. :hmm:


@VicePrez refer to my last post, pretty much sums it up mate.

You can't sleep with multiple women and expect to have a virgin wife.
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