There will be a civil war in Europe.


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
Honestly, i am not ashamed to say that this is the worst era to be muslim since the 9/11.

30-20years of immigration have made caadan go completely racist, i swear my parents were in Europe since the 90s and they never faced racism or issues like now, we the whole Europe is going far right, i think a civil war will begin sooner or later, we have reached decades of hatred and there is no coming back from this.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
well then lets fight, i need to be active :rejoice:
(There will probably be a World War)
We will leave soon inshallah, and when that happens it will be great.


Forza Somalia!
Honestly, i am not ashamed to say that this is the worst era to be muslim since the 9/11.

30-20years of immigration have made caadan go completely racist, i swear my parents were in Europe since the 90s and they never faced racism or issues like now, we the whole Europe is going far right, i think a civil war will begin sooner or later, we have reached decades of hatred and there is no coming back from this.
They were racist, in fact, they are probably less racist now than what they were 3 decades ago
There is a lot of bickering with hard line views on muslims, minorities etc on social media but that's really about it. The right are just the most political vociferous and hold strong views. It's not really a reflection on what most people views in Europe (especially young people) th

This is why the rightwing all over Europe has been losing popular support and collapsing:

Despite the news headlines about the rise of it's actually a fraction bloc filled with political illegality and constant infighting. That prevent it from gaining solid ground against a more united leftwing.

Same in America the righwing media was spamming ''The Red Wave is coming'' before the mid term elections

The result ended up with democrats taking the majority of the Senate

Most studies have shown that both in America and across Europe racist attitudes has been on a decline even though there is an increase in prosecutorial action against hate crime, it shows the issue is being taken more seriously than ever before

Studies also show that there is high levels of ethnic minority political engagement , with Muslims coveting parliament and local council seats in most European countries.

If Europe were to collapse or break out in conflict, it wouldn't be over minorities/muslims but rather over economic woes or nato alliance geo-political fighting
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