They went all out 4 him! 10 Cadillac escalate and police escort were used 2 welcome him

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Your superior
@Duke of Harshaw

That was a very good welcome for a somaliland leader, I wish they didn't interview him at the airport though, not good protocol.

I hope the government buys few nice cars ( about 30 range rovers /Cadillacs) to welcome leaders back home. I don't like the different vehicles in a line with the trucks carrying armed police, the police should be inside the 4x4s

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
@Duke of Harshaw

That was a very good welcome for a somaliland leader, I wish they didn't interview him at the airport though, not good protocol.

I hope the government buys few nice cars ( about 30 range rovers /Cadillacs) to welcome leaders back home. I don't like the different vehicles in a line with the trucks carrying armed police, the police should be inside the 4x4s

Adeer! Do you know that the US employed hundreds of psychologists who advice them on mind play.

They have agreed on one major thing. IMAGE US EVERYTHING!

You must appear professional and organized. That's why almost all the countries in the world copy America in projecting strong image. For instance just boat attention to the daily white house briefing.

Now Russia has realized this too
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