This cushtic nonsense needs to die


Forza Somalia!
The guy looked like the brits from 1800s who went to Greece and tried to inspire the revolutionaries by reciting homers verses in ancient Greek, the Greek he was talking to were like: What the f*ck he is saying I can't understand his weird language. The OP had same moment with r/Sudan members



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
To be anti-Cushitic is to lack ambition! Somaliweyn is small-time. This is the big leagues, nigga:


I weep at how the Xabash were not Islamized during the conquest 500 years ago. Imagine, walaal... we could have maybe had one nation between the Horn and Sudan. With that much land and peoples we could have been a mighty power that could wrestle the lands south of Aswan from the Masris and maybe bloody Aswan itself along with all of northern Kenya from the Brits and Bantus.

Imagine a nation from Aswan to Ijara and from Xaafuun to al-Junaynah, home to the civilization of the ancient Nubians, Aksum, the Barbaroi city-states, the Muslim Sultanates of the Horn like the Ajuuraan and Adal, the Abyssinian Empire, the Christian Nubian Kingdoms, the Blemmyes and Medjay of ancient legend and so much more alongside many interesting peoples like the Oromos, Sidamics and Omotics. Everything from green highlands to volcanic deserts to savannahs boasting all the wildlife diversity Kenya flexes at the gaalo to the Nile Valley itself and beaches, beaches and beaches! Not to mention a population potential well-over 200 million if we played our agricultural cards right.

I'd have gladly accepted Arabic as a lingua franca for such a glorious nation that could be a juggernaut on the world stage alongside the likes of India and China. 5,000 kilometers from north to south and east to west. Bismillah. Geeljires think too small with this Somaliweyn business. This was where it was at, saaxiib. Christianity fudging shizzle up like always.

sad death GIF by Global TV

When our country calms down and grows wealthy enough we must indoctrinate other NE Africans via mass media propaganda to be pro Somalia and pro panism and use this to create a regional super power union on the world stage! The nation that must be! It is a mandate from heaven, waryaa. To fight it is to fight what is right!


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